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About Apocalepse

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  1. Apocalepse

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    We have found pattern of this error: error appears when only AI is involved, and when it operates independently. If AI is under your command this error will not showed. And if you commander, when you'll died, the AI will play further itself this error will not showed. Error message I shall write later, now there is nobody to play. But the message standard - Windows error, that *.exe file has corrupted... and bla bla...
  2. Apocalepse

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Errors only in cooperative missions, in langame. :-( fix please...
  3. Apocalepse

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    thunderbird84 Messages from Russian users:-) Playing network game, MOD constantly stops with a error, at clients. How to enable vehicle damage effects? Thanks :-)
  4. Apocalepse

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    What are you did with LAN-part of FFUR mod in version since 1.05? FFUR 1.05 load LAN better than 1.01... This is very importaint for me because I'm from Third World ... and I pay more money for my traffic, in this version.