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Everything posted by Axelsson

  1. I have been trying to be able to use the object ID's visible in the editor to be able to use those in scripts, Lets say i want an objective be to nuke the crap out of a lighthouse somewhere. How do i go about to make a script able to "getdamage" or such from that specific object?. Been fooling around on the wiki and did a forum search but it didnt help. Appreciate it! S! /Axel
  2. Ah, and again the simplest of things are the key. I actually never tried that. I tried to get scripts to use the object id and stuff. Thanks, ill give it a try =)
  3. So, im trying to get a logo to be shown on the screen for approx, 5 seconds. Just because it looks nice. the image is correctly made .paa file, im SURE. I tried to borrow scripts from missions that had this effect. Altho they were much much more complicated than what i need. trying 2 or 3 different, but yet similar ones, i did not get any effect, and in one of them the image was tiny. So, are there are just basic setup available? I have spent and hour searching the forum, and nothing suitable came up. And the wiki has no information whatsoever. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class RscTitles { titles[]={}; class overlayblack { idd=-1; movingEnable=false; duration=10000; fadein=0; fadeout=0; name="overlayblack"; controls[]={"black","titel1"}; class black { idc=-1; x=-1.5; y=-0.1; w=4; h=1.2; type=0; style=48; colorBackground[]={0,0,0,0}; colorText[]={1,1,1,1}; font=BitStream; sizeEx=0; lineSpacing=0; access=ReadAndWrite; text="#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,1)"; }; class titel1: RscText{font=FontM; style=ST_LEFT; sizeex=0.025; text=" please wait ..."; x=0; y=0.96; w=1; h=0.04; }; }; class Trailer1{ movingEnable=0; duration=5; name="Trailer1"; controls[]={"titel1"}; class titel1: RscGraphic { text="kelly.paa"; colorText[]={1,1,1,0.6}; sizeEx=1; x=0.375; y=0.30; w=0.25; h=0.32; fadein=4; fadeout=4; }; }; and calling <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> TitleRsc["trailer1","PLAIN"] did not work. I took the code from a random berzerk map, altho their code seems to be more complicated than it needs to? Please help!
  4. So, im doing a fairly basic script of having a marker that follows the position of an object (in this case a helicopter). It works great... As long as it is only 1 helicopter, when there are multiple, it only works on the "last" one. This is ofcourse because markers needs uniqe names. So, i need to get the script to name the markers for each of the (currently 3, should not matter) objects that are being "tracked" by the markers. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // Marker create code _marker = createMarker [_helopos,[_pos select 0, _pos select 1]] So, i think i need to define something else instead of <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _helopos = "chopper" So what do i replace that with? to get a name based on vehicle name or something that is uniqe All help appreciated!
  5. Axelsson

    Script help

    Cool stuff, ill get on with right now =)
  6. Axelsson

    Script help

    Reading thru it, it looks like its exactly what i need. Im gonna try it out first thing tomorrow. I have the tracker script, and have read thru it. But with my rather limited knowledge of these things, not much made any sense. So, since we are on the topic, Creating markers for players, showing position + Player name. Can that be done as simple or will that require more advanced code? And another stupid follow up question. I do the location of the choppers with something similar to <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _pos = getpos _unit your referal to "Chopper1" in <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _marker=createMarker["Mchopper1",getPos chopper1]; Do i just type "chopper1" in the name field of the editor, or do i need to do something else? Thanks again for your help, and ill be sure to make a more suitable topic next time. cheers
  7. You can also add a west/east commander, And make his probobility of presence 0, The civvies will still be hostile to their enemies..
  8. Axelsson

    Tank combat simulation

    Yet, the same guys develop VBS?, I havent played or seen that myself, but since military forces use it, i bet it has a much better system. And also, the "tanks are more vulnerable from the rear" has been in computer games since BF1942. I would have liked a bit more creative thinking in this game than just a basic OFP upgrade, which it feels like now function wise. And i dont think the system will ever change either, since its not any small thing to change. imo, they should not use the word realistic anywhere. We got M4A1 that fire burst fire too. Im in a crappy mood, sry for whining, but i have to =) Still enjoy the game tho
  9. Axelsson

    Tank combat simulation

    Nice test =). I was mostly meaning tank vs tanks, where sabots seems so instantly blow them up. And arma's damage are calculated like in any "Quake" game im afraid.. Every object has a health, and every weapon has a damage number. Try the M107, its supposed to penetrate 21mm of armor (irl that is), on 500m. It does however fail to penetrate the window of a humwee. And IMO, year 2007, you could expect a little more advanced damage system. This one works, sure, but that about it.
  10. Axelsson

    Tank combat simulation

    My guess would be that armor front/side withstand more damage than the rear. I dont think angles and stuff are calculated, but i might be wrong =) I think the tanks blow up way to easy. They shouldnt blow, they should just cease to function, forcing the crew out (if not already dead)