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Everything posted by Autana

  1. Hello all, After finally getting arma 2 patched up to 1.07 and finally being able to play it, just about, i've hit another brickwall. Operation arrowhead. I have it patched to the latest (1.54) and it really is quite unplayable. Specs - 8800 GTS AMD 64 (+4000 running at 2.4 single core) Windows XP pro two gigabyte ddr ram. Now I know as well as the next man that this PC might as well be in the museum next to stephenson's rocket but I have mildley enjoyed playing Arma 2 on it which doesnt actually play that bad considering it looks like the contents of the alley round the back of the local pub on a saturday morning. But Operation Arrowhead is an enitirely different story. It absolutly kicks the living daylights out of my machine. It seems to be okay for a while but then seem that it's reading off the hdd like wildfire whilst it pauses the game (I know it's loading the objects ingame but Arma 2 wasnt this bad) It's just so hoggy on me system but like I say Arma 2 was playable I have everything very low and even a resolution of 800x600, still poop. I have the latest Nvidia drivers. I have defraged. I have done pretty much all the basics to get it running to an okay degree, but fail I heard on the forums that turning off Physx in the Nvidia control panel can help but in the control panel on mine it just has the option to choose either the Gfx card on processor? To be honest I lost touch with PC gaming back around 2007'ish. My heyday was back in battlefield 1942 whilst running it on a Geforce fx5900... So basically i'm lost with all these I7's, t100's and whatever other fancy named graphics chips they have these days and I just want an okay'ish running OA. I just wondered if any of you ladies have any (ANY) tips on what I can do with my trusty old rig. Is there anything in the config files I can change? Or is this just a case of waiting for another patch to bring some more optimization? Love and kisses.
  2. Oh C'mon! Theres no need to kick a man when he's down! ;) Do you know of a good (But cheap) dual core board and chip that would be okay'ish? Like I say I went out of the loop years ago, hence me rig :(
  3. Scrub this thread gents. Seems like i'm up the creek without a paddle on this one after spending the entire afternoon burning me eyes out reading everyones problems running the game okay. Will just wait for the next patch whilst I save for a better rig I suppose. Aye. I read it, and am now crying after seeing what machines people have and what performance their getting. I really need an upgrade if i'm to get any thing out of OA. I thought there may be a little tweak or something that could help, Bum.
  4. Autana

    WarFX Particles

    Same here my good man. I saw it on there and thought.. "Need ..it!" Great job Optical, going to have a download and if it looks half as good as it did on youtube then a swift change of trousers is in order tonight, maybe two..
  5. Thanks icbreakr :) If I hadnt of been so hasty yet again I might of actually read right at the bottom of your firts post and seen that there isnt any mission with the map, dur.. :o Cheers for the heads up.
  6. Ah it does show up in the single player editor, but not in the campaign menu so does that mean I have to add my own edits to the map and it doesnt have any pre determined AI on it and it doesnt have a campaign? Sorry if it's a stupid question, i'm still getting the hang of it all and I only get about half an hour on me gaming pc before I get moaned off it.. :o
  7. Hello folks, I've been looking at this cracking island but the island doesnt show up in the campaign menu, does that mean that it's multiplayer only? I have installed it al by the book but how is everyone here playing it? Sorry if it's a stupid question but if it is MP only then I dont have a chance as i've only got a crappy pay as you go dongle, boo.
  8. Autana

    VopSound 2.1

    Thank you so much! :) Gonna check this VOP out asap ;)
  9. Autana

    VopSound 2.1

    Hello all :) Just a quick question.. I downloaded the Sound of war mod and started playing the campaign (up to the mission where you get to free roam and get a uh to pick you up..) Now, I wanted to try this VOP mod and done all accordingly with the folders etc but upon trying to load my campaign game it came up with an error that I coudnt carry on playing it. something about modified content.. Will I have to start a new campaign with this mod?
  10. Hello folks, I've just managed to finally bag a cheap copy of Arma 2 off ebay (£13.09p) after stalking so many sellers and being too skint to pay the full £25 in gamestation (Just dont tell the missus I bought it at all or i'll never live it down..) Now while timmy is hopefully packing up my game and sending it off before the postal strike hits I was wondering if you helpful monkeys could give me any indication as to what it will run like on my old faithful crud PC? Specs - AMD 64 single core 4000+ running at 2.4 2 gigs of DDR ram 400Mhz 8800 GTS running the latest drivers It is quite a basic machine that I built when I had the money way back when and I know in the back of my tiny mind that it wont run the game too well but am I facing an fps nightmare with this? I'll slog on regardless as I do like me military sims but was just wondering what i'm getting myself into.. :butbut:
  11. I thought as much and whatever it runs like i'm sure it'll be fun regardless. Maybe one day i'll have enough pennies for some better equipment and build a beefier rig. I think godders just has a big stick up his backside about something..
  12. Hahaha is it really that bad? Well it's too late now anyway as it should be in the post (hopefully). And to be honest it'll give me something to do when trying to squeeze more fps out of it. It's either that or watch east enders and I know what I dont want to do...
  13. Not really a fan of demos if i'm honest. I'd rather have the full product and take whatever happens. Because even if my rig does die due to such a low fps then at least i've got the game still to try on the next rig i'll build, even if it's not any time soon. It may seem strange to some but thats just how i've always done it. ;)
  14. Ah so it seems my pants single core has finally met it's doom. I'll have a go at overclocking the old fart and see what it comes up with. Wish me luck with that as I havent got a lot in the way of cooling the thing apart from a wink and a prayer.. It's good to know what to expect though so thank you for the replys ;) Cheers Alex. :) No I can see your point to be honest and I was being a bit hasty in regards to starting a new thread without actually looking around. I guess I got too ahead of meself once again and I know threads like these are annoying to the regulars. I'll have a browse around. :)
  15. After making a thread and getting shot down i'll post this here and hope someone can answer my plight.. Hello folks, I've just managed to finally bag a cheap copy of Arma 2 off ebay (£13.09p) after stalking so many sellers and being too skint to pay the full £25 in gamestation (Just dont tell the missus I bought it at all or i'll never live it down..) Now while timmy is hopefully packing up my game and sending it off before the postal strike hits I was wondering if you helpful monkeys could give me any indication as to what it will run like on my old faithful crud PC? Specs - AMD 64 single core 4000+ running at 2.4 2 gigs of DDR ram 400Mhz 8800 GTS running the latest drivers It is quite a basic machine that I built when I had the money way back when and I know in the back of my tiny mind that it wont run the game too well but am I facing an fps nightmare with this? I'll slog on regardless as I do like me military sims but was just wondering what i'm getting myself into..
  16. Well theres nothing wrong with it kind sir I just didnt look hard enough. I shall post this there. Cheers for the nice warm greeting though to the Arma 2 community :)
  17. Autana

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    In that case could you explain the steps? Might change the topic of the thread if there were some actual useful info on this right here in this thread I'm not keen on the level of FOV myself, but I'd like something slightly more wider than FDF. If I can do this myself, I will. People, it's been explained already in a separate thread  . OK, once again.. Hi,Pancho! You should look at 'Class Man : Land' entry in editable config. There you'll find fov=1.00000; minFov=0.420000; maxFov=1.000000; Change marked values to 0.85000 (personally I prefer 0.75000  ) Wait, that's not all.. Look further below for this: class ViewPilot: ViewPilotBase { initAngleX=8; minAngleX=-40; maxAngleX=+45; initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-125; maxAngleY=+125; initFov=1.00; minFov=0.42; maxFov=1.00; }; Comment (use //) or delete marked string..or change it's values to initFov=0.75; minFov=0.42; maxFov=0.75; Now you can do usual cpp>bin and replace original config.bin. Good Luck! CAHEK, Thank you very much for that cheers.
  18. Autana

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Well no shit sherlock, i guess it's not to everyones tastes though eh? smartarse.
  19. Autana

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    I don´t. I want the old one back!!! I tried to mod it myself but to no avail. same here
  20. Autana

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    I just want to play it with the default FOV back in place i tried to mod it with the usable config but i couldnt find the soldier FOV line to change it back to 0.7 as someone suggested earlier in the thread, for some reason it just seems too much in 1024x768 and i can only handle five minutes of playing it at a time because it gives me eye strain where i'm trying to spot enemys far away other than that it is a brilliant mod, thank you for it, i have never played OFP before and i'm feeling a right arse for not trying it sooner Â