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About A.J.Sawyer

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I have no idea what so ever when it comes to mapping. The main things I have toruble with understanding in the wiki is that theres just to much jargon and jiberish. To many big words and no real explanation for what then mean. For example in the wiki theres a line that says Then I close visitor 3, turn off my computer and cry.
  2. The Regiment of the Grenadier Guards Who are we? The Regiment of the Grenadier Guards follow the rank structure of the British Army and the values of the British military. Our in-game tag is [RGG]. The unit is growing everyday, with more and more members joining to learn military tactics and to have fun. Will you be one of them? <u> Our Ambitions</u> We aim to grow stronger, larger, and gain more contacts within the Armed Assault world; we are a Squad for the community, with coop nights occurring on a regular basis. We have had several successful coop nights with people from the Project Reality community, and members have chosen to join us through this, after experiencing our professionalism, and maturity. We currently focus on cooperative missions, and the occasional Joint Operation with other Armed Assault units, however, in the future we are considering the possibility of expanding to adversarial matches, as long as they are in keeping with the way we, as a squad, feel ArmA should be played, that is to say, as realistically as possible. <u> Training</u> Upon being accepted as a recruit into RGG, you will be constantly assessed and monitored for all of the qualities we expect from an enlisted member for RGG, these qualities range from the more important aspects, such as teamwork skills, down to the less important aspects such as combat skills, we consider these to be less important, because these skills can be worked on during training sessions. We operate a training programme, which spans two Phases, the first phase works to teach, improve, and test a recruits combat skill. Be this formations, contact drills, or simple marksmanship training. The second phase covers more complex aspects, such as navigation, weapon, and vehicle specialisation, and escape and evasion. Navigation is a necessary skill within RGG, and, whilst we do encourage recruits to qualify in at least one specialist role, they are entirely optional parts of the course. Trainings are held every Friday and Sunday, starting at 2100 GMT. <u> Training Map</u> Within the unit we have several map, mission, and script creators, their skills are utilised to create intense cooperative missions that our members regularly enjoy. However, the creation we are most proud of is our home mission, boasting firing ranges, a FIBUA range, a driving course, a vehicle of every sort for our members to be tested on, a bombing range for the A10s and Harriers, and, of course and enemy occupied town to test out our training on. This map has everything we could possibly need to train new recruits, or for experienced soldiers to brush up on theirs skills. <u> Experience</u> Many of our members have experience starting back in the early days of Operation Flashpoint, and we have some of the best Leaders around, with extensive history in either Leadership, or Administration tasks. These people ensure the squad always runs smoothly, and have regular meetings to highlight any potential issues, fix them as soon as possible, and move onwards. Our CO, Lieutenant Finch, has a background in the OTC, of Officer Training Corp of the British Army, his skills, and his tactical knowledge lead the squad forward, in both skill and knowledge. <u> In House Missions</u> As mentioned above, we have the skills within the unit to create the intense and challenging missions for our members, these range from massive assaults on enemy occupied towns, to small-scale Special Forces reconnaissance missions. Missions often follow on from each other, from a Recce of an enemy base, we would continue on to assault the same base, using the Intel gained from the Recce to assist our assault. This is just one example of the benefits of being a member of RGG. <u> How do I join?</u> Head on over to www.rggsquad.co.uk, sign up on the forums, and create an application thread, from there we will start training you to become a member of RGG. <u> Other information you may want </u><u> Xfire</u> 1Lt.Finch – nightwo1f Sgt.Sawyer – juanhunglow <u> Game Server Details </u> <u> Teamspeak Details </u> Feel free to jump on, say hello, and utilise our public channels for Armed Assault whilst playing on our server. Regards, RGG Staff
  3. A.J.Sawyer

    Total Carnage

    Please lock this thread, a new unit is being set up seperate to TC by the former TC Armed Assault section Leaders.
  4. A.J.Sawyer

    Total Carnage

    Just a hello from everyone at www.tcclan.org. Total Carnage is an Armed Assault Squad, based on the UK Forces rank structure, and (when the correct addons are released, they are currently in the beta stage) its looks aswell. Please do not be put off by the fact that we are a multi game community, our ArmA members are dedicated and experienced. We are here to be a happy medium between the Ultra realism roleplay of certain clans, and the complete Arcade play of others. Myself and our CO, have years of experience on Operation Flashpoint, and have been playing ArmA since its German release in November. We currently play on our private server, which has Veteran difficulty and various mods on it, our communications software of choice is Ventrilo. We also develop a great deal of custom coop missions, to suit most players, and scenarios, these are produced by our CO, NiGHTWoLF. Most of our Active members are from the UK, although we also have members from Norway, and members from the US who have displayed interest after playing the US Demo. Anyway, I will leave the decision up to you, with the clan creed, and some posters. Total Carnage Armed Assault Unit Creed Behaviour and Ground rules · Respect the CoC (Chain of Command). · Do not refer to people by rank. · Rank is not gained by asking, it is through hard work and dedication and leadership experience/skill. · At PTE level, the PTE with more experience is the more senior, or higher ranking. · Attend one game a week to maintain your rank, if you do not give us a reason, you may be demoted to RCT, so turn up, or give us a valid reason! When in game · Do not discharge your weapon unless told to do so by a superior. · Do not wander to far from the group unless told to do so by a superior. · Dead men can’t talk, once you die, you are limited to in game type chat, and even then you must not give away any tactical information to those who are alive. · Do not Teamkill. · Do not team wound. · Do not spew random crap on voice comms whilst in a mission, banter is okay, but when people are talking about the mission, are in combat, or we are approaching a known enemy position, please relegate yourself to type chat, if anything. · Follow your orders, and wait for commands, do not for example, discharge your weapon, when we are about to perform an ambush. · Read and understand all formations (coming soon), you will be required to perform a lot of these in game. · Do not get in assets that are not meant for you. · Do not select a kit spot that is not meant for you. Added to this, do not drop the kit allocated to you, without first consulting a superior. These rules are designed for maximum fun, this is how ArmA SHOULD be played. Signed 1Lt.NiGHTWoLF - ArmA CO Sgt.Sawyer – ArmA 2iC http://i70.photobucket.com/albums....opy.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums....nal.jpg Check us out at www.tcclan.org See you on the battlefield!
  5. A.J.Sawyer

    Pop up targets to stay down

    I put the nopopup= true in the game logic, for some reason the it wouldnt work in trigger.
  6. A.J.Sawyer

    Pop up targets to stay down

    Wow thanks for the help guys. really appreciate it. Deano I have tried your method but it doesnt seem to work. I have the down.sqs like you have any set the initialzation to the same but the target is having none of it. NVM- I got it working, thanks again
  7. A.J.Sawyer

    Pop up targets to stay down

    So yeh, ehh...this things still bugging me. its pretty weird though, is the things classed as dead when you hit it thats why it goes down?
  8. How can you set it so that the "Pop up target E" remains in the down position once it has been shot? If i'm right in thinking the resurection of the target is done by an event which I have no control over. Anyone have any ideas of how to do it? Also if possible I wouldnt mind having the targets pop back up after a certain length of time, 5mins or something. Thanks for any help
  9. A.J.Sawyer

    Mission 3 problem

    same for me, apart from they got in a different truck, i drove back to the beginning with an empty truck and the mission finished :s
  10. A.J.Sawyer

    Questions about AI

    Bump Anyone?
  11. Hey guys I'm really new to this whole mission making and I have a few things I'd like to learn how to do. In the campaign for ArmA one of the missions you may recall is to assassinate an officer when he is in the hotel building. My first question is, how do I do it so that I can put AI unit into a 4 story building on different levels? Not entirely sure its possible to put them on different levels but I would like the have the units in the building somewhere but preferably not the ground floor. Next question is, how do I set it so that the Units react to a trigger. The trigger itself is set on a timer and is an alarm bell, i'd like it set so that the units become on a hightened alert and start searching for intruders. My last question is about Helicopter evacs, how do I set it up so that when I am at an extract point, I can open my map, call for the evac chopper using the radio, and then have it so it will land where I throw a coloured smoke grenade. Thanks a lot for any help