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Everything posted by Acacyn

  1. Acacyn

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    @Jackal326: You work is just unbelieveble!! <span style='font-size:19pt;line-height:100%'>Excellent</span>, like Mr. Burns would say. Your weapons pack is just amazing, but the upcoming weapons are, are, are....... more than just amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Request: It is possible to add to your weapons pack a AKS-74u (+suppressor, like in MGS2)??? Just a small suggestion. Im looking forward to the upcoming release!!!!
  2. Acacyn

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    Yes i have downloaded yours. It also cant hover over water. It drives IN water, but take no dammage. (i can show you pics, its true) And every speederbike (West/East) has just the "Horn" as weapon. Nothing else. I have no idea whether just i have this problem or not. ----------------------------- Okydoky, two news: <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>I.)</span> Im going to make a own Star Wars Mod, but for ArmA, not OFP. Guess what?? Of course it will be the.... <span style='font-family:Optima'><span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Clone Wars - The Renegades</span></span></span> Mod But of course i will still be an affiliate of the Galaxy At War Mod. II.) I will also make a further MOD for ArmA. It will be called the.... <span style='font-family:Impact'><span style='font-size:16pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>Metal Gear - Foxhound</span></span></span> Mod Im not just a big STARWARS fan, no, i love the METAL GEAR series (Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3 and the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 4) even more than Star Wars. So i will make a mod which deals with the legendary special operations unit called "FOXHOUND" which was created by BIG BOSSin the early ninetees. More informations soon. But of course i will release several single addons for OFP (Clone Wars and Metal Gear stuff)
  3. Acacyn

    Best East Fighter Plane!

    i suggest the Su-37 Berkut!!! Its my favourite plane!!
  4. Acacyn

    Extreme sports

    Very cool idea, Cell7!!!! I suggest some speedboats and moto cross bikes!!!
  5. Acacyn

    HK MP5 PACK 0.9 BETA

    Really good work!!! The models and textures are awesome!!!
  6. Acacyn

    Star Wars mod

    Click here to enlarge the picture Im going to release a small Teaser Trailer of the <span style='color:green'>Clones Pack</span> soon. Than you will se a lot of new units which havnt been showed yet. --------- @VipHeart: Its good to hear news from your promising Mod again.
  7. Acacyn

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    Click here to enlarge the picture Im going to release a small Teaser Trailer of the <span style='color:green'>Clones Pack</span> soon. Than you will se a lot of new units which havnt been showed yet.
  8. Acacyn

    Star Wars mod

    THe pics are looking very promising!!! Excellent Job!!!!
  9. Acacyn

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    Hey, thank you very much thunderbird84!!!!! @KaRRiLLioN: The speeder has just a "Horn" weapon, but no laser?!
  10. Acacyn

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    HUD = Heads Up Display (similiar to this example)
  11. Acacyn

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    But you have to buy it, right?
  12. Acacyn

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    Thank you very much! But this tool is just shareware and it decreases the performance really much. IS there another good tool? @[CAS]Daniel: Thanks for the informations!!!
  13. Acacyn

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    What is GUI? And there will probably be a installer like in the sky packs etc. so just the needed files will be there if im going to add those special things.
  14. Acacyn

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    Hm, what do you exactly mean? The weapons are like the HK, because as you had seen in the movies (AOTC) the weapons like DC-15 have almost no dispersion, so its actually easy to aim. Have i answered your question? BTW: I try to add a HUD and other special features (so there will probably be a new data-pbo and data3d.pbo).
  15. Yes, they look very good. But could you maybe add the Resistance buildings and vegetation too? to replace the whole island
  16. Acacyn

    Easily re-texturable addons?

    It will be automatically 32bit ( If you make alpha channel textures) just enable "transparent" option if you create a NEW image
  17. Acacyn

    Who will continue work for ArmA?

    I will probably make a website very soon. But at the moment you just could make a link to this thread. Of course you can quote me and the others wont have any problems with that too, i think.
  18. Acacyn

    House Divided.

    Are you already working on the nice female soldier??? BTW: Your pics are looking very good!!!
  19. Acacyn

    Who will continue work for ArmA?

    I will convert all my already done addons and i will start the... ...<span style='font-size:19pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>Clone Wars - The Renegades</span></span> Mod... for Arma. It will be a Star Wars Mod during the whole Clone Wars. I actually wanted to make it for OFP but i have decided to make it to a ArmA modification. More infos here. BTW: Very nice site!!!!!!
  20. Acacyn


    LOOKS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT WORK
  21. Acacyn

    Blood Brothers

    It sounds and looks very promising!!!!!!!! I look forward to play your campaign!!! BTW: What means CQB?
  22. Acacyn

    Easily re-texturable addons?

    This only depends on the compression of the .jpg files. Most of the files which i have used (TIE PACK II, ARC-170) are very small. I dont think there was a decreased performance. But i could be wrong of course.
  23. Acacyn

    Some Siege Equipment

    Your work looks really impressive. I hope to play with those cool addons soon. The remind me on Age of Empires I and Age of Mythology. Really good work!!
  24. Acacyn

    Easily re-texturable addons?

    Its really no problem to use .jpg files as textures. As you can see on my STAR WARS TIE PACK VOLUME II i have used almost only .jpg textures. I recommend to use them especially as high-res cockpit textures.
  25. Acacyn

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    @C4P741N: Thanks mate. I hope to meet all expectations of the community Yes i have some pictures of him. (he is very similiar to the EpVI Scout trooper, except the suite and the camo ) Yes thanks for the sugggestion. The fixed version of the TIE PACK VOLUME II i will release together with the remodelled LAMBDA CLASS SHUTTLE. And i also will add a new TIE Yepp, i could modify the speederbike by Sebastian Müller aswell. I will see what i can do Cell7 is already working on it. @Bonko the Sane: You can find the Speederbike by Sebastian Müller here. <span style='font-size:19pt;line-height:100%'>EDIT</span>: Do someone know a tool with that i can record videos (avi/mpg/...) during i play OFP?