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Everything posted by Aahz

  1. Aahz

    The Lost world Mod - jarrasic park

    Updates. Tyrannosaurus Hunting. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v479/Aahz/Hunting.jpg A herd of Parasaruolophus. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v479/Aahz/ParaAware.jpg Startled Dryosaurs. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v479/Aahz/DryoStartled.jpg
  2. Aahz

    The Lost world Mod - jarrasic park

    I think that the walking is realistic, Check out the videos here. http://www.freewebs.com/jpmod/ We are also making alot of other stuff that can be used elseware. and lots more to come.
  3. Aahz

    The Lost world Mod - jarrasic park

    Zombi scrips eventualy but for now its my own "hunting" script. It just tells the raptor to go to the target every 1 seconds. It needs to be replaced badly.
  4. Aahz

    The Lost world Mod - jarrasic park

    Hey all, my first post on these forums and I am in the mod. DEINONYCHUS this is more like the ones in the movies so I made it. It is still acurate to real life. http://www.dinodictionary.com/dinos_d.asp this is it: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v479/Aahz/Killsite.jpg Also here is the Indosuchus raptorius and The Albertosaurus. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v479/Aahz/indousuchas.jpg