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Posts posted by Arsenal53

  1. I have a problem when i am playing this beautiful mod crazy_o.gif

    When i want to load or reload a save or autosave, i have a ctd with this type of message "Cannot load « C:\Documents and Settings\Pre-user\Mes documents\ArmA\Saved\missions\MABloodSweatAndTears.sara\autosave.ArmASave »

    Anyone can help me?

  2. I have a CTD after playing  this mod 10 or 15 min. I've tried several missions for the same result some times with a blue screen but windows crash report can't tell me what's wrong.

    Spec: P4 3.0

    1024 DDR

    9700 pro 128Mo

    SB live 9000

    All drivers are up to date

    The little i've seen, this mod is great and AI new script is a new challenge to fight.
