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Everything posted by Ade662081

  1. Ade662081

    Comp advice

    Thanks EiZei I love simple answers. 2 gigs is plenty for me and I've heard about all sorts of driver trouble with XP64 so that's a relief. Cheers, Ade
  2. Ade662081

    Comp advice

    I'm buying a new system soon as my current one is a bit dated. I've found one I like the look of (AMD FX-60 and a pair of Nvidia 7800s on an SLi Mobo). What I want to know is: is it worth me getting the 64 bit version of WIndows XP? Will this help any games other than Far Cry? I've seen several reviews on sites like C-net and Anandtech and they just left me more confused than when I started (I think the machines are finally getting the better of me ) Grateful for any help. Ade
  3. Ade662081

    VME Release !

    This mod is a work of art, well done! I've noticed one problem. When I place a Y8 transport plane on the ground, the landing gear is invisible and it looks as if the plane is hovering a few feet off the ground. Also, how do you use the vehicle parachute? Is there some way of attaching it to a vehicle? For anyone wondering about the naming convention for Chinese vehicles (all those Q's and Z's), have a check here. Just scroll a few lines down to the third post. Cheers, Ade
  4. Ade662081

    VTE open beta 09-13-05

    There's always Remo's NVA pack - this includes a T55, T34 and a conversion of the CSLA PT76 along with a ton of other stuff. I tried it a while ago and they're all quality units with a nice balance of detail vs. not lagging too much. It's on ofp.info here: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=7574 Ade
  5. Still off-topic but I'm too nerdy to resist The UK mini-carriers were actually primarily anti-submarine platforms, as that was the Royal Navy's specialist role within NATO during the cold war. Their primary role was to launch Sea King ASW helicpters and the Sea Harriers on board provided an extra layer of air defence. They also had a Sea Dart SAM system the same as the type 42 destroyer. As for useless, all I can say is 'Huh?' The Sea Harriers were exceptionally effective in the Falklands and not one was lost in air to air combat (several were brought down by SAMs and ground fire). Sea Dart didn't do too badly either. The main capability gap in the Falklands was that UK forces had no AWACS cover. Since then, the fact that the carrier can carry our best CAS aircraft, all manner of helicopters (now including Apache), a marine commando unit, act as a command ship etc etc means that they have been a bit of a bargain and an excellent investment for a navy with a limited budget. I think you could say that the Kuznetsov is similar, but more powerful - a multi-role flagship. I wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of a Russian navy ship if it carried Shipwreck or Sunburn missiles, however rusty some of them look Ade
  6. Ade662081

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Bit of a n00b question : To use FFUR 3 (or 3.5), do I need to unistall the previous version, or is it OK to install over the top? Ade
  7. Ade662081

    The Iraq thread 4

    @denoir Depends on the range, angle of penetration, round type and what the engine is made from - aluminium is brittle enough that a 5.56 could go through. Having said that, your scenario is a very plausible one. I guess what really matters is that another incident that has sown mistrust among allies and fear among ordinary Iraqis has occurred. Worse, this one could probably have been avoided if said allies had communicated better. And the further away from any sort of improvement in the situation we go each time it happens. Ade
  8. Ade662081

    Climate Change

    I have a bit of a scientific background, including some university work on the carbon cycle and climatological modelling (not a huge amount) and I have to admit to being undecided about global warming. However, I think that reducing carbon emissions is a very good thing for several reasons. 1. Do we really want to take a huge gamble with what is, let's face it, our only planet? If you thought there was a chance that something would happen to make your house uninhabitable, wouldn't you take preventive measures, even if you knew it might not happen? 2. Our current energy supply (fossil fuel) is finite. We have a while yet before we hit trouble (current thinking anywhere from 20-100 years), but we will need a replacement, possibly within the lifetimes of people on this forum. Meanwhile, anything we can do to use our supply more efficiently has to be a good thing. 3. There are dozens of other pollutants released along with carbon. A reduction in energy use, materials used etc coupled with recycling to reduce waste disposal will run down many of the other nasties which our air and water gets filled with. Alongside this, poverty reduction and fair trade for the third world can play a huge part in improving the environment. If poor countries become better off, they are more able to implement the kind of environmental improvements seen in the West in recent years (clean air acts, better industrial regulation, more public transport etc etc). What gets in the way of this? Too much self interest from the people who should be taking a lead here (ie developed countries) and ridiculous media scaremongering that clouds meaningful debate on the issue. Whether man-made climate change is a reality or not, we have a lot to do to get to a way of life that is sustainable beyond this generation. Ade
  9. Ade662081

    The Iraq thread 4

    The soldiers probably didn't empty their clips into the car. Assault rifles are more powerful than a lot of people realise and a modern 5.56mm round can penetrate the engone block of a car and come out fast enough to kill someone on the other side. It is unlikely that the soldiers would have sprayed the car because by firing at the engine, that says to me that they were trying not to kill the occupants. If you fire a burst, the rifle will tend to climb because of recoil and you would risk shooting through the windscreen. The denting to the front of the car may be because it hit a lamp post or barricade after losing control. It looks to me like a tragic communication breakdown and it also looks like the soldiers did what they could to stop the vehicle and minimise the chance of the occupants being killed, but at the same time, as far as they knew, had no choice but to fire. Ade
  10. Ade662081

    NUT NBC units

    Looking very good indeed. Could do with some east units with NBC kit on as well. Russian soldiers would be good, but also, maybe re-doing some of the WYW Generic Opfor onThis thread might work well - gas-masked terrorist planting chemical bombs?? Ade
  11. Ade662081

    Generic OPFOR BETA 1

    Yayy! Finally got round to clearing out my /res/addons and creating some proper mod folders. Stuck the addon in with some BAS stuff including the deltas/rangers and earl/suchey's marines and it works. These are seriously nicely textured models and the selection is spot on. But making them available on all sides was a masterstroke and really helpful in the mission editor. There must have been some addon conflict stopping it but I fear the chances of ever working out where that was are a bit remote because my folder was in a bit of a state. Ade
  12. Ade662081

    Operation Farmland Mod

    Superb!! Already I can think of mission ideas aplenty. If you're feeling artistic, Cenobites (a la Hellraiser) would be pretty cool... Ade
  13. Ade662081

    FDF Winter Maldevic

    Fantastic island - I really can't fault this one. And the FDF Mod arctic units are superb. Love it. Ade
  14. Ade662081

    OFP Addon request thread

    Kolkrabe, It might be this one: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=2807 Alternatively: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=2815 Both are retextures of the BIS Skoda sports car. I might be wrong, but hopefully one of them will solve your problem. Ade
  15. Ade662081

    Nogova 2004 released!

    Nogova 2004 was a very good update, I like the way that the main towns were expanded and it felt more like a functioning country. Great for creating present-day missions. The only problem was getting AI to drive up the highway - is there any way that this could be fixed in the next version? Ade
  16. Ade662081

    Generic OPFOR BETA 1

    Tried the latest Nvidia drivers, still can't get it to work. Might be a clash with another addon, I'll have to try removing some and see if the error stops. I'll post again if I find out, might be useful for others. Ade
  17. Ade662081

    Generic OPFOR BETA 1

    Bucket Man, Could be. I'll try an update this w/e. Thanks Ade
  18. Ade662081

    Csla 2

    Nemesis, Partly it is. However, much of it has been modified quite substantially, and the Czechs, like many former Eastern Bloc countries can make a lot of the modded stuff themselves. Since the collapse of the USSR and their joining of NATO, the Czechs and others in the region are modernising their equipment, and a lot of western stuff is finding its way in. A good example is that (afaik) they are leasing some Saab Gripen jet fighters to replace old MiG 21's. Ultimately they are most likely to end up with a good mixture. Ade PS If I'm wrong on any of the above, let me know.
  19. Ade662081

    Generic OPFOR BETA 1

    These units look superb. Only problem is, I have a Geforce FX5700 and if I try to use them in the editor, the game locks up when I hit 'preview". Gah! I have tried the fixes suggested, using the update, installing Earl and Suchey's marines and the BAS deltas and rangers, but nothing seems to help. I'm using Res 1.96 and DXDLL. Anything that anyone with a similar card has tried that works? Ade
  20. Ade662081

    CIA Operator Teaser Pack

    Very smart units these. Can't wait for the final version. AFAIK, certain US army units have used the landrover for a while because the Humvee's bulk and limited top speed make it less suitable for being inserted by helicopter, making a swift getaway etc. Ade