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Posts posted by AustralianSpecialForces

  1. Quote[/b] ]

    But... ghostface.gif lots of jam HD equiped russians and a few bmp's swarmed the area and well made things complicated tounge_o.gif

    it was a uber feeling during night time when all the shots fired light up the sky and made think dhunk sounds in the metal when hitting the chopper and getting people inside while we got surrounded by loads of enemies wow_o.gif

    a couple of guys stayed extra time on the ground to fight off as many as they could while the a.i climbed onboard the regular way or with rope ladder.

    anyways it got really tense when i finally got airborne and took off and thought okay time to speed up to the ship, we had managed to work good team play and then suddenly a lucky AA or Rpg shot knocks down the chopper when we had like 800 m left to the endgame trigger tounge_o.gif

    Man that suck crazy_o.gif

  2. Theres a noise... biggrin_o.gif

    And a Flash... smile_o.gif

    And a Deafining... wink_o.gif (note: this i am still working on tounge_o.gif )


    Ok i am getting better at texturing, i was just fiddling around with a rust image just now and made a rusted flashbang. I reckon i got the hang for it now. there is also going to be a ammocrate to grab them from. With a bit o rust tounge_o.gif

  3. High School, and yeh started today wink_o.gif

    But I find time to do some stuff on these forums during IT (information technology) and sometimes maybe even a cold lunchtime. Homework is easy, well i get it done. rock.gif

    So i work on this as much as i can. smile_o.gif

    I am currently texturing it, expect some pics this week of it textured or underway wink_o.gif .

  4. I've decided to use my own textures. The model is not going to be to complex, as no one is going to see it much. The model itself will be much neater and accurate then the first screenshot though. wink_o.gif


    Some New Screens of the updated version Flashbang.


    Feel welcome to add suggestions. Also remember this is my first time using Oxygen wink_o.gif . I have highlighted the some bits to distinguish them as they can be sometimes hard to see. smile_o.gif

  5. Currently the only thing slowing me the tinyiest bit is "School" and some scripting... (The Flash works, but I am still working on how it will screw up Ai) I think maybe a hold fire command or something and a do stop combined will do the trick. Things like if your behind a wall and the Flash bangs on the otherside (wall is half a meter wide) is a problem because you would be flashed aswell even though its on the otherside. If any one can figure that out. Things like offtime giving me those textures - he will be included in readme .

  6. Thanks offtime, as i explained the model is no way near finished. I will be perfecting it this week so expect more screens. Those textures are great, though I need a paa to jpg or jpg to paa convertor. I had a link to get it b4 some called "TexTime" or something but it doesnt work. Any idea where to get one?

    Thanks smile_o.gif

  7. OFFTOPIC WARNING: Sounds will only lag you when there is 4000 of the same one going off at the same time. I have noticed that a few of Operation Flashpoint Owners experience a reboot when there is a lot of helicopters and vehicle AA (e.g. Shilka and or Vulcan). EAX can also cause a bit of this, "I" think.

    Custom sounds are good. But they annoying when everyones doing them, sound spamming such as this being repeated over and over:

    "Crappichino apa mongo, Crappichino apa mongo,Crappichino apa mongo,Crappichino apa mongo,Crappichino apa mongo," and so on.... It gets really annoying! Which is where cooperation can help.... smile_o.gif. Everyone who uses coordination and cooperation (the beloved two C's) are a smart and effective player. Even in DM the two C's are a great addition.

  8. It seems that most games are fun when against Humans, as RN Malboeuf said. Ai are fun to use and mix with them though as they are fun, but Humans you can study them and they will eventually show up a pattern aswell so you have stages, but Ai can be scripted to never have a pattern as we can easily change so in games like OpFlash , there are no limits. Cooperation and Teamwork is just easier with humans than Ai as a lot of scripting is need for them to answer you back in a sidechat as if in real conversation.

    Rommel, Out wink_o.gif

  9. I believe in a God, but not the Christian god. I do not believe that such a powerful being that can create time and life is going to really send you to Heaven or Hell whether you pray to him and whether you kill another. Our bodys are too complex, too smart, too great to be a mistake. And why are we here? Couldnt of just happened because of some gases colliding. How God happened is another mystery. If you think that we have come from a monkey and just get this one chance at life believe that, but I believe that we are just one stage of an infinite timescale. God is a creator that magically exists and helps us explain the unexplainable. All the proof of a big bang and all that, i just dont see how all these things can just *Happen* and we get to live and do whatever we want and that little organisms have made this body make you cold when your sick so that it can divert all its energy to helping you get better. Its all just to magical to be a mistake. And if it is, well i wont know if theres a Heaven or not. Only one way to find out and I'm gonna wait a long time till that comes along. wink_o.gif

    Although my freind believes in his own Religion called "Mattism". It is a group of gods from the Greeks and Egyptians and Norse and some guy called some weird name who leads them all. Its kinda just a joke. lol tounge_o.gif

  10. I once had an extremely fun situation whereas it a custom made global sector control on Nogova with 2 freinds on LAN. It was a respawnable map with vehicles at the spawn and about 3 squads and some tanks at each sector. The sector we choose to assualt was "Petrovice".

    The victims were:

    -Xanthos (Freind)

    -PoppinFresh (Bro of Xanthos)

    -Rommel (Me)

    Situation, 21:32pm:

    Team Alpha (Rommel) was behind the hill on the west side of Petrovice awaiting Go-Code "Lamentin", a squad of 12 loaded into three hmmwvs. Team Bravo (Xanthos) was waiting on standby in two Five Tonne trucks to pick up any wounded and take them back to heal. Team Charlie (PoppinFresh) was waiting on the west side of Petrovice in 4 hmmwvs. The Go-Code was initiated over false information of "All Tanks Neautralized". Team Alpha sped in from the North-West. Charlie moved in through the main road and came under frequent RPG fire losing 3 vehicles. The last one (his) turned away and fall back to base. I, Alpha was unaware of this as i moved in. I was driving at 70kmph when a RPG skimmed my hood. I stopped and told all to disembark. Only to see a HMMWV get hit by an RPG and 2 of my men sprawled on the ground. The other 2 that were in the hmmwv were badly injured. I ordered everyone to hide behind the Hmmwvs and get up shoot a few rounds into the small park of Petrovice then get down. Another RPG pummeled into the back hmmwv. 4 men who were behind the doors were killed instantly.being only six of the 12 men left i called for Charlie to pick me up. It seemed almost 10 minutes for him to reach me but in the mean time i was stuck behind the hmmwvs under heavy fire. Charlie came with one truck which 5 seconds after leaving concealment behind the hill and approaching us it was turned into a heap of debris and spraying shrapnel. I got 5 of the men in the truck and got in myself as i went over the hill i felt safe. The base was a mess vehicles with windows screwed up and injured all around the medic tent. Team charlie and Bravo then decided to attack the town with a BlackHawk and do a parachuting run but it was to risky to lose another vehicle (vehicles dont respawn) due to the AA on the rooftops. I decided to move in again with hmmwvs this time along the main road as their RPGs were almost depleted...

    I was driving along the main road into Petrovice at full speed with 2 other hmmwvs behind me i parked behind cover as soon as i could and got out of my vehicle. Ran for cover and layed suppressing fire on the MGs. It was then the BMP zoomed behind me that I had to clean up the puddle beneath me. I had no ATs and all RPGs were depleted. Teams Bravo and Charlie were still arming up but i was stuck here. Yet again pinned down with no AT and hiding from a BMP kinda gave me a bad situation. I got into the buildings with 4 remaining men of the 12 the set off and now lay on the ground. The grass soaked with blood. 2 men stood at the top of the stairwell keeping good cover on the entrance as me and another Ai got to the rooftop and picked off a few Ruskys...

    I'd say that was an extremely serious and fun situation. Intense yelling was all over the room calling for backup that never came was quite Exchausting but the most fun. wink_o.gif
