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Posts posted by AustralianSpecialForces

  1. Heres a Promotional Texturered Flashbang, with finished model, if you have suggestions about the model please advise me. The textures are mainly all done in this picture besides the ASF promos. I have done Promos because their the part where I am texturing again due to the O2 cut out. wink_o.gif



  2. Bloody O2, was just fixing a small error of stretching with the Textures, (Was overlooking them) and it "Finds an error"...

    I mean why... I have all the model all the main textures, just all the small little ones here and there that I have been using I have to do again... Sorry guys likes like its going to be a extra 30minutes to an hour longer until release now. tounge_o.gif

    Posting the pictures once its fixed.

  3. I know how to fix the MP Problem...

    How To:

    Go To The OFP Directory.(Codemasters/OperationFlashpoint/<HERE>

    Go To USERS (Codemasters/OperationFlashpoint/USERS/<HERE>

    Click on your USER Profile .(Codemasters/OperationFlashpoint/USERS/Artak/<HERE>

    Then delete userinfo.cfg, I am pretty sure thats its name. Delete that and then restart OFP, re-do your voice & face in profile. Then start MP. It should work now smile_o.gif

    I have had this problem, and most of my ASF freinds cause we all do Direct Play, the problem is that it has closed the game in Direct Play. This can cause Freezing as soon as you open Multiplayer. If you turn it off Direct Play back to Sockets after every remote connection, you shouldnt come across this problem, if you do.. Just follow the steps above. biggrin_o.gif

  4. I've got to go now, I'll upload the pictures on Saturday (got sports and stuff tommorow night) and I'll release the beta sometime next week. Just to show the progress rate. smile_o.gif

    Oh and would you believe it?

    Quote[/b] ]

    Estimation Time of Release [ETR]: Mid Febuary.

    It was right...


  5. kk, I'll upload some screens soon smile_o.gif

    Quote[/b] ]

    but it seemst like your skils arent good enought and your not willing to accept too much help from ppl taht want to help...

    Well if you read this:

    Quote[/b] ]

    ...add suggestions. Also remember this is my first time using Oxygen...

    And I aint the greatest scripter in the world, thats why I am asking for help... Gotta learn somehow. wink_o.gif

  6. regarding _X

    A snippet of code i copied from somewhere for an example:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


    @ _helo animationphase "switch1FRope" ==1

    ? (getdammage _helo)>= 0.9:exit

    _array = []

    "if (_x != driver _helo && _x != gunner _helo && _x in _helo) then {_array = _array + [_x]}" foreach _allcrew

    _allcrew = _array


    ? (count _allcrew) == 0:goto "next"

    If thats not enough code of what it is please tell me and i will get the rest of it. wink_o.gif

  7. Had similar problem, your not alone buddy. Now It freezes everytime i push on MP but only for about 2minutes then it loads, although it only does this when i am in direct play as default. Thats my problem i think, the freezing ingame i presume is because.... Uknown. Is there a pattern, (e.g it happens at a certain time, like 30 minutes in, or is there a sound or unit that is present...) explain exactly what happened at the time everything u can remember, what town u were near, or the units around you, ect. wink_o.gif

  8. A consistent modified jump script of Philcommandos, the difference between this and the original is this has a smoother jump and fixes a few bugs.



    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    _vehicle = _this select 0

    _dammage = getdammage _vehicle


    _vehicle removeaction A2

    _vehicle setdammage 0

    _vehicle setpos [((getpos _vehicle select 0) + 0), ((getpos _vehicle select 1) + 0),((getpos _vehicle select 2) +0.5)]


    _vehicle setpos [((getpos _vehicle select 0) + 0), ((getpos _vehicle select 1) + 0),((getpos _vehicle select 2) +0.5)]


    _vehicle setpos [((getpos _vehicle select 0) + 0), ((getpos _vehicle select 1) + 0),((getpos _vehicle select 2) +0.5)]


    _vehicle setpos [((getpos _vehicle select 0) + 0), ((getpos _vehicle select 1) + 0),((getpos _vehicle select 2) +0.5)]


    _vehicle setpos [((getpos _vehicle select 0) + 0), ((getpos _vehicle select 1) + 0),((getpos _vehicle select 2) +0.1)]

    _vehicle setvelocity [(velocity _vehicle select 0) * 1.3,(velocity _vehicle select 1) * 1.3,(velocity _vehicle select 2) * 1.3]


    _vehicle setdammage _dammage


    A2 = _vehicle addaction ["Jump", "Jump.sqs"]


    In The Players Init Line

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    A2 = this addaction ["Jump", "Jump.sqs"]

    This works for as many players as you want. Please note there is now a rest between jumps to allow for the death that could follow due to "setvelocity" when you land after doing it twice or more quickly. wink_o.gif

    There is currently a bug that will happen to all when using the Jump action in the action menu in MP, you can make other people use jump without them knowing it because if your close enough it pops up in your menu. If anyone knows a way around this please tell me. In SP dont add Jump.sqs to Ai use the script below:


    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    _vehicle = _this select 0

    _dammage = getdammage _vehicle


    _vehicle setdammage 0

    _vehicle setpos [((getpos _vehicle select 0) + 0), ((getpos _vehicle select 1) + 0),((getpos _vehicle select 2) +0.5)]


    _vehicle setpos [((getpos _vehicle select 0) + 0), ((getpos _vehicle select 1) + 0),((getpos _vehicle select 2) +0.5)]


    _vehicle setpos [((getpos _vehicle select 0) + 0), ((getpos _vehicle select 1) + 0),((getpos _vehicle select 2) +0.5)]


    _vehicle setpos [((getpos _vehicle select 0) + 0), ((getpos _vehicle select 1) + 0),((getpos _vehicle select 2) +0.5)]


    _vehicle setpos [((getpos _vehicle select 0) + 0), ((getpos _vehicle select 1) + 0),((getpos _vehicle select 2) +0.1)]

    _vehicle setvelocity [(velocity _vehicle select 0) * 1.3,(velocity _vehicle select 1) * 1.3,(velocity _vehicle select 2) * 1.3]


    _vehicle setdammage _dammage


  9. mad_o.gif

    Quote[/b] ]

    I know you are working for free, in your own time off. You dont have to answer to anyones deadlines, we all cant wait to play it. It comes out when it f-ing comes out, end of story

    wow_o.gif Dont Give Them Ideas... wink_o.gif

    I guess everyone here knows, all we want is a estimated release date. As say even if its the 5th of April, just tell us something thats reasonably true then we'll as the topics called "..Countdown"

    Please? smile_o.gif

  10. KyleSarnik, i just cant seem to catch you on MSN...

    Anyways, The Flashbang now has sounds thanks to Victor_S, he has also supplied textures. If Kyle can help me with the config and some of the bloody scripting, it should be done soon. smile_o.gif

    I'd say about %68 done. wink_o.gif

  11. A squad of 12 is enough, just other interactive groups, (e.g. Your under heavy fire at um... Petrovich, you use a standard radio command like "Under Fire" but not just in your group and maybe an idle group will come to your aid. It'd be a good idea, but if you have a guy on guard and u use it it could muck things up, so you'd have to be able to turn it on and off in the mission editor like:

    Say a Soldier:

    Able to be called upon for help... etc [YES or NO] wink_o.gif

  12. Well I dont know about Fongs Cooperation, but sounds like you guys were coorperating, its things like that when you can rely on your freinds and you know if they will come or not makes a massive impression on your playing manoervers.

    Also good story, knowing whats going to happen can be a bit annoying so I reckon Fong kinda did the right thing tounge_o.gif

    Thats another reason i like games with random events or Ai like in MFCTI, as an example, you never really no what could happen.

    Gotta love OFP and its openness to be edited. Its what makes the game it is today. smile_o.gif
