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Everything posted by AustralianSpecialForces

  1. AustralianSpecialForces

    Military Humor

    eh? Dead Corpses and Killings?
  2. AustralianSpecialForces

    Military Humor

    1.Try to look unimportant - the enemy may be low on ammo 2.The slip of a M203 trigger could lose you the respect of your fellow squad members. 3. Never tell the Platoon Sergeant you have nothing to do. 4.It is not advised to hold a grenade with the pin out for to long.
  3. AustralianSpecialForces

    FlashFX replacement Units

    FlashFx is cool - though i am not sure which one i like better FlashFX or ECP ......... hmmm
  4. AustralianSpecialForces


    Not that i'm a cheater but that invisible thing could be real fun - freinds coiming over soon so gonna try it on them :P Note: I dont cheat but this is gonna be a funny prank on them.
  5. AustralianSpecialForces

    How about a forum night?

    I'd like to play but i am Australian will that badly affect my ping!? Another thing is i dont have FDF mod and cant be bothered downloading it so when will we not be using that mod ?
  6. AustralianSpecialForces

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    @Sanctuary I copied the Original Anim.pbo and put it in a Temporary Folder (not so temporary anymore though :P) named "Original Anim". I then got a de-pbo and de-pboed the Anim.pbo that was in Res/Dta and put the custom Animations in. I then Re-Pboed it and put it as default back in Res/Dta. That way when i wanted BIS default i just replace it with the one thats in Res/Dta/Orignal Anim/ Its Simple i just cant be bothered with all the other stuff like -mod=whatever What i accidently did was took the Custom Anim.pbo out of Res/Dta and deleted but forgot to put Orignal back in.
  7. AustralianSpecialForces

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    @Silent n deadly - thanks mate thats what i wanted. Anyone able to do that swimming animation? *EDIT* Oh MY God! Heres my situation: /Res/Dta/OrignalAnim/Anim.pbo /Res/Dta... No Anim.pbo I had no Anim.pbo and man the Anims are weird. When the guy reloads he ******bates. Lying down is a standing ready with gun. Then theres other totally weird stuff. When u shoot its kinda cool. Also you run 2x slower. It doesnt muck up game so someone else should try it. You could get some ideas.
  8. AustralianSpecialForces

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    Anyone know of a Animation where someone is laying against a wall? Example: | _ _ | |_ |_ _ | /- -\ | \ - / | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | \/ / | / \_ _ _ __ _ _ / | / _ _ _ _ / | / _ _ _ _ *EDIT* Sorry For The Bad Drawing :P
  9. AustralianSpecialForces

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">To Anyone Using Mozilla FireFox I do not believe you can download the Anims on this page as they continuosly are corrupt. Use Internet Explorer as it is not corrupting the files!? :crazy: Just FYI How Do You Make Custom Animations? He He... Anychance of a breakdancing one? Or.. A Swimming One!! I could make the scripting and you do the Anim (if you cant do the scripting in the first place ). Then we release it as a PBO file!? @Sanctuary I just cut the original Anim.pbo and put it in a folder named "Original Anim" inside Res/Dta and then put my new one in
  10. AustralianSpecialForces

    Cooperation and Teamwork

    Well If you have a A10 LGB currently flying, the LaserDesignator when marking (click once as if firing, click again to turn off) comes up as a red dot, i believe the bombs auto guide to it or you Lock on to it. Either way it helps alot and is quite fun to see it done on the ground.
  11. AustralianSpecialForces

    OFP Addon Quiz

    Starship Troopers Dropship!?
  12. AustralianSpecialForces

    OFP Addon Quiz

    Nice Work KH! I thought that would be hard.......
  13. AustralianSpecialForces

    Can It Be Done?

    @Placebo I just cant seem to do things right today (multiple posting, massive posts etc). I dont do these things intentianlly.... Soz Placebo....
  14. AustralianSpecialForces

    OFP Addon Quiz

    Ok. Thanks. Note: Call Me Rommel as I use this account for multiple users and i just change the signature if its someone different (doesnt happen often) Anyone know what Cockpit it is yet?!
  15. AustralianSpecialForces

    OFP Addon Quiz

    What Cockpit does this belong to?
  16. AustralianSpecialForces

    OFP Addon Quiz

  17. AustralianSpecialForces

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    iF You want i could put all the files on my site. Pictures, Movies even the main release if you wanted to?
  18. AustralianSpecialForces

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    iF You want i could put all the files on my site. Pictures, Movies even the main release if you wanted to?
  19. AustralianSpecialForces

    Soon Releases From ASF

    - NewsBoard - Image Archive Now Online
  20. AustralianSpecialForces

    Soon Releases From ASF

    To Find out all AustralianSpecialForces newest releases go to our Site. There you will find all the newest releases and news from ASF. Also feel free to sign up for our Forum.
  21. AustralianSpecialForces

    Can It Be Done?

    Ok KinHill OFP Is Pretty Easy and after a few weeks of looking up commands etc you understand scripting. I have just learnt within the last 3-4months how to do things that make OFP a even better game. Regarding the Init and command lines this is what you do to make a unit move into a vehicle. Unit moveincargo Vehicle Unit0 moveincargo Vehicle0 Unit1 moveincargo Vehicle1 You can name the Unit and Vehicle whatever you want. In OFP you cannot have 2 units with the same name so you might put a number after so you have similar e.g. AlphaBlackTeamMember AlphaBlackTeamMember2 AlphaBlackTeamMember3 AlphaBlackTeamMember4 etc Hope This Helps You Mate. Private Message Me For Any Help.
  22. AustralianSpecialForces

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    Same.... I was so excited i pissed on my chair Wasnt till i saw the version number 0.43? or something like that. Cause i realised the new ECP is 1.075. I almost cried i was so dissapointed Please Release It Soon, Sniffle... I forgot to say.......... Merry Christmas a few days ago.... lol
  23. AustralianSpecialForces

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    Same.... I was so excited i pissed on my chair Wasnt till i saw the version number 0.43? or something like that. Cause i realised the new ECP is 1.075. I almost cried i was so dissapointed Please Release It Soon, Sniffle... I forgot to say.......... Merry Christmas a few days ago.... lol
  24. AustralianSpecialForces

    What type of mission do you want made?

    I like missions where you have no control AI are smart - they capture towns, convoys are random to get ammo to places, a large scale war, ambushes etc. Player organised assualts/assasinations. | \/ "Freedom of War" MFCTI - Almost 3 Months Back in 2004 - On [AUS] Buggfix's server. "I was sitting on the hillside near Levie after a battle talking with my freind Xanthos, deciding what to do next, when I got a message in SideChannel of a request for me to report to the base for a Newly Organised SpecOps mission, I arrived within 5minutes to find a BlackHawk struggling to stay on the ground and 2 Men standing with guns on their backs. After a small briefing of: Your going to be dropped behind enemy lines, and that they will tell me the rest en-route. They armed me with a Sileced HK Mp5 and LaserDesignator. Next Thing I was 60 feet above the sea in a UH60 MG. I was then told while flying to the target destination that i was to eject over the targer 1km from the reported enemy base and locate and mark their Light Vehicle Factory. After a few minutes of Elimanating AI outer defenses and a small patrol i did my Objectives. 2 Minutes later i heard a faint A-10 in the distance. I had been warned over the Radio to stay clear of the area. Almost 10 seconds after i first heard it the Shilkas let loose. I marked them with the Laser Designator and the player thanked me afterwards. I then marked the Light Veh Fac and saw it get flattened. Soon afterwards their base was elimanated and i was extracted, only to find halfway back to base we won the match." That was one of my best mp games, mainly because other players cooperated. If all players stopped going in Solo all the time and not contributing any Teamwork, the game wont be as near as fun as it should be. My advice to you all is to have fun, but help others do that to by working together. Rommel
  25. AustralianSpecialForces

    a good flashpoint mission should make me feel:

    This may seem weird - but I love playing a multiplayer mission like CTI and getting pinned down and having no control of the situation. Screaming over the TS2 channel for extraction etc.... I dont like how some people waste their life in games as if it means nothing. I like Single player missions cause if you die your dead and have to start all over. If mpmissions incorporated this effect on you but you still respawned, i reckon it'd be more fun. Neither way i just love getting pinned down and under MG fire etc. Specially in CTI. The sound of my mates BlackHawk coming over to extract me then a shilka blowing it down leaving me helpless is also good. Well good but bad..... if that makes sense . Another fun thing is getting blown out of the sky in a Mi-17 falling to the ground (engine fails) and it crashes slides along the ground and you get out barely alive. Then again your pinned down in some Urban Terrain... I just love the smell of running for cover and calling for Evac.