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Everything posted by Arne

  1. Arne

    Loading texture Problem??

    I do it that way with PS7 and as long as you save them as 32bit TGAs without compression you should be fine. But I remember that I had serious problems with PS6 after upgrading to 6.0.1 or so. It f*cked up all TGAs so I downgraded to 6.0.0 and all was fine again
  2. Arne

    someone could make a quick summary

    Sure, but that needs not be the case necessarily. AFAIK BF2 (and maybe it predecessors) only use one Resolution-LOD and the 3D engine simplifies the model on the fly. Don't believe it? Hugues Hoppe at Microsoft Research has some interesting demos about that stuff: Hugues Hoppe's homepage. Unfortunately it seems to be down at the moment
  3. Arne

    Rezina Island

    Direct Link:CEEB_Rezina Mate, I love that island!
  4. Arne

    Missing shadows

    1. Make sure you have switched on shadows in the OFP settings. 2. You need a ResLOD in your P3D with ~300 faces. (You may set a named property for all higher LODs with more faces to: lodnoshadow=1)
  5. Arne

    ofp ignores res lods -> bin error?

    regarding the WRP-Tool-tells-me-it's-not-an-ODOL: http://flashpoint.nekromantix.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1126855964 Seems to be a WRP-Tool import problem rather than a binarize related problem. Have the same problem with some of my ODOLs. bye, Arne
  6. Arne


    You may have a look here or even here. Hope that helps. Otherwise do a search in the troubleshooting sub-forum for "cannot create 3d device".
  7. Arne

    XK-2 SK's NEW MBT

    Yep.... a tank needs/has to look like a sports car. At least a bit Like the good 'ol PzKpfwg.V "Panther" or - nowadays - the Argentine TAM. A really like that 'little' thing.
  8. Arne

    Strange issue

    Unfortunately I can't give you a solution, just some tips. The ladder is a two-sided 4-vertices polygon? Or at least set up with a couple of them? - use different TGA->PAC/PAA tools to convert the ladder-texture. Sometimes PanTools gives me bad textures whith 32Bit TGAs and a transparent Alpha layer. Then I use PaaTool - play around with the different settings of it. Try PAA and PAC. Sorry, don't know what the ingame issue is - have made a ladder in a similar way for my smokestacks: no problems ingame. bye, Arne
  9. Haven't much experience with AEF but are these AEF-Train related issues? Driving from Front to horizon - The engine went ahead but according to the switch it should have gone to the right. Engine came from top (horizon) and then ran straight into the green instead staying on the tracks.
  10. Arne

    Unsung help

    I'd suggest using a-lone-wolf's P3D to OBJ converter. Works well with all my models so far.
  11. Arne

    OË› Tool

    Hello altogether, I've been working on a Win32 Application written in Delphi that could (hopefully) be of use for Oxygen2 modelers. The idea behind that tool is that correct LOD-Values (like the BIS ones: 0.5 , 1.5, 3.0, 5.0 ...) for a given number of vertices have always been a mystery for me. My tool is able to analyze MLOD models and extract the following values for each LOD: - LOD Value number - number of vertices and - number of polys in that LOD. Right now I'm computing another value that may be of use: a bounding box. That means a six sided box where the model fits exactly inside. Given that bounding box (a simple "convex hull") I calculate a 'Vertices per cubic meter' value. All the models you analyze can be saved in a proprietary database for future use. Now let's say you want a function for the number of vertices per LOD-Value. Example: Take the BIS Resistance Bus: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> LOD Value Vertices Polygons ========================= 0.5 3279 3264 1.5 2665 2133 3.0 1334 1078 5.0 779 602 7.0 491 306 9.0 195 99 Your model has 2800 vertices in a LOD and it has a similar shape/outline as the BIS Bus. Now what LOD Value would you give that LOD? If you look at the table it should be something between 0.5 and 1.5. But what exactly? So I tell my tool to analyze the BIS Bus and compute a function: LOD-Value = f(Vertices) I'm approximating right now through the use of splines. Disadvantage is that the function is not defined for higher / lower Vertice/Polycount than in the reference model (e.g. BIS Bus) because it just interpolates and cannot extrapolate. The first Beta of my App is almost finished, just needs some text at the axises of the drawn function and some testing. What do you think? Can it be a help? Any idea how to extrapolate? Anybody with knowledge in numerical computations here? Wish you a happy new year, Arne
  12. Arne

    OË› Tool

    IMHO linear interpolation is not the way to go. Have a look at the BIS Bus example in my first post: it's a non linear equation! I'll try to find a better way of interploation - e.g. Lagrange polynoms.
  13. Arne

    OË› Tool

    People wanting to participate in Beta testing can contact me vie eMail, ICQ or MSN. NOT vie PM here as I don't check them frequently. Thanx, Arne
  14. Arne

    Secondary Weapons Oxygen Tutorial

    Don't know of any tutorial particularly for that kind of weapon. But I suggest looking at other people's work (Kegetys made nice RPGs e.g.). IIRC a shoulder fired rocket launcher does not differ from a gun in respect of the LODs needed. The config is different and you can create a model that shows the rocket launcher loaded and empty (if that's a significant visual difference like the Soviet RPG-7/14) and a model for the rocket itself in-flight. Hope that helps a bit.
  15. Arne

    M60A3 By HWM

    I got 17fps with a single M60 of yours on Desert Island with a XP2400/GF4200-128MB/1GB RAM. I really don't dare to test it on Nogova.... but I hope you will rethink your ultra-high-poly-count strategy. I gave you some hints about the "Why" today on MSN. You got texturing skills - use them! I think that ~10,000 vertices (like KingHomer's M1A2 or DKM's Challenger 2) should be the upper level. Regarding the Marder, I'll send you an eMail.
  16. Not a big addon (less than 300kb), but could be useful for island makers, so I decided today to release it to the public: A working traffic light system for OFP. The stages of the lights are: red - red/amber - green - amber - red. That's how it's done here in Germany. If you need others, post your suggestion on our forum. You can download it from our download section of Team Yankee. As my call for beta-testers a month ago vanished unheard, don't blame me for any bugs, but please report them on our forum. Thanx, Arne
  17. As people here tend not to stay on-topic I have asked a Mod to close this thread. If you want to continue a serious discussion about the addon and not the new license I invite you to visit our forums. But please stay on-topic there. There will be a short statement about the new regulations people like to discuss here and the reasons behind them the next days on our homepage. thank you for your patience, Arne
  18. Encouraged by honchoblack I release five 3D-Previewpacks for use with WrpTool to the public. I made them in Feb./2005 so I hope that they are not outdated by now. In detail the five sets contain BMPs, INIs and XMLs showing objects of: - AGS Industry Kit - AGS Harbour Kit - AGS Buildings - Mapfact Baracken - Mapfact Objects1 (Airport) You will find them all in the download section of Team Yankee. I checked them with WrpTool, but I'm in no way a serious island maker. So there might be some errors. Don't blame me Have fun and refer to the readmes how to "update" your 3D-Preview folder. Arne
  19. The Traffic Lights do not affect the vehicles in OFP - as in RL no red light stops you from ignoring it The idea with invisible walls sounds nice but AI will try to find a way around - and will run into buildings for instance. This is even more a problem for tracked vehicles that can turn on the spot. If you see it this way: it's a disadvantage of our system, but I can't think of a way of how to do it (without many manually placed triggers). I want to keep the use of the Traffic Lights simple - not everybody is a scripting-genious. I hope that the PDF and demo-mission answer all questions. Actually I haven't testet the lights at night, probably you won't see them at all as the whole system uses animations of textured faces to simulated the on/off light effect. I'll experiment a bit with it. If someone knows how to do it with "real" lights, please say so. The idea behind this addon was to create a small urban addon for Sgt.Savage's Casurina Island (e.g. the blue/grey busstop behind the bus is from our Urban Objects Pack - not released yet).
  20. I did the same and found TWO PBOs. I suggest you take one and I'll keep the other one. That's fine for you?
  21. You could decrease the filesize dramatically by deleting both Thumbs.db files (they are hidden) down to 6.4MB. Windoze Explorer generates them for faster thmub-nail preview of the pictures. I did some 3D-previews for WrpTool a long time ago - with proper XML files: - JOF-Objects - JOF Baracken - AGS Harbour - AGS Industry - AGS Buildings If there's interest I can put it on ftp space. bye, Arne
  22. Arne

    New Tank

    if you need some detailed information about the M-24 Chaffee contact me via IM/eMail. Regarding the Sheridan: Problem was the caseless HE-ammo. It often detonated in the tube prior to ignition command.
  23. Arne

    Mapfact Nogova Mine Ltd

    Nice stuff, Martin. Had the same texture-issue with the two worker types. Would like to see more rusty textures for the loading spaces of the trucks. BTW: the V3S Transport has grenades on board???
  24. Arne

    Casurina Island

    Don't want to hijack this thread, but the traffic-light system now seems to work with WrpTool set objects, too. If you are making an island with urban character and want to beta-test the system (comes with a PDF that should answer all questions), contact me please via eMail / ICQ / MSN. No PMs please as I don't check them frequently. thanx, Arne
  25. Arne

    Gizmo mapping is driving me crazy

    I'll try to give you a short summary of what I know about Gizmo. First of all I see that you marked different kind of objects to be textured in one step via Gizmo. You have the cone at the tip, the -more or less - cylindrical part of the center fuselage, and the rudder. The rudder is almost flat! You see the three axis (red/pink/green) in the center. Just select only cylindrical parts that have the same centerline and (almost) the same radius. The red and pink arrows refer to the radius. Either both have the same length for a circle cross-section or they differ in size for an eliptical cross-section. In the Gizmo window you see the drop-down menus "3D" & "2D". They behave the same way as in the main window, but only refer to the size of the three couloured axises. Just play around a bit and Undo. You can move the center of the three coloured axis by selecting the main window by clicking Ctrl+LMB or Alt+LMB without loosing your vertex/face selection(s). Then move it around (with RMB pressed). Your first task is to move the three axises into the centerline of the faces you want to texture. The <span style='color:green'>green</span> arrow has to go along the centerline. It has to be on the centerline, not just parallel to it somewhere! Now use "3D|scale" to scale the three axises: red and pink touch the faces of the cylinder, while green touches bottom/top. You can rotate the axises by pressing Ctrl+RMB and dragging the mouse. Then play around with "Wrap U" & "Wrap V" Buttons along with the "Swap UV", "Mirror U" & "Mirror V" buttons. I suggest using a simple cylinder for trials. Hope it helps...