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Everything posted by Arne

  1. Arne

    Martins Hughes 300C

    Sure, it's a light heli, but the same applies to your Bell 47, doesn't it. A 7.62mm MG (guess you used one with your Bell 47 - due to the rate of fire and amount of ammo) would be fine - I think.
  2. Arne

    Martins Hughes 300C

    Not a real request, but I miss a Resistance Version like you did with the Bell 47. Some other camo and a single MG. Perhaps most of that can be done by some copy&paste action from your Bell47?
  3. Arne

    Gorgeous Hind?

    you're talking of the guy digging for rocks in Greece? Didn't he say he'd come back this month?
  4. Arne

    Using ODOLex to convert to MLOD

    I really hope so - I discovered last week that some people have stolen parts of our static railway addon. Just some new textures and moving the whole thing around in O2. I'm pretty pissed...
  5. Arne

    Easily re-texturable addons?

    I've never used PSP do create 32Bit TGAs, but this might help: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Editing Alpha Channels with Paint Shop Pro by toadlife - (toadlife@hotmail.com) This tutorial was done using Paint Shop Pro 6. There is a misconception that Paint Shop Pro is not powerful enough to do advanced texturing for OFP add-ons. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Paint Shop is a powerful program that costs a fraction of what that other graphics program costs. People assume that it is only good for simple graphics editing because of what they read. This short tutorial assumes you already know: * How to use texview * The basics of Paint Shop Pro and image editing in general. * How to convert images using texview * How to swap textures in OFP models About TGA (.tga) files TGA files feature a background and an alpha channel. When you open a TGA file up using PSP, the picture will appear all black. This is the "background" part of the picture. The background is all transparent, and isn't seen when being displayed in the game. The alpha channel is the part that will be shown in the game. Think of the background as being a window and the alpha channel as being paint that covers parts of the window. When you look at the window you can see through everything except the painted part. Getting Started Open up Paint Shop Pro and open up the TGA file that you want to change. In order to view the alpha channel, go to the "Masks" menu and select "Load from alpha channel". Once you have the Alpha Channel loaded, move to the "Selections" menu and click "Select all", then copy and "paste as new layer". This copies the current alpha channel to a new layer, which you can freely edit. If you don't do this you will only be able to edit the painted part of the alpha channel. Editing the Alpha Channel Now that you have an "editable" alpha channel layer, go to the "Layers" menu and delete the original alpha channel layer so that the only layer left is the new one you just created. Edit the alpha channel to your hearts desire. Saving your new Alpha Channel and scrapping the original one When you are done, go back to the "masks" menu and select "save to alpha channel". A window should come up which show the current alpha channel present in the image. First, you must delete the original alpha channel, and then save the one you have just edited to the image as a new one. You now have edited the alpha channel of the image. Save the TGA file. (IMPORTANT: Make sure you save the TGA file as" 24bit uncompressed" format!) Restoring the background The last thing you need to do is close the file and then re-open it. The image will appear white instead of black (this is the "background" I mentioned before). Fill in the whole image with black, and then save it again (IMPORTANT: Make sure you save the TGA file as" 24bit uncompressed" format!). Now your background is the same as it was before you edited it. Congratulations! You now have an image that is just like the original, with your new updated alpha channel! -toadlife
  6. Arne

    Animations on Static objects

    Not just a config problem: GeoLOD needs the property "class = house" for WrpTool placed static objects with animations. Same if you have a building with ladders.
  7. I'm working on a new bridge. When testing it ingame I recognized that at one end (the last 5m approx.) the player 'runs on the spot' like if there is no roadway LOD. Then I tried shooting at that end (see pic) and the bullet hits something that isn't modeled in OË›. Some data: Min/Max X is -20m/20m (same for all LODs - ResLODs or any other LOD). GeoLOD has no non-convexities, neither do FireGEO or ViewGEO have. GeoLOD has mass of 250,000 kg. No FireGeo/ViewGeo/GeoLOD component gets through another one. Binarized the model, binarize does not throw an error message. I've redone the RoadwayLOD: no improvement. Strange thing is: at first I had it 64m in size (X-axis) and the above mentioned problem arose. I thought that I have to shrink it to 60m because of some limits. Still had the problem. Shrinked it further to 50m, now 40m. Still have that problem. The 'problematic area' starts approx 1m after the red archs on both sides go through the concrete. Any idea? thanx, Arne Edit: Problem solved
  8. Arne

    Casurina Island

    Traffic lights are all 'on' shown. I've got a working solution of a "Trafficlight Management System" that handles the lights for a single crossing for editor placed objects. Have to work on that for WrpTool set trafficlights. All in all 32 types of busstops are in beta now, more urban objects will come.
  9. Arne

    Casurina Island

    As long as I haven't declared anything as 'classified' feel free to post screenshots with our objects BTW: I've reworked the blue seatings - look better IMHO now.
  10. Arne

    Casurina Island

    I made some railway-station buildings for our Mod, they are almost finished, just need to write a Readme. If you want to beta-test them on your island, feel free to contact me via email.
  11. Arne

    uv unwrap?

    Divide it by 20 and I would give it a try For what reason are you modeling 250.000 poly models? Just for rendering purposes? If I can't use it in Ofp it's useless for me to create such beasts. Actually I'm quite disappointed about the way BIS handles the community Take EA e.g. : they released a Plugin for GMax/3DSM for Battlefield Vietnam. I wouldn't care if BIS would have done this and a small app. to put the LODs together. And their 'commented config' is just a laughable thing! copy&paste comments randomly.... nothing I call "commented" BTW: what happend to your HK33/53s???
  12. Arne

    Two questions about O2

    It's one square meter. Is there another 'meter' besides the "metric meter" ? Brssebs Tuts LOD Tutorial by Lowland Warriors How about reading the fist thread on the first page? Meet the lod family
  13. Arne

    uv unwrap?

    3DSM with a price of $3000 is a bit too expensive for a hobbyist. Besides: it would take years for me to handle that beast And other 3D Packages seem to have the same learning curve. Actually I don't miss anything in O2 (and its bugs I don't miss at all), but for texturing purposes I have to switch to something more convenient.
  14. Arne

    uv unwrap?

    You may try UV Mapper. P2MS does not directly convert P3D->3DS but uses Milkshapes proprietary .ms3d as output which you can convert with LithUnwrap to 3DS. Sounds good for me, but it seems as ms3d does not know of 4-vertex-faces as O2 e.g. I have a model that uses 4 vertice faces as much as possible, converted it to ms3d -> 3ds, textured parts of it and re-imported it into O2. All 4-vertex-faces were converted to two triangles. Okay, but O2 will not squarize two adjacent triangles that were a 4-vertex-face before! Even when I take the texture away from the whole model. It will not squarize them! I checked vertexes with Shift-E: the easy recognisable ones (where one co-ordinate is constant) could be squarized. I tried it with a simple cube (F7 in O2). Exported to ms3d -> 3ds and re-imported it. The import-sequence was able to squarize all 12 triangles back to six squares. So I think that the model might be too complex or it's just another bug in O2 For these reasons I'll give P3D2OBJ (tools section on www.ofp.info) a try as it knows of 4-vertex-faces and so there should be no reason to cut a square into two triangles.
  15. Arne

    A flag for Everon

    I vote for flag #1 in blue-white-blue or black-white-blue colours.
  16. Arne

    Everon Defence Force soldiers

    At least using scripts you can equip soldiers with whatever you like. But when it comes to vehicles the camo should be identical. No space-station? What kind of objects?
  17. Arne

    Everon Defence Force soldiers

    Good Job as usual, Ironsight!
  18. Arne

    Team Yankee

    I hope to present an internal Beta in 4 to 6 weeks. =>Team Yankee Betatest Recruitment
  19. Arne

    Team Yankee

    We just want to say Hello and introduce our new website to the OFP-community. "Another Mod?" you may ask. Well, not a complete Mod of its own. We want the player of our upcoming campaign to play as Captain Bannon, commander of Team Yankee, a tank heavy combat team stationed in West Germany in summer of 1985. The iron curtain is still in existance and Soviet aggression is rising... The player will see the first fourteen days of World War III through Captain Bannon's eyes with missions to play as they are descibed in Harold Coyle's novel "Team Yankee". If you want to know more of our Mod then visit us at Team Yankee. Don't miss our FAQ section and we invite you to visit our forums. Arne, Team Yankee
  20. Arne

    Team Yankee

    M88's status is "on hold" due to the lack of an experienced texturer in our team. Nevertheless work is continuing on other sections. Today: Entrenchments! Single 'stand alone' entrenchments aren't too uncommon and have been seen among OFP-Addons quite often, but this is something new: Team Yankee Trench-Construction-Set (TCS). By now 40 different parts to be connected to each other. Have a look: More screenshots on our homepage at Team Yankee TCS will come in different versions for different island textures (by now 2 for Nogova, Malden, Everon, Kolgujev, Desert and Arctic). Adapting it to other islands isn't a great deal so we hope that you may support this project. thanx, Arne
  21. getMarkerPos gives you a 2D position, but you need a 3D position. Try making a [x,y,z] like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> my2DPosition = getMarkerPos "whatever" my3DPosition = [my2DPosition select 0, my2DPosition select 1, 0] I confess that I don't know if that's the problem!
  22. Looking at the NV-goggles I always wonder why someone would like to wear these things. All the enemy needs to do is to aim right between the two green glowing dots.
  23. Can't confirm either bug-report (OSV-96/RPG reload problem) here. Works fine.
  24. Arne

    Nature Pack - European

    would like to, but link seems to be down. Couldn't get it neither with Firefox nor with Getright.
  25. Arne

    Team Yankee Bridge Pack help

    DO NOT USE V1.00 One bridge section ist defective in V1.00 due to faulty PBO packing by MakePBO. Download V1.01 from our site www.team-yankee.net. I know that the steel girder bridges still have at least one bug: AI units won't cross it. I'm on it, but I'm getting more and more frustrated as I can't find the error For your unpacking problem: use WinACE 2.xx from www.winace.com