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Everything posted by AKM74.

  1. AKM74.

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    Good. Now you got it.  If you alone have a deep depression when I only mention you homeland, just imagine what 300.000 Chechens will feel when they will be ask leave their Moscow apartments and go back in free Chechnya. We can’t do it with those peoples. No way.  At least Putin can’t. Girinovski will… So if you want to speed up this process, go ahead, bless terrorists. Finally. That’s my man. I really respect you now. At least you tell Europeans how you will thank them for "social help checks" they keep sending you now. BTW Is live condition really that bad in their home country? I mean is this a really way to go? Start uprising in "infidels" country’s, to have right to continue to live with "infidels� It sounds like paradox to me. My little friend amiros, learn never bait hand, which give you food. You be ok then.
  2. AKM74.

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    I know my English is bad, Just try to read my post again. I sad exactly what you just sad. Just in different words.
  3. AKM74.

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    of cource you don't, You already forget what the topic of this threat was. You just imagine yourself standing in the middle of the street in your hometown. What worth could happen? Don’t worry, I just joking. BTW Is there really that bad? You even afraid of think about it. Strange.
  4. AKM74.

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    See, worth think can happen to you (like you just sad), if someone sends you back home. To free democratic Bosnia.  That’s what I’m talking about in my previous post. You have the same way of thinking as Iraqis who take 2 French hostages. Basically what they sad was “we do it in the name of Allah, but if you just give as 50 bucks, it will do toâ€
  5. AKM74.

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    Oil has nothink to do with it. There is already 300.000 Chechens refuges move in Russia after first war. Russia can’t afford 500.000 more. Just to make 10.000 (mostly foreigners) happy. And there is no way they can send all those peoples back. To make it understandable for you…. Bosnia is free now; do you want to move back?
  6. AKM74.

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    time will tell... tell me, how many mosques in france, and how many churches in suadi arabia.
  7. AKM74.

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    I’m personally was against first war in Chechnya, but I’m 100% support second war. They got what they asking for. Mashadov have no control over f_heads. There is nothing to talk about. Specially now, after school killing.
  8. AKM74.

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    You don’t get my point. You guys not really “chess playersâ€, you can’t think at least 2 move ahead.  I don’t really care you Albanian or Bosnian. Just don’t call yourself Swede anymore. One more events like resent school killing and Putin (which many considered very soft even by Europeans standards) will be replaced by guy like Girinovski. And then, you will learn what real brutality look like. The way you guys act, lead you nowhere.  Infact, you will get very opposite effects. Soon there will be Lepen in France (with your help), then it will be “Lepen†in UK, then it will be their own Lepen in Germany, and so on. And those guys will really give you all freedom to express your religion right. To make it even more comfortable for you, they will send you back home, to the “stone age†you come from.  To sad, 70% of Muslim population has nothing to do with this. It just happens then 30% screem much louder then the rest. And then, when you will stand in the middle of the desert, they will ask you “whyâ€.  I wonder, what you will answer then. If they will give you chance to reply, of course. Watch “starship troopersâ€. You will have some ideah…
  9. AKM74.

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    you don't have to, i'm already did...
  10. AKM74.

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    Don’t even try it. I sad millions NOT Chechen was send to gulag for same crime. And only Chechen somehow deported. Just think about that. You commit crime in New York, and they send you live in Texas instead of jail.  But your friend, send to jail fro 15 years for exactly the same crime. And then after 10 years you return back to NY.  Sadly, your friend has 5 more years in jail. I didn’t know any other nation who collaborates with the Nazis on the level Chechens did. And still, Chechens have more “hero of Soviet Union†awards then many other nations in former USSR did. Maybe you mean many peoples from France, Italy, Poland, (type any nations here) collaborate with the Nazis because “oppressive regime imposed on country's it simply annexed under the mum of "it all belongs to mother Russia†? He is albanian kid who live somewhere in north Europe. He was banned on this forum long time ago (if I remember correctly) after he celebrate 9/11 event, day after it happen.
  11. AKM74.

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    100% agree. I never sad all of them was. But stalin only deport 30% of chechnya population. Not all of them eather. i just think it will be little fair if Appolo ask "why millions of peoples was send to gulag by Stalin, and Chechen was only deported ?" Why other have punished much harder.
  12. AKM74.

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    If Saudi official start public press conference, with ben laden sitting right next to them. then yes. The price for joining Nazis was too high? I mean what peoples did with Nazis collaborators over the Europe after end of ww2? You think instead of deport them, better to execute them and send remaining to jails? Like it happen all over the world ?
  13. AKM74.

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    With all respect, I think you miss the point. He basically sad “time to go after “shepherdsâ€, not a “sheepâ€.  I hope many gentlemens/countrys from Middle East in his “to-do†list already. In Putin first speech after these terrible events, he clearly says. “Everyone who goes after the Chechens or Ingush†will be considered as terrorist’s supporters, even if we can understand what many peoples feel. Because it will be exactly what this f_heads try to achieve.
  14. AKM74.

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    I surprise you just notice it. All this was told but many hostages 2 days ago. If you using European new/media as source of information’s, I’m not wonder, they to busy filming dead bodies. Anything else not important, like always. Alpha was not present on the scene in a time of explosion. They arrive when “freedom fighters†start to shoot escaping (well, there is not many of hostages survive after explosion) kids in the back.  All this guys did, it try to move as many children as they can, before they move in building. That’s why almost all killed spetsnaz solders have bullet wounds at their back. Water was not turned off. They just don’t let kids to drink it. They also stop them to visit toilet, after they find out, kids try to drink water there. Negotiation, exactly what they did for all this time. Alpha guys was 20 miles away from that school. I read they prepare ongoing operation using exactly the same school not far away (i quess other scholl very similar to one when hostages was helded, typical for small russian towns) If Russian goal was to destroy Chechnya as enemy state, they can do it in 48 hours. Same for American in Iraq. When peoples say “well, Middle East peoples can’t defeat invaders by military way, so they use every methods and chance they have†Wrong. If they start to use any methods, SO DO WE.  There 500.000 peoples in Chechnya who don’t want to live outside the Russia, if 10.000 of them want to be separated, and they killing kids just to express their opinion,, they will die. Russians very patience peoples, Osetins not. After 40 days from now, they will deal with f_heads in their own way.