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About AC_BLu

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  1. AC_BLu

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Good job guys
  2. AC_BLu

    Weapon accuracy

    I agree with you
  3. AC_BLu

    OFP Lag

    i know all about lag, but when im playing with my neighbor and i have a 800 ping just with him in cold war crisis then switch to resistance the next minute and have a 19 ping, something is wrong
  4. AC_BLu

    OFP Lag

    sockets and already auto detected
  5. AC_BLu

    OFP Lag

    In OFP Cold War Crisis, i tend to get huge amounts of internet lag, no screen lag whatsoever, most of you guys would say its my connection but i have a 3 meg/256 upload connection. My ping will be around 80 then it would go up to 500 and become very unstable. The weird thing is it only happens in this version, in resistance it works fine, game works good. Ive did some tests hosting the same person in the same map and in cold war (v 1.46) it lags so bad for him but i can host him perfectly in resistance. It was running fine for a while then it got worse. I did try to buy another disc but it still didnt work, i have a router but i have all the ports open. firewall is off. my comp specs are: MSI PT880 Neo Maxtor - Ultra 120.0GB Internal Serial ATA HD Pentium 4 3.2ghz CPU ATI Radeon 9800 pro Dual Channel 2x512mb Kingston HyperX PC4000 480w Power supply