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Everything posted by Acro

  1. Acro

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.1

    GREAT!!! Â Downloading now! Â Â
  2. Acro

    Joint eu military

    I don't see any harm European countries coming closer each other. It could work (for a while atleast). Americans shouldn't be so worried. We are living 21. century, you know.
  3. Acro


    That was quite tough argumenting by Crunch.
  4. Acro

    Kavakac mod dead ?

    They should have English site too. My Russian skills are bit rusty because I don't have any and everybody else would probaply appreciate it too if they had English section. Â
  5. Acro

    Mrh-90 plans

    Me too. Too bad FDF doens't have assault choppers.
  6. Acro

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Two finnish special jaegers were killed when enemy machine gunner opened fire from behind of them. Other casualties were two wounded. Â 4 enemy troops were wounded seriously and 1 killed during the fire fight.
  7. Acro

    New anims by hunter

    The safe animation is bit weird... They lean too much forward. Standing animation with gun had kind of unnatural feeling too but crouching and proning animations looked good. Requires some adjustment.
  8. Acro

    Modern usmc marpat

    Hey... Stop posting teasers or pictures of unfinished addons because it's annoying to wait them to be released!! Â Just keep them underground as long as possible and everybody is like "Woot! What a suprise! This is the best addon ever" Â Â
  9. Acro

    Rag doll effect

    The physics should base on human anatomy. Simple rag doll physics are not very realistic, but sure looks fun sometimes. Example Max Payne 2, Unreal 2k3
  10. Acro

    Total eclipse (of the moon)

    I like the nice blue glow what covers the landscape when it's full moon... Looks eerie
  11. Acro

    Rf airborne troups released!

    Good addon! I had some good time shooting Rangers and Deltas with my VDV squad. Â Weapon textures were top quality and I liked the helmet on/off script. The mysterious RPG optics was bit annoying.
  12. There was cool bullet cam scripts at Ofpec that used event handlers. I had good time whit them when I mixed them up with slo mo.
  13. Congrulations! I never dreamed anything like this! Designating a target even in helicopter works! Flying the over target when shells hit the ground is awesome! Â I noticed that the rocket launchers interriors are all white. Bug ?
  14. Acro

    Ofp2 - source code release

    I think that the source code of game is like a art work. If I had been working hard with this art work I wouldn't just give it away to be modified. Maybe I am bit selfish but... Good long post btw. It was interesting to read.
  15. Acro

    Maxpayne 2

    Games tend to last limited time and i hate it ! Â MGS1 and Max Payne were too short. I played them trough just in one day. Neverwinter nights took me a week. Luckily we have internet and multiplayer possibility.
  16. Acro

    What keep's you playing ofp

    Best war game ever !
  17. Acro

    Fuzzy letters

    I have fuzzy letters when I use 800x600 resolution (and i have my mipmap settings at highest level.). With 1024x768 or above problem seems to go away. But i'd like to play the game with smaller resolution because of better FPS. Do you have solution for this ?
  18. Acro

    Utilising the community

    There could be arguing about copyrights afterwards. "This is my addon and i want my money ! " :P
  19. Acro

    Music composer

    Have u listened Muse? They totally rock! Newborn and Hyper Music are good songs.
  20. Acro

    Weapons requests

    I don't think that Bis should make every possible weapon out there. After all we have good mod makers for that job. IMO
  21. Acro


    What do u mean with the queen ? Formal language like some butler speaks in movies ? I'd like to hear brittish accent like in the Emmerdale tv-series or something. Â Â
  22. Good idea... Coop campaings would be fun. 5 missions would be good length.
  23. Acro

    Will you buy ofp 2?

    I will buy it what ever reviews say. That's simple
  24. Acro

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Finnish Jaegers in front of Leopard http://www.netikka.net/anci/jaeger.jpg 7x >100kb
  25. Somekind of official BIS made single-player mission would be nice. Â Good luck... umm.. let's say good know-how with making OFP 2.