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Posts posted by AgentFox2

  1. What about Starstreak, Javelin, Mistral, RBS-70, HY-5, QW 1/2/4?

    RBS-70 is being done by the Swedish Forces Pack guys, and I can tell you that without a doubt, you won't be disappointed in their handiwork! smile_o.gif

    As for the Star-streak, Javelin, Mistral, and the two Chinese SA-7 variants, I just wanted to focus on the US and Soviet/Russian makes for now, as those are the most common. I'm sure there are probably a lot of other mods that focus on those nations that are probably already developing some of those same models you mentioned. wink_o.gif But hey, you never know what could be coming. biggrin_o.gif For the moment, however, with my slow development speed and the amount of work I already have planned, I think this should keep me busy for a little while longer! biggrin_o.gif

  2. Hey, ya'll! AgentFox2 reporting in with a quick update, here's a tentative list of the MANPADS to be included so far:

    FIM-43A Redeye - Early US MANPAD

    FIM-92A Stinger (Stinger Basic) - First Stinger model, would be in use during the events of the OFP campaigns

    FIM-92C Stinger-RMP - Used in Operation Desert Shield/Storm (Not quite sure if this one should stay)

    FIM-92E Stinger-RMP Block 1 - Current Stinger in use with US Forces

    9K32M Strela-2 (SA-7 Grail) - The (in)famous Strela. biggrin_o.gif Early Russian MANPADS, equivalent to the Redeye.

    9K34 Strela-3 (SA-14 Gremlin) - Development of the Strela-2. Vastly improved.

    9K38 Igla (SA-18 Grouse)

    9K310 Igla-1 (SA-16 Gimlet) - Current MANPADS in use with Russian Forces?

    What does everyone think? Any suggested changes to this?

    Also, I would appreciate any help or suggestions on the following:

    The Russian launchers: I need good image references and information badly. If anyone could help in this respect (especially good quality images) it would be greatly appreciated. smile_o.gif

    Gameplay balance: Should I make the equivalent models on each side have the same values? Or achieve a "unique balance" by giving one side an advantage in one area, while having a disadvantage in another? If the latter, how so? I've been giving some thought to making the Western versions more accurate, but the Russian more damaging, or perhaps faster? I don't know, I need some constructive suggestions. smile_o.gif

    FIM-92C: The reason I included the Stinger-RMP in the line-up was due to the Gulf War of 1991, but part of me feels it as a bit redundant. Same deal with the SA-18. Since the SA-16 will be included, do I need to have the SA-18 in there? I don't know, any thoughts? crazy_o.gif

    Be sure to watch this space (or the space a little further down tounge_o.gif ) for updated images of the project's progress in the next couple of days!

  3. Hey, guys. I'm glad to see that there is still some interest in Sinews of War! smile_o.gif

    Although SoW is really CrashDome's baby, I'll see if I can help out with some of the questions until I can point him to this thread. smile_o.gif I'm just a small part of the team, and I definitely don't have the technical skills that Crash does, so whether or not I can be of help might be debatable. tounge_o.gif

    Quote[/b] ]I'm looking for answers to questions like these:

    -Most importantly! Why has this not been done - Is it impossible?

    It's possible, and it's been done. We were originally planning a large multiplayer coop campaign, and I still may release a few SoW-capable missions. But Crash went and pooped himself out coding it all! tounge_o.gif So, at the moment, the future of the project is unknown. However, if you head on over to the OFP Script XChange you can find the latest source files to create your own SoW-capable missions.

    Quote[/b] ]-Do logic units slow the game when used for this?

    There is some slight slow-down during saving/loading, but that's about it, I believe. You're standing still when it happens, anyway, so no one's missing much. biggrin_o.gif Crash will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think most of the lag we encountered was mainly due to the large number of units on the map.

    Quote[/b] ]-Is there a limit to the amount of data that can be stored?

    I'll have to defer that to CrashDome, he's the technical genius. biggrin_o.gif But as far as I know, there is no limit other than what you can do before your head explodes! biggrin_o.gif

    Quote[/b] ]-What is the best way to load and save?(most efficient)

    Again, I'll have to defer to Crash's technical know-how.

    Quote[/b] ]-How would you encode vehicle types?

    Crash, where are yah, buddy? biggrin_o.gif

    Quote[/b] ]-Encoding someone being mounted in something?

    Now, as far as I know, that can't be done. We had some problems with the weapons/vehicle saving if one of the players/AI were inside. For one, you couldn't purchase weapons and assign them to the unit if he were mounted. I think that this is a limitation pertaining to the way in which OFP handles vehicles within the client-server process.

    Quote[/b] ]-Encoding text(not that I know why it would be needed)?

    I'll probably have to give Crash this one, as well, but I do remember that we had some issues with saving strings. Whether or not Crash ever found a way around it, I don't seem to recall.

    Quote[/b] ]-What other things might we need to save?

    Almost anything you like! biggrin_o.gif We had a lot of ideas bouncing around, from location ownership to local arms dealers inventory to the amount of space available for a supply drop. Most of it is possible, the hard part is sitting there and coding it all out.

    I hope I've been of some help. I think Crash will be a lot more helpful, though. smile_o.gif

  4. Unless there is something not present in the config file that change something between SVD and M21 ingame.

    Yes, the player. biggrin_o.gif

    Interesting discussion.

    Perhaps sometimes before we even start playing a game, we have a weapon preference in our mind. Maybe we want it to be better, and so subconsciously we either fabricate or influence our reality to reflect that?

    Wow, philosophy in OFP. tounge_o.gif

  5. This is a pretty interesting undertaking you've got here, guys. biggrin_o.gif

    I haven't read the full thread, so this might've been suggested before, but I think the best way to go about making a hovercraft in OFP is configging it as a boat. One thing you might want to look at is the config file for the old F1 racing boats. The cool concept I found that worked with that addon is that the boats actually moved *very* fast on land, and AI could even move quite a bit inland, but not too much.

    The problem with coding an LCAC as an APC or helicopter is that it can go anywhere, which is not the case in reality. With a properly configged boat class, it would still be able to move on land, but not so much that it is unrealistic.

    *EDIT2: Also, I don't believe that hovercrafts pitch and roll quite as much as choppers do. tounge_o.gif You'd have a hell of a time scripting the helicopter to only fly 1-2m off the ground, as well. You'd most likely just have to setvelocity over and over. Would get quite sloppy (not to mention the problems in multiplayer). Overall, I don't think that a chopper class would be the best option. wink_o.gif

    Also, on the skirt deflation/inflation issue, wouldn't it be possible to animate the land contact memory points with a custom animation? Similar to how today's helicopter addons have landing gear that animate the land contact points, could you not move those points with a boat? Only problem with that is that you could not turn the engine off with the boat, so you'd probably have to have a "unload" or "deflate" action menu command to actually start the animation.

    I hope those suggestions helped a bit. I'll be following the development of this closely and I'm looking forward to anything that can come of it. smile_o.gif

    EDIT* Oh, I forgot to mention that you also might want to take a look at or get in touch with the creator of the old Star Wars speeder bike addon. It seemed to have quite a bit of space between the model and the ground, which maybe useful to simulating a hovercraft.

  6. And finally, to finish this long series...

    Home, sweet home. biggrin_o.gif


    Touching down.



    After a long day, pilot Jim G. takes a rest in the Lighthouse, a local bar.


    And as the sun sets, new business calls once again. Just another day in the life of an air taxi pilot.


    That's it! I hope you guys enjoyed viewing it as much as I enjoyed making it! biggrin_o.gif

  7. To continue the previous series...

    With the customer safely on his way out, pilot Jim G. arranges for refueling and preparation to depart.


    "3-6-Poppa, cleared for take-off, runway 1-8."


    "Roger, cleared for take-off, 3-6-Poppa. I'll catch ya'll later."



    Turning east to head home.


    Briefly taking in the sight of the Troska Desert.


    Same addons as previously.

  8. Sorry for hording so much space, folks. I just love this plane! biggrin_o.gif

    "Nogova Tower, this is November-India-5-3-6-Poppa, requesting full-stop landing, we are 10 miles north at 2,500."


    "3-6-Poppa, roger. Cleared to land straight-in, runway 1-8."


    "Roger, cleared to land, runway 1-8, 3-6-Poppa."


    "Holy...That's huge! What do you carry in that thing?!"


    "Anything and everything. This one brought over a huge shipment of some computer game. Operation something or another. I got a free t-shirt out of the deal, anyway."


    "3-6-Poppa, tower, taxi off the runway at your earliest opportunity and switch frequency to 315.25 to contact ground."


    Addons used:

    Same as previously mentioned and

    Mapfact Airport Addon

    Konyak's An-124 Condor

    Col. Klink's Hardened Aircraft Shelter (Maintenance trolleys)

    Martin's DC-3 Dakota

    3WX Objects Pack 1 (Crates)

    Airwolf Mod's MD500

  9. Bucket man: Thanks biggrin_o.gif

    Here's some more. smile_o.gif

    "Modrava traffic, this is November-India-5-3-6-Poppa, on downwind for a full-stop on water strip 1-8."


    Doesn't seem to be too much traffic other than the boats, but better safe than sorry, right?


    Touch-down near the Modrava port


    Taxiing back in to dock


    "I'll just be one minute."


    Sure, that's what they all say. Ah, well, I get paid by the hour, I can't complain. blues.gif


    Same as previously

  10. Aw, hell, might as well continue... biggrin_o.gif



    Airspeed's alive...retracting flaps.




    The passenger needs to make a quick stop in Modrava, and then catch a intercontinental flight at Nogova Int'l.


    The customer explains that he works as a manager for a freight company that utilizes a unique aircraft.


    Same addons as previously

  11. And now to kick off a screenshot series with a special place in my heart. biggrin_o.gif

    Just another peaceful morning in Vidlakov.


    After a quick break at the bar, air taxi pilot Jim G. exits with a refreshed mind and some new business.


    "Well, here she is. Beautiful, isn't she?" wink_o.gif


    That first step is a doozy.


    Taxiing out for take-off



    Addons Used (In order of Appearance):

    Nogova 2004

    LlaumaX Enviro-Pack


    Adammo's Cessna floatplane

    Col. Klink's Fishing Trawler

    Martin's Speedboat

    Airwolf Mod's VW Microbus

    Martin's Bell 206 JetRanger pilot

    MOHAX's GAZ-24

    Supercub Scooter (sorry, forgot by whom)

  12. Great images, everyone.

    Kegetys is the man.  blues.gif

    Nogovan Customs agents prepare to board a suspicious boat that was trying to hide in the rocks.


    The agents suspect the boat is smuggling weapons into the small island country. The occupants could be heavily armed and hostile.






    Addons Used:

    Nogova 2004

    Kegetys' DXDLL

    Col. Klink's Fishing trawler

    DeadmeatXM2's Nogovan Police units

  13. I'm having some issues with a config of mine, and can't for the life of me figure out why. At the moment the config has a few weapons included, and some soldier unit entries, simply for the purpose of testing those weapons out.

    The weapons, however, are not the problem, as I can add all of those standard BIS soldiers, with no problems. So, that narrows it down to the unit config.

    The error I get is like this; I place down my placeholder unit within the editor, and then hit preview. It hangs on "Get ready..." for about 15-20 minutes, and then crashes to the desktop, sometimes with the error message "Out of reserved memory...", sometimes without any message at all. I am running OFP with no other addons other than the test addon, so I can't imagine it is the amount of addons loaded.

    Here's the unit part of the config:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// some basic defines

    #define TEast 0

    #define TWest 1

    #define TGuerrila 2

    #define TCivilian 3

    #define TSideUnknown 4

    #define TEnemy 5

    #define TFriendly 6

    #define TLogic 7

    #define true 1

    #define false 0

    // type scope

    #define private 0

    #define protected 1

    #define public 2

    #define WeaponNoSlot 0// dummy weapons

    #define WeaponSlotPrimary 1// primary weapons

    #define WeaponSlotSecondary 16// secondary weapons

    #define WeaponSlotItem 256// items

    #define WeaponSlotBinocular 4096// binocular

    #define WeaponHardMounted 65536


    class CfgVehicles


    class All{};

    class AllVehicles:All{};

    class Land:AllVehicles{};

    class Man:Land{};

    class Soldier:Man{};

    class SoldierWB:Soldier{};

    class SoldierWAA:SoldierWB{};

    class FOX2_SoldierWAA : SoldierWAA


    displayName="AA Soldier (Stinger)";

    vehicleClass="FOX2 - Men";



    magazines[]={"M16", "M16", "M16", "M16", "M16", "FOX2_FIM92Amag"};


    class FOX2_SoldierWAA2 : FOX2_SoldierWAA


    displayName="AA Soldier (Stinger-RMP Block I)";


    magazines[]={"M16", "M16", "M16", "M16", "M16", "FOX2_FIM92Emag"};



    I've racked my brain on this, and can't seem to find a solution. Anyone out there who might know what the problem is?

    Thanks and Regards

  14. Yes it is possible because thye are a special forces unit they have more of a choice so maybe they use a mixture of the two  rock.gif

    That is definitely a possibility. Although, I don't see the reason as they are basically the same weapon. An M4 by any other name would shoot just as sweet? Or something. biggrin_o.gif

    The models are shaping up great, Sabre. One suggestion on that shemagh that I would like to extend; from the picture you provided, the shemagh seems very uniform and symmetrical, like a skimask. Shemaghs, kufiyas, and similar headwear are put together on the spot. My meaning is, the wearer assembles it on the head. Due to this, it's usually quite an imperfect and asymmetrical pattern. Perhaps a modification of the model and textures to emphasize a draping of the cloth? On the picture of the shemagh above, the absence of this draping effect is mostly noticeable around the eye-area, making it look like a retextured skimask.

    Anyway, it's shaping up great. I hope you get permission from the various authors to use their work.  smile_o.gif

  15. I believe the SASR use the M4, and not Diemacos. At least, I've never seen any evidence that they use Diemacos rather than M4s. The presence of an Elcan sight on the weapon does not necessarily mean it is a Diemaco product.

    Note the "step-down" in the barrel in the following image of an Aussie commando:

    Link 1

    And compare with this image from Diemaco's website of the C8A2:


    So, the choice to use Earl's M4 as a base is quite correct, I believe.  smile_o.gif

    The addons look great, Sabre. biggrin_o.gif

  16. The unidentified special forces team moves in to ambush the unsuspecting rebels


    They wait for the leader to take the first shot




    Quickly and quietly, 3 of the 4 rebels are taken down


    The survivor, a signalman, quickly surrenders to the camouflaged men.


    Addons used: McNool's Pacific Island Beta, USMC Ghillie Sniper, Suchey and Earl's Marine Assault Pack, BAS Tonal Tangoes

    Inspired by one of Major Fubar's awesome unit portraits.  biggrin_o.gif

  17. Awesome, awesome island, Snake Man. I'm really looking forward to this. For once, an island that doesn't jump on the jungle/desert bandwagon!

    My only suggestion this: Remember to use logic when planning your airport's runway and taxiways. I will give you my first born child if you make a logical, realistic airport. biggrin_o.gif I don't necessarily mean in the way of buildings, but layout. The airport layouts of too many islands (even the more popular ones) are planned without logic.

    Just some pointers, where I have noticed that some islands faulter: Make sure there is a taxiway close to both ends of the runway, so an aircraft does not have to land, and then have to pull a U-turn on the centerline to get back to the tarmac. Make sure the tarmac/ramp to the runway is off to the side, in parallel to the runway, not perpendicular to it, or at the end. If a plane is landing in that direction, and cannot brake in time, the owners of the parked aircraft will not be happy. crazy_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif Just remember, ask yourself questions about the locations, as if you were really there, in an aircraft, or pertaining to roads, if you were in a car.

    I hope this helps you. PM me if you have any questions about my suggestions, or need some clarification. I'll definitely be looking forward to this island!

  18. Awesome stuff, Footmunch. The Mud Hen is especially great. Keep up the great work, man.

    As a suggestion for the future, maybe keep the backseat cargo, but make the MFDs functional, with map displays, etc. In multiplayer, if another player occupied that seat as a gunner, I imagine it would be pretty hard to coordinate when to fire and when not to fire, especially if a 3rd person perspective was not allowed on the server. Perhaps if a BAS-esque map display were implemented, a second player in that seat could act as navigator. I think it might enhance the teamplay.

    Just a suggestion and some thoughts.  smile_o.gif
