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Posts posted by AgentFox2

  1. This is great! Awesome work, deanosbeanos!

    A great feature would be multiplayer compatibility and "translation". For example, one player being able to "understand" portuguese, but the others don't, so he has to relay the information to the others.

    At SOW we had a project that was to be included in our campaign that was in the pre-design pipeline for a long time regarding dialogs with AI. CrashDome made a Dynamic Dialog script that works well, but we talked a lot about making a multi-lingual skill-based version.

    Here's an example to illustrate the idea:

    Two mercenaries (the players) are patrolling some nearby friendly villages to build rapport with the locals.

    Player A has language skills in Spanish and Portuguese. Player B has language skills in Arabic.

    They arrive at town X and talk to the chief, who speaks Portuguese. Player B doesn't have the "Portguese skill", so when he opens a dialogue with the chief all the subtitles are in gibberish.

    Player A, however, overhearing the "conversation" that Player B started, sees the English subtitles for both sides of the conversation (or whatever language the player's OFP is set to).

    Having completed their business, they leave the village when a woman runs by screaming in Arabic. Player A (the portguese/spanish speaker) hears the screams but his subtitles are in gibberish. Player B, however, having the "Arabic skill" has legible subtitles, and learns from her screaming that enemy forces are on the way from the road.

    Features like this would add not only a lot of immersion but also great teamwork gameplay to the mix!

  2. )rStrangelove @ July 28 2006,08:03)]Does anyone know what init-line to include in a custom config.cpp so that those faces are randomly used ?

    Would be awesome. smile_o.gif

    Hey Dr. Strangelove,

    Apologies for the late reply, I've had no internet access for a couple of weeks due to moving out of state.

    Regarding your question; I'm not an expert, but I think you can do this by adding this to the init eventhandler of your config:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[this, <type>] exec "\SOW_Mugs\rfaceinit.sqs"

    replacing <type> with the type of face you want ("me" for Middle-Eastern, "amer" for American, etc. Check the readme for a full listing.)

  3. How do I make so that these 'mugs' will appear on others screens during MP?

    Hey Marco,

    You have two options:

    1) Unpbo the addon, find the specific face you want to use, and use it like you would any other face image. (Name it face.jpg)

    2) Make sure everyone has the same addon.

    The next update will have a game logic provided so if your mission uses these faces it will require the addon automatically (instead of showing white faces)

  4. how about some farmland faces, and zombie faces?

    First post updated with new version, which adds farmland and lost brothers faces, and screenshots of a fraction of the faces included.

    Credits to all the original authors.

    Mirrors appreciated!

  5. We've released a small addon we call "SOW Mugs".

    You can find it here.

    Direct link

    Mirrors appreciated!

    It's a compilation of a lot of face addons with some random scripts to assign to units.

    The idea is that you could have more diverse units by changing faces of unit addons to fit different ethnicities/types.


    Version 1.2

    - Added game logic for mission makers to require SOW_Mugs to play a mission

    Version 1.1

    - Added some Farmland and Lost Brothers faces.

    - Modified the "Maj. Gen. Garrison" face to be less creepy.

    Version 1.0

    -Public release

    Current Categories - with more to hopefully follow














    Iraq Mod: Unforseen Circumstances

    OFPD AfghanEveron





    Lost Brothers








    Helmet shadows

    This is a well-rounded pack, but we need your help...

    If you would like to see any faces in this pack, let us know! If you have any faces to contribute, let us know!

    Enjoy and take care!

    - Sinews of War Team

  6. Can I submit missions which I made a while ago and don't have much publicity? If needs be I will update them enough to make them new biggrin_o.gif

    If they fit at least one of this month's themes, and use mainly WGL and at most a couple of other (small) addons, I don't see any reason why you couldn't.

  7. Is it overcharging to publish the current themes without forcing a registration? huh.gif

    Good idea! I'll get in touch with Crash and see what we can do.

    For reference, the current themes for July are:

    Hasty Ambush


    Mechanized Attack

  8. Hey everyone,

    Just wanted to let you know that so far we have three missions up for grabs for this month!

    There's still a lot of time left for those finishing up their scenarios. Remember, don't dig yourself a hole by making your mission too complex! Make a simple scenario, even just one small firefight or engagement ala the Tactical Decision Games.

    Have a good one!

  9. It seems to me that mission makers are more concerned with cinematics and over-the-top action than they are with realism. I say to you: REALISTIC MISSIONS CAN BE FUN TOO!

    This TDG idea is brilliant - if one or two or three mission makers start churning out a TDG once a month or so I think we'll see the quality of missions increase dramatically as more people are exposed to realistic military situations. There's a massive back catalogue of these TDGs and nearly all of them involve small unit tactics, which is perfect for OFP. Surely someone can find an interesting scenario they would want to make.

    That's part of the inspiration behind the Sinews of War Missions of the Month; to create very small, realistic scenarios without a whole bunch of scripting or complexity...just straight fun. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like many people are biting yet! Hopefully, more people will contribute, or else there's not much point to it.

    Forum post.


  10. How about some versions without totally destroyable walls, just windows and doors? I think this would be a good compromise to enable large amounts of buildings to have some dynamic aspects. For example, using breaching charges or shotguns to take a door down.

    My best wishes for your father. Remember family is what is important, not a game!

    Take care

  11. I'm very interested in this project, it looks like it might be very fun!

    What do you think about a "light" version with only separated doors and windows? Wouldn't this allow you to create a lot more buildings, but still add some destructability?

    For example, I would love a remodeling of standard BIS buildings, except with the openable doors removed and separate door objects added. Breaching charges, here I come!

  12. Would it be possible to get any pointers on where to start with converting an existing addon to use ACES? Specifically, what has to be done to the model?

    Thanks for any insight anyone can provide.

  13. Takes longer than a month to make a good mission.

    That's what we're hoping to disprove!

    Everyone keeps complaining about the lack of missions, but everyone has this preconceived notion that every mission has to be an extravagant tech demo with tons of scripts and nifty gadgets.

    But it seems like the most fun to play are the quick ones we make in the editor, just simple firefights or small scenarios.

    I'd like to stress that is what this is about; not necessarily full missions or campaigns, just small, quick 'n dirty scenarios that are interesting to play through. A quantity of small, quality scenarios that add up to huge collective quality. The TDGs linked here are a good example of what I mean by "scenarios".

    The problem with making missions is that you sit there trying to think of the kind of mission you want to make and you can get a sort of "writer's block". The end result is usually another canned black ops mission or another "attack and hold this town".

    This initiative tries to solve that by giving a slight nudge in the right direction. The thought is that by "restricting" the criteria for the mission you actually focus it, allowing for a better creative process and more diversity in concepts. Thinking outside the box is easier when you can actually see the box.

    It's a bit like the old game where a group of people pass a whispered message down a line. By the end of the process, everyone has a wildly different version of the same message. In the same way, even missions based on the same concept or theme can come out totally different based on individual interpretations.

    The other problem is the crazy amount of separate addons one has to download to make or play a decent mission. By setting an addon foundation of WGL we cover a lot of ground with one standard package, without making a "hard" restriction against a few extra addons that WGL doesn't cover.

    Take care and have fun!

  14. Hey all,

    I'm loving ACES! Can't wait to see more aircraft updated to this standard.

    As far weapons goes, you guys have pretty much everything covered! The only things I would add in are the following:

    Hydra-70 WP (White Phosphorous)

    BSU-49 (parachute-retarded Mk82)

    BSU-50 (parachute-retarded Mk84)

    Mk82 SE (Snake Eyes)

    Mk84 SE (Snake Eyes)

    The "Snake Eyes" is no longer in use, but was used in the 80's and 90's. It doesn't have as much drag as the parachutes, so it doesn't fall as slow and has a farther glide, but it's also less inaccurate when released from higher altitudes due to wind and/or inertia over time.

    A lot of these entries look like they'll take a lot of fancy scripting to do right. If you guys need any extra hands for some of the bigger stuff (BLU-107s, CBU-89s, JSOWs, etc.) I'd be glad to help. Toss me a PM!

    P.S. I noticed an entry for a bomb in the readme named "Mk80". I've never heard of this bomb before. Do you mean the Mk81?

  15. Hey Q,

    Still enjoying WGL! Making my own config for it, infact!

    Happened upon some more I thought I'd mention:

    The RPK74 doesn't create any of those great "impact effects" that I love!

    Second thing isn't really a bug, but would it be possible to have the AKS74U use the same magazine as the AK74? I understand if the team wants to differentiate the range capabilities of the two weapons, but it would be great to at least have the ability to pick up AK74 mags and use them if necessary, like you can with the RPK74.

    Thanks again for this great mod.

  16. @AgentFox2
    Quote[/b] ]WGL M21 fire sound is the same as the M24

    could be intentional. i dunno. do they sound the same in reality

    I don't think it's intentional. You can actually hear the "action" of the bolt moving on the M24 (which you wouldn't hear in a semi-automatic rifle like the M21).

    anyway, just thought I'd mention it. Thanks again.

  17. Hey Q, thanks for the quick solution!

    By the way, I think I found another bug, although you may know about it! The WGL M21 fire sound is the same as the M24, so you can hear the bolt working after each shot. Just thought I'd send that out to yah.

    Speaking of which, is there any possibility we may be able to define the weapon sounds in later WGL versions, like the awesome ability we have now with the models?

    Thanks again!

  18. Hey, phaeden, Q, and co., just wanted to chime in and say how great WGL is! Especially with the DMA model configs, it's the perfect blend of form and function, without having to mess with too many individual addons.

    It's not all a bed of roses, though! I think I may have found a bug, but it's not a big deal. It seems that the NSV machinegun parts (machinegun receiver, tripod, ammo cans) are textureless (they appear stark white).

    I don't know if anyone else has had this problem or if I've done something wrong in the install, but I just wanted to make you guys aware of it, if not already.

    Thanks again for your mod! This is the way Operation Flashpoint was meant to be played.

  19. Tricky one!

    I don't have access to my game right now, but let me see if I can somehow help!

    First, I have a question...

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_mainmemory = +_mainlist

    What is the + there for? Is it a typo, or do I just not understand its purpose?

    If it's a typo, that may be your problem right there, since your operating array of units gets funky.

    Couldn't you also combine the two fired eventhandlers?

    For example,

    Instead of this:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_idx = {_x addEventHandler [{fired}, {[_this select 0,_main,_logic,_innertrigger,_type] exec "flyoff.sqs"}]} foreach _mainmemory

    {_x addeventhandler ["fired", format [{(_this select 0) removeeventhandler [{fired}, %1]},_idx]]} foreach _mainmemory

    maybe this?

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_idx = {_x addEventHandler [{fired}, format {[_this select 0,_main,_logic,_innertrigger,_type] exec "flyoff.sqs"; (_this select 0) removeeventhandler [{fired}, %1]}, _idx]} foreach _mainmemory

    Don't know if that'll mess it up, just a thought!

    Lastly, remember to privatize all your local variables within the script. This has given me many inexplicable problems before, and sometimes it's just that simple.

    Do this by listing all your local variables at the beginning of each script like so:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">private ["_var1", "var2", "var3"] etc....

    Hope this helps you out, looking forward to seeing this script in action!

  20. Hey, all.

    p39, That sounds like an awesome system! I'd like to try it out.

    My own humble attempts at this sort of thing have been also suspended, but maybe we can work together to progress towards this goal!

    A long time ago I made a "traffic" script to make some low-performance civilian vehicles that would travel routes using a marker waypoint system. It didn't get very far, and I've learned a lot since then, so I never really picked it up again.

    Here is a link to a test mission:

    Temporary 7-day link
