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Everything posted by AgentFox2

  1. AgentFox2

    more inaccuracy on AI!

    If you're just looking for inaccurate AI without any addons needed, Zayfod made a really nice script called "random firing" back in the day. I can't find the post on the OFPEC forums (might have been too far back). The script basically would randomly change the AI's direction while firing, creating a "spray" effect. If you can't find it, maybe I can put it up for download.
  2. AgentFox2

    A New AH-64 Pack

    Okay. You might want to just test it and try removing the fuel a few meters before the crash, just to see if that helps. I remember having a similar problem with my own tailrotor failure script, and removing the fuel completely just before touchdown reduced or removed the problem, if I recall correctly. Again, really looking forward to your work!
  3. AgentFox2

    A New AH-64 Pack

    Regarding the "bounce" issue on the tailrotor failure script: Have you tried removing the fuel just before touchdown? I mean, checking the Z position until it gets to say, 8-5 meters AGL? If the aircraft has any fuel left just before touchdown, the AI might be trying to pull back up to his flyinheight altitude, before everything finally catches up to him. Really looking forward to playing around with this!
  4. AgentFox2

    A New AH-64 Pack

    This is sounding better by the minute! I was curious, will it be possible to disable the ability to change loadouts in-game (with the H's, hangars, etc.)? Perhaps with a global boolean? This would be great for missions where maybe you would like to limit the player's options as an extra challenge. Sorry to keep asking questions, but will it be possible to "remove" the mast-mounted FCR on the D model via hidden selections, etc? I may be wrong, but I think nowadays the AH-64D attack flights have only a handful of aircraft with the FCR mounted, and the rest simply use the data-linked target information from the radar-equipped birds to fire their Hellfires. Anyway, the option to have an AH-64D sans radome (via setobjecttexture) would be another great feature! Best Regards
  5. AgentFox2

    A New AH-64 Pack

    Okay, great, thank you very much!
  6. AgentFox2

    A New AH-64 Pack

    Great work, Kyle & co.! Looking forward to the release! Is there any possibility we could get one D model set without any AAMs? This would be great if possible, as most of the AH-64s you see on deployment in current conflicts aren't using any at all. Thanks!
  7. AgentFox2

    Updated Falcon

    Awesome work, Footmunch! I really enjoy the SEAD version.
  8. AgentFox2

    A-10 Thunderbolt II v0.5

    "Thunderbolt II" is the official USAF "nickname" for the A-10, while "Warthog" is more of an "unofficial" nickname that the pilots use. Similarly, officially the F-16's "nickname" is "Fighting Falcon", while its most commonly called "Viper" by the ones who pilot it. EDIT: Hawkeye has it right, the original "Thunderbolt" was the P-47, known for its ruggedness and great ground attack abilities. This was the reason for calling the A-10 "Thunderbolt II", sort of to "continue the legacy". I may be wrong on this one, but I think the origin of the "Warthog" nickname (other than looks) comes from the F-105 being called "Hog" because it took so much runway space to take off fully-loaded. When the A-10 was produced, I guess since loaded down it can be pretty sluggish in take-off, they decided to "continue the legacy" again.
  9. AgentFox2

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    I believe it had to do with Lycos, yes. Well, if you are taking requests, or need some ideas, I think some newer, smoother hand signal animations would be great. Here are some links: US Army Ground Forces Hand Signal FM Towards the latter half of the above, they list some hand signals to be used during patrol. I think those would be the most relevant to OFP, but coordination of larger vehicles would be great for atmosphere, too. Like this one on signals for coordinating a Landing Zone: Landing Zone Hand Signals Would be really neat to see some soldiers directing BAS helicopters down with some of those.
  10. AgentFox2

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    I had the same problem with the files. I figured out that to download them, I had to fire up Internet Explorer (not Firefox, which is what I usually use) and "Save As" from there. Weird issue, but that fixed the corrupted files for me.
  11. AgentFox2

    LSR Addons

    Personally, I prefer the look of the M60 Laser posted over the look of the INQ_M60. Laser's looks more "real" in my opinion. Looks really good, Laser! Hope to play with them soon!
  12. AgentFox2

    My list.

    I agree on many of Harnu's points, but one thing I would be very weary about is the above. I would really, really hate for OFP 2 to become a jump-fest, with people hopping around like they are on pogo sticks in order to avoid fire. Furthermore, I don't really see the need in a game that is focused on combined arms warfare in an outdoor, relatively open environment. If it absolutely must be included, I hope we would have the ability to turn it off via the "Difficulty" menu. Regards
  13. AgentFox2

    M14 Pack

    Recoil is supposed to be high on an M-14. That was part of the reason the US military switched to 5.56, I believe. More controllability in full-auto. Even highly trained soldiers would find it difficult to control an M-14 on full-auto. That's why most kept the rifle on semi-auto a lot of the time in Vietnam. I like the recoil just the way it is.
  14. AgentFox2

    Need to know which island for airport

    me too! why doesn't anybody make a huge island or continent with an interesting landscape, some woods, good terrain textures, some villages and strategical places like oil fields and maybe 1 or 2 airports . . . (notice the slight requesting tone of this sentence) I would definitely enjoy an island with emphasis on flight! Especially if there was a greater emphasis on airport realism, both in art (runway textures, lights, etc.) and layout (taxiways, ramps, holding areas)!
  15. AgentFox2

    Need to know which island for airport

    Me too. I wonder whatever happened to Snake Man's PMC_Euro? The beta was great!
  16. That's a painting, I believe.
  17. AgentFox2

    Hang glider

    About 8-12 months ago, I remember a hang glider addon being released. I seem to remember it being posted on OFP.info but it doesn't seem to be there anymore. I've searched through the officials forums without any results, so I was wondering if any of you might know where I could re-download this great addon. I'm not sure of the author, but to describe it, it was a civilian hang glider with a white canvas wing. The ends seems to bend and warp when it turned, and when it landed, the pilot's legs came down to come to a running stop (believe it used the Resistance bicycle's animation). If any of you know where I might find this addon, it would definitely be appreciated. Thanks and Regards
  18. AgentFox2

    Hang glider

    That's the one! Thanks, Pappy!
  19. AgentFox2

    Joining units to player

    I think the syntax is actually player stop false The official command reference states that it is an obsolete command, however. DoStop takes only one argument, that being the unit that you want to stop. (eg. doStop player)
  20. AgentFox2

    Hunt the intruder - out-flank him

    I agree with Meathead. Having a gunner's seat is hell in multiplayer, since the pilot has absolutely NO ability to fire, and must rely solely on the gunner. With latency issues and the high speed at which these aircraft fly, this makes an already tough situation almost impossible. Not to mention unrealistic (in the real deal, the pilot handles most of the firing since he is in the best position to see the current situation along the weapons firing axis). No, I think the 2nd seat should stay as it is, so that the main advantage of another person in the cockpit in the game is the same as in real life - another set of eyes. Just my humble opinion...
  21. AgentFox2

    Universal Script Folders

    Very interesting observation, AvonLady. Thanks! I once had an idea to do a sort of "JAM for scripts", where simple, or easy to use scripts not requiring much editing of the file itself could be put into a .pbo archive, and distributed. Imagine, for instance, helicopter dust scripts or all these great AI scripts, put into a .pbo (or a series), and then executed by the user in an init line, quickly and easily. I think this method would work pretty well for simple scripts that do not require much in the way of manually editing the file. Updates would be quick and painless, as the .pbo files would be relatively small. But, not many people make missions anymore, let alone scripts, so I don't know if it would pan out. Sorry, I digress. Thank you very much for enlightening me to this.
  22. AgentFox2

    M21 and SVD fire power

    I had always thought that Dragunov had designed, and subsequently, the USSR had deployed, the SVD as more of a designated marksman's rifle, rather than a dedicated long-range sniping platform.
  23. AgentFox2


    The disabled and destroyed carcasses of Mi-24s left over from the Soviet War in Afghanistan might disagree with you. *Edited for mistype. *Edited yet again for clarity and because I've gone and confused myself once again!
  24. AgentFox2


    Another issue is the fact that the way the armor values are coded, a Hind actually has more armor than a BMP! Meanwhile, the stock A-10 can take approximately 2-3 XM177 mags before it explodes in a fiery fashion! So the aircraft armor values are very disproportionate. At one point, I had my Stinger coded to have more than 600 damage, and yet it still couldn't bring a Hind down!
  25. AgentFox2


    Hey, that would be great! PM on the way! Yep, one step ahead of yah there, buddy! At the moment, the Stinger starts out slow and gradually gains on its target. An aircraft going 700-900 kmh will be able to outrun it. I've also had some moments where the target aircraft can dive quickly, close to the ground, and the missile, overcorrecting in order to try and meet its targets presumed heading, will steer itself into the ground. So, you can actually use fairly realistic maneuvers to thwart the missile. Done already. How do you define overly powerful? My damage objective was to have the missile be able to effectively disable or destroy most rotary-wing aircraft, while most jet pilots would be able to eject before they were destroyed. I thought that this would best represent realism, while still allowing for player pilots to survive the encounter. At the moment, the stock Mi-24 and Mi-8 are not immediately destroyed, and a skilled pilot can auto-rotate them down to save himself. This also works on most addon helicopters of similar size, so far as I've seen. Small helicopters like the OH-58 or the OH-6 series will most likely be destroyed immediately, however.