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Everything posted by AgentFox2

  1. You need another addon config.cpp. Make a small new that inherits the units from the addon you are using, then change the relevant values. In this case I think it is <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">DisplayName="Mira" but I may be wrong.
  2. AgentFox2

    Ironsight's Addon Projects

    I would definitely be interested if you ever completed that SPR; it looks awesome! I've always found the SPR interesting, but there aren't many released addons of it. The ones that have been released are way too "shiny" for my liking, along with most weapons models imported from more mainstream games. Here's some images you've probably already seen, but just in case: Pic 1 Pic 2 And here's reference pages to the scope and bipod that's used on the Mk12 Mod 0 model: Leupold Link Versa-Pod Link It looks great already, only suggestions I'd make to look as close to the real thing as possible would be: 1)To raise the sight rail a little, as in the pictures above. 2)To change the 30 round mag out for a 20 round. This is usually done in real life to aid in proper firing from the prone. In-game it just makes it look a bit more longrifle-ish (not a word ). 3)Lastly, to give it the correct barrel/muzzle brake for unsuppressed versions and change the suppressor to the Ops Inc. 12th Model suppressor, as in the pictures above. You've probably already done all that, but just going off the picture given I thought it would help.
  3. AgentFox2

    Skiptime Script

    Try this: TimeSkip.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">private ["_DLapse", "_IncTime"]; ; Time in minutes a day in-game will take _DLapse = _this select 0 _IncTime = ((24/_DLapse)/60) ; Time acceleration loop #loop ~.04 skipTime (_incTime *.04) goto "loop" It takes 1 parameter, the real time an in-game day will take. So, if you want, for example, a full 24-hour day to pass in one real-time hour, you would execute it like this: [60] exec "TimeSkip.sqs" This creates a great sense of time and really requires the player to plan ahead for the inevitable day/night cycle.
  4. AgentFox2

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    I agree with Sanctuary. There needs to be one standardized addon with a large foundation of faces for Llauma's head. I think there also needs to be more scripts in the facetex addon. Right now there's nothing to differentiate west or east or anything else. There needs to be several scripts that randomize between the different "types" of faces, such as camo, white, asian, black, etc. A better script, that allows for custom faces easier would be good also (such as adding a global boolean check in case the mission maker doesn't want random faces).
  5. AgentFox2

    Ideas needed

    Very interesting. Reminds me of the CAVS calculations for armor penetration/thickness. One potential problem I see is that there is no such thing in OFP as armor for soldiers. The soldier units just have modifiable "health points", I think. But I don't know if any addon units actually change the default values based on modelled aesthetic body armor. You also wouldn't be able to differentiate between a jacketed hollow point hitting a target outfitted with body armor or the same hitting a more vulnerable target. Consequently, there would be no way to simulate the poor penetration characteristics of expanding-type rounds. So, the problem ends up being that the JHP and similar expanding-type rounds will ALWAYS do more damage than FMJ, creating a sort of "super bullet". There wouldn't be a drawback, as there is in real life.
  6. AgentFox2

    Ideas needed

    Hey, Ike_Trak. Welcome to the forums and the game. Hope you like it here, most of us are nice enough. Regarding your question about ammo types, there isn't much variety, but we do have some projects. JAM is the major one, and IMHO the best. It was originally designed to allow similar weapons from different authors to function together, using the same magazine, but it's changed into a sort of "standardization". There is more types of ammunition than standard OFP, but only FMJ munitions as far as I know. Most of the variations involve sound suppression and high dispersion (for inaccuracy simulation). The COMBAT! team has taken over development for JAM and CAVS, at least for Armed Assault. I don't know if they're planning on anything before then. But it sounds like you have some data that might be valuable to them. You might want to head over to the discussion thread and see if you can help. I for one, would definitely like to see some hollowpoints for pistols or incendiary and SLAP for the .50 cals. I don't think OFP currently supports really in-depth ballistics data such as bullet expansion, bullet weight, or even loss of kinetic energy over time of flight, but it's worth a shot. About the M4 SOPMOD: Everyone is going to give you a different answer for this one. Personally, I really like Earl's weapons included in the Marine Assault Pack by Suchey. I know there are newer and "flashier" ones available, but Earl's weapons look like what I think an M4 should look like. They just "feel" right, if you know what I mean. Suchey's Marine Assault Pack can be found here. Laser also has good M4s in his US Weapons pack. Almost every combination of gadgets currently used by the US military are provided. I like his older 2.01 version a little better than the latest 3.0 (find the latest a bit too "shiny"). You can grab version 3.00 here. If you're like me and prefer the matte finish look, you can grab version 2.00 here and the 2.01 patch here. Glad to see some new people getting interested in OFP. Have fun!
  7. Here's a link to the latest version of CrashDome's Dynamic Dialog.
  8. AgentFox2

    New Civilians

    I believe this is the latest version: FileFront Mirror I'm not really knowledgeable about fancy tricks like this, but I think it works by setting the surfaces up as hidden selections so you can use the setobjecttexture command. To change the look of the unit, you just have to use the appropriate array of texture changes. You can do that randomly at initialization like newiy did with the Generic OPFOR. Once again, good work. Hope to see more from you in the future!
  9. AgentFox2

    New Civilians

    Very nice addon, Dr. Pepper. These civilians allow us to add a lot of variety and atmosphere to missions taking place in urban areas. I'm having fun recreating Heat with this and the BMI Blackops. I also have a suggestion. Since many of the units use the same (retextured) model, would you be willing to try your hand at making a version that randomly applied the textures to a single model? Similarly to newiy's Generic OPFOR, the mission editor could then place a bunch of the same unit, and still keep a similar variety. What do you think?
  10. AgentFox2

    OFP videography

    Great video, Average Joe. The angles and pacing was awesome. It's important to remember that when some sound the horn of bias, it means your work was good enough to affect them on a personal level. Hope to see more of your videos in the future.
  11. AgentFox2

    NO jets in ArmA?

    Watch the video here: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9780 There's an F-22 in one of the gameplay shots.
  12. AgentFox2

    dostop and domove

    Try giving them a doMove command for their position. Usually the AI leader will then call them back.
  13. AgentFox2

    JAM and CAVS

    I'm glad to see that someone is taking the reigns for JAM and CAVS. These are one of the two most promising projects, especially with Armed Assault near release. One of the things I've wondered about CAVS in particular is would there be some attention paid to some of the more obscure aspects of balance? Things like radar and/or detection range, fuel capacity, speed, weapon accuracy, and turret-traverse speed. Items present in real-world armor such as nightvision, thermal imaging equipment, and fire control systems should effect these values. Obviously for some things it won't be possible to get exact values, but some sort of standard would be great, since many times these values dictate the victor of an engagement.
  14. AgentFox2

    Spawning AI Groups

    Fork, you may be interested in the following script suite from the Chain of Command: Link to COC Forums I think its function is to respawn enemy groups once they're dead a number of editor-set times, keeping all waypoints, etc.
  15. AgentFox2


    Some time ago I had a project underway to make a MANPADS pack with 2 Stinger Models, 3 Strelas/Iglas, and a Redeye. Unfortunately, real life stepped in and the project didn't get very far, but I finished most of the work on the Stingers. Maybe it's time to bring the project back.... Here's some work-in-progress pics from a year or so ago.
  16. AgentFox2

    SFP Zodiac

    I, like any who've tried it, really enjoyed the SFP 4.0 mod upon its release, even though I had played with the beta for a long part of the development time. SFP has, in my opinion, one of the most professional modification teams out there. One of my favorite pieces has been the inflatable infiltration boat, or "zodiac" that came with SFP 4.0. I loved using it with both Swedish units and other third party units like Laser's SEALS. But I didn't like having to load up all of SFP at times when I only needed that single boat. So, I secured permission to re-config and release an independent version of that same boat. None of the work is mine, all I've done is include the animations and reconfig it to have no conflicts. You can use this addon with SFP or without SFP, there are no conflicts. They asked me to change the tag, but I reiterate that none of it is my work. Thanks to SFP for allowing me to release this independently, and credits must go also to UCE/Nacho for the original model that SFP modified. DOWNLOAD (thanks to all sites who provided mirrors) OFP Center DE mirror OFP.info Mirror Screenshots Screenshot 01 Screenshot 02 Screenshot 03 Screenshot 04 Screenshot 05 Screenshot 06
  17. AgentFox2

    OH-58D Kiowa Warrior

    I would vote for the bog-standard Hydra loadout as default, with HE and Smoke rockets. How are you going to get around the turret limit with the .50 cal? That will either make the laser designator fixed (very, very bad for the OH-58, since that is its main unique ability in OFP) or the .50 have 180 degrees of free-range (also pretty bad). If you can't get around that limitation, then the .50 cal shouldn't be in the default loadout, in my opinion.
  18. AgentFox2

    script conflict

    The problem with delaying the start of the HD script is that Blanco's ammo check is in a loop, so if you start the HD script at any point after the cover script's initialization, there is a chance that it will exit the cover script. To set up a trigger for the HD conversion script, just make a trigger as big as the town/region your units are in, set it to Anybody (or East/West, depending on who you want to limit the script to) Present, One time execution, and then put this line in the activation box: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{[_x] exec "FOX2_HDConvAI.sqs"} foreach (units thisList) You can also make another, similar trigger with this activation code to get the cover script guys to stop for a few seconds before executing the script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{doStop _x} foreach (units thisList) Hope this helps.
  19. AgentFox2

    RHS Releases: T80 MBT Pack v.1

    As far as I know, this might be pretty realistic, depending on how you look at it. A lot of the second line Russian units don't have thermal equipment, and their fire control systems have always lagged a bit behind the west. The later T-series' one major advantage (besides numbers) against the modern versions of the M1-series is the cannon-loaded ATGMs at longer range, which allows them to reach much farther in a one-on-one conflict. But without those working, they can't range as far.
  20. AgentFox2

    Detecting weapons

    Hey, sniperwolf. Try <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?((count (weapons unitname)) > 0) : unitname setCaptive false Weapons unitname returns an array of ALL weapons on the unit, like so: ["AK74", "Beretta", "Binocular", "NVGoggles"] Count returns the number of elements in an array, in this case, the number of weapons. Hope this helps.
  21. AgentFox2

    script conflict

    Okay, I think I found the problem. All the conversion script does is check the magazines in the unit against one array and switch them out for other magazines from another array. It does this all within a temporary array, and then it sends that array to a final script which removes all the unit's magazines and adds in the new ones. Check out these lines from the cover script: What must be happening; the conversion script kicks in at the same time as Blanco's, so there's a moment where each unit has no ammo, exiting the cover script. Try adding a delay to the start of Blanco's script, like 2-4 seconds. That will give the conversion script more than enough time to go through all the units and be done before Blanco's script starts. Alternatively, if you execute this from a trigger, you could add a countdown delay in the countdown boxes. That shouldn't be a problem, JAM3 uses the same classnames as JAM2. Thanks for reminding me that the conversion script needs an update, though. I'll have to get on that. Hope this is the solution to your problem.
  22. AgentFox2

    script conflict

    Heya, Jetplane. Do you get any errors with this? If so, what do they say? Or does the AI cover script just stop working? There is one function in the init.sqs for the HD conversion script called "FindIndex". Make sure there's not multiples. The only other thing I can think of is that the HDConvAI.sqs script in the HD conversion script adds a killed eventhandler, but I don't think that should be a problem. I can't seem to find Blanco's script, can you show me where I can download it?
  23. I've had lock-up and CTD issues using nearestObject in a function, can anyone confirm if I am alone in this, or is it a problem with the command?
  24. AgentFox2

    Mapfact.net releases a rucksack addon

    Awesome work you've done, Mapfact team! I love this addon! Is there a possibility of more radio types being added later on? Maybe Laser, RHS, and other mods would let you use their models if needed?