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About Anti_Gravity

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Anti_Gravity

    Gf4mx440 and 2600 benchmark

    Hi, I have a GeForce 4 MX440 (SE - T) <-- don't know what that means -- It felt extremely choppy in OFP so I decided to test it out in 3dMark2001 SE. I had a benchmark of 2600. However, when I compared it to other systems similar to mine (same motherboard, ram, graphic card etc), they were attaining a mark up to 5000! Here are my CPU specs: System Configuration Operating System Microsoft Windows 2000 DirectX Version 9.0 Mobo Manufacturer Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Mobo Model 6VXC7-4X AGP Rates (Current/Available) 2x / 1x 2x  (NOTE: My motherboard can support 4x but for some reason, only uses 2x. Don't know why)  CPU Intel Pentium III 997 MHz FSB 133 MHz Memory 384 MB Graphics Chipset NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 Driver Name MSI MS-StarForce GeForce4 MX 440/MX 440SE (NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440/MX 440SE) Driver Version Video Memory 64 MB Program Version 3DMark2001 SE Rendering Pipeline D3D Hardware T&L What can I do to improve performance? Thanks for your help
  2. Anti_Gravity

    Dynamic (i think) mission

    OK, that's weird. I don't know how that happened...
  3. Anti_Gravity

    Dynamic (i think) mission

    Lamerot, thanks for your reply I have just updated the link in the first post. I created a new version of this mission. I still haven't gotten around to making a briefing or overview yet but don't worry I'll make sure that it is as polished a product as possible These are the features I have added: - A Territorial system - When you spot an enemy base, a marker gets *placed* over that position. I am having trouble *creating* markers - More AI defenses - A command point system. So, if you lose those choppers that you called for from the menu, you lose 40 points per chopper (and you start with 0). (Kinda crude, but will work on it). - Random patrols that NEVER run out What I intend to add in the next version: - A BRIEFING (and an overview)(with picture) - A buy guns feature (using the BWPP Weapon buy system) - Satellite viewing (still pondering the thought...) - I intend to remove the transport chopper you start with and give the role of transport to an AI and encourage more infantry tactics. In this version, if you check the map, you'll see several 'green areas'. I indend to create choppers that can ferry you and your men to the other green areas - but if you want to transport tanks or your support trucks... Â (you'll get points if you do this successfuly ) More soon EDIT: I am also thinking of adding a mission system... through some sort of menu system that allows you to scroll and select the mission you wish to accept. This might take some time though. BTW: Sinister[tnuC], thanks for replying and finding out about that error regarding the BAS units. I think I have removed them in the version
  4. Anti_Gravity

    Dynamic (i think) mission

    RE: ])rStrangelove Where are my manners? Credit to ])rStrangelove for his Spawn Manager script - thanks to him, I can spawn soldiers in enemy bases !!
  5. Anti_Gravity

    Dynamic (i think) mission

    Sorry for not replying for a while... I wanted to mainly focus on the 'infantry' aspect of this mission, so I decided that you can only spend those 'supply points' on reinforcements and air support Those three vehicles (+ the support ones) are the only ones you start off with, and they come with no respawn. Use them wisely I am creating someobjectives while I..type. I am implementing a 'territory' capture system - each Vietcong base will come with a flag. The only way to stop the respawn and to capture territory is to 'capture the flag' Oh, and I plan to make the game progressively harder Here are the objectives I plan to implement: - Capture all territory - Earn over 500 supply points - Stay alive BTW: I plan to d/l Tonal and try to incorporate this mission into it . I also plan to add voices...i don't know how, but it will surely add to the atmosphere (Radio chatter  etc). BTW PART II: I almost forgot, if you try to land a chopper in enemy territory, expect a *hot* landing zone! I am making a script to spawn soldiers to come after your chopper-- so, if you land a chopper, expect resistance (A Chopper makes a lot of noise, you know!)
  6. Anti_Gravity

    Dynamic (i think) mission

    Re: Lamerlot I plan to . I plan to create a similar version for Kogujev. In this Vietnam Mission, I plan to try to create a more 'infantry enjoyable' experience. In Kogujev, I plan to try to take a more airborne approach. (Choppers, take down enemy installation, black op targetting a hidden Russian scud etc). However, I plan to make the Vietnam one first and finish it off. Cheers and thanks for the replies
  7. Anti_Gravity

    Computer specs

    Fair enought fellas I was just trying to find the most optimal performance for my machine . Guess it is up to me then. Cheers and thanks for the replies (again)
  8. Anti_Gravity

    Dynamic (i think) mission

    Tonal eh? Â Sounds good But let's see if I am any good at making missions first
  9. Anti_Gravity

    Computer specs

    In Flashpoint preferences, my CPU benchmark is 1453. Is that right for a computer of my specs? - Thanks for the reply!
  10. Anti_Gravity

    Computer specs

    In Flashpoint preferences, my CPU benchmark is 1453. Is that right for a computer of my specs? - Thanks for the reply!
  11. Anti_Gravity

    Computer specs

    Gday fellas, I have a Pentium 3 1000 (a bit old, but i think is fast enough to support OFP), 384 MB of ram (Sd), a GF4 MX440 (came with the computer) with 64 MB Of ram and pretty big harddisk (30 gbites). How fast should OFP run (frame rates) in my computer? EDIT: terribly sorry. This should have been in the troubleshooting section
  12. Anti_Gravity

    Computer specs

    Gday fellas, I have a Pentium 3 1000 (a bit old, but i think is fast enough to support OFP), 384 MB of ram (Sd), a GF4 MX440 (came with the computer) with 64 MB Of ram and pretty big harddisk (30 gbites). How fast should OFP run (frame rates) in my computer? EDIT: terribly sorry. This should have been in the troubleshooting section
  13. Anti_Gravity

    Gurilla tatics

    D.Murphy man, You have a very interesting mission here . It is also very fun to play Here is a couple of suggestions I hope would prove useful : - Make it you have to control every town or city in Malden. I think it would eventually get frustrating to track down that one enemy soldier who could be hiding anywhere in Malden. - Make the enemy find your base - Add an option 'Quick return to base' to save Player time. To compensate for this, take away some time - 1 hour or so maybe. Transport the player immediately back to base, and take away 1 hour of time (or increase the number of enemy units spawned) etc. - Reinforcements . I made a mission that is kinda based on yours, but set in Nam. You could call for reinforcements, who would arrive and supplement your squad. That is, if you only had 4 soldiers remaining after a battle, and you call for reinforcements, 8 would arrive via helicopter to supplment your squad. . In your case, you could get reinforcements for capturing a city, town or village. - Capturing tanks . Create several empty tanks in camps to provide an incentive for capturing them - Fresh out of ideas I hope this helps
  14. Anti_Gravity

    Dynamic (i think) mission

    Hi, Thanks for replying I uploaded it to Opflash.org. Here is the link to my mission: Go to the first post for the link Thanks again
  15. Anti_Gravity

    Dynamic (i think) mission

    THIS IS THE FIRST POST Here is the updated file: http://www.opflash.org/downloads/beta/FireFight.seb_iatrangBETA2.zip Happy hunting