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About AAF_Eagles_Talon

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. an empty unarmored vehicle do not follow the law of gravity until someone enters the vehicle, and the uses of this command is useful in building large buildings too
  2. AAF_Eagles_Talon

    Max island size is not 12.8 km x 12.8km

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Antichrist @ June 14 2002,21:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">200 * 200 km islands are also possible!<span id='postcolor'> ummmm, 200x200 would take u a lifetime to texture, it take what, 3 months to make a good 12km x12km map?, given that the time to make such a map will take approximately hmmm....click, click....type...type.....70 years!!!!! (u can't make 1 this size by yourself....)
  3. AAF_Eagles_Talon

    Wrpedit pioneers

    I've started my own map, i've mastered making an island's complete topography in wilbur, using only "set to pixle" when saving it, instead of using the map ruining method of fooling with z max and min, just a bit of adjustment with z mid, and i get a perfect island, i have started work on my island, and i will not rest until it is at least as good as bis's origional islands, if not better (or at least until lunchtime.... ). im interested in joining this little group, my e-mail is t.preston@attbi.com hope 2 hear from ya L8r
  4. AAF_Eagles_Talon

    Special addons!

    Those "addons" are good but... most require you to use gunslingers addon to use, and i've seen a lot of e'm and they arn't really playable castles on the inside, my suggestion to you if you want to use a castle for anything but a background object, study those structures, and how they are made, u can do some awesome stuff with those basic ideas. here is some stuff that i did from studying those objects http://home.attbi.com/~t.preston/scrn.html http://home.attbi.com/~t.preston/newshots.html http://home.attbi.com/~t.preston/trap.html http://home.attbi.com/~t.preston/sewer.html I hope this gives u some ideas these are all quite simple to do (if not time-consuming) you can open those addons as if they were user missions AAF_Eagles_Talon
  5. AAF_Eagles_Talon

    Simple trigger problem

    a surefire way that only the player will activate the triggers is to do this, activation= anyone condition= this and ((player) in thislist) then the player unit will be the only unit allowed to activate that trigger, it works with multiple players as well, if you have multipule players, and you just want one of them to activate it, give that unit a name and replace player with that name example: unit name= gringo condition= this and ((gringo) in thislist) (this method will work if you want a certian ai unit to activate a trigger as well) hope this helps AAF_Eagles_Talon p.s. what's wrong with condition statements, death?
  6. AAF_Eagles_Talon

    Trigger countdown problem

    another way to do that (a la starcraft trigger method) is tack on a gamelogic move to the end of the trigger (ie after 10 seconds), make it move the gamelogic to the activation zone of another trigger with just the sound, and key that trigger to go off by game logic, and if the trigger needs to be used more than once, tack on the end of the sound trigger a move command to move that gamelogic back to where it started from, and it can be done over again. here is an example of how to do it for just sound, u can add other stuff to it.., make a game logic, name it game make a second game logic and place it in the activation zone of the second trigger, name it game1 make a 3rd game logic name it game2, and place it somewhere on the map, (not in any trigger zones) trigger #1 size a/b 0 repedidly activation= raido code set timer (however much time u want) condition= this on activation= game setpos [(getpos game1 select 0),(getpos game1 select 1)] (then whatever else u need) trigger #2 size a/b 50 repedidly activation game logic condition= this and ((game) in thislist) on activation= game setpos [(getpos game2 select 0),(getpos game2 select 1)] (then add your effects to this trigger) there is probibly a simpler way to do this, but this way works, i used the starcraft map editor too much, and this was the one of the only ways to spring a trigger  but it will work, toy around with it. hope this helps AAF_Eagles_Talon
  7. AAF_Eagles_Talon

    Cliffs of malden

    Thanks anyway, i solved my problem, i just based the structure in the middle of the water (where the bastard dosn't crawl (although he walks slow) then used a warp trigger setup of mine to move him without the player knowing and then he can run the rest of the way down the hall, and the person (if he was observant) would think they just went under the cliff that took me awhile to think up thanks anyway, if anyone knows how to fix the real problem, by all means post it. thanks Eagles_Talon
  8. AAF_Eagles_Talon

    Black out the map?

    hey Titanium i sent u that demo map, i didn't see your request earlier hope u like it...
  9. AAF_Eagles_Talon

    Cliffs of malden

    Ok, i placed a concrete wall on the malden cliffs, the ones in sectors cc-ce 43 on the island malden. the concrete wall is nice and flat, but whenever i place my unit on this flat object, he starts moving as if he were climbing a cliff. im trying to make an entrence to my map at the base of the cliff, but if these stupid units will only crawl, then i can't do this, and this will be a very good spawnspot for my map, (not to mention a nice panoramic view....). does anyone know how to give those units some semblence of intellengence so they wouldn't be stuck in a crawl position when there is a steep slope below them? thanks AAF_Eagles_Talon
  10. AAF_Eagles_Talon

    Syncronize watches

    if you want this trigger to occour at a certian time, you can set the time your map starts, then when you make your trigger, set a time delay in those 3 boxes (it's in seconds) to whatever the time is, then you can set your message in the trigger, it may work... hope this helps Eagles_Talon
  11. I've been looking for a flag return trigger that dosn't have like 6000 glitches in it, most i have found either give the flag to another player instead of returning it, dosn't return it all the time, gives the flag 2 a wall, or makes the flag dissaepar all together. does anyone have a fully functional one? thanks Eagles Talon
  12. AAF_Eagles_Talon

    Black out the map?

    thanks, ill try that
  13. AAF_Eagles_Talon

    Combat position

    maybe instead of putting them in combat, give the soldiers seek and destroy waypoints, i havn't worked much with waypoints yet, so it's just a thought.
  14. AAF_Eagles_Talon

    Black out the map?

    the warps are extremely subtle and necessary, the map will contain some 5000 objects, which if you don't know, will lag like hell if they are all close to eachother, i developed a trigger method that really only works in this indoor map im making, a player will think he/she just ran down a 5 m corridor, when in fact they were just warped 6000 m away, this can be accomplished by 4 move triggers, 3 stretches of corridor (with lots of blind corners) that are exactly identical. the only thing that will give away the warp, (and confuse the hell out the player) is the cadet mode map and given that this map has nothing to do with the terrain on malden (Except for some panoramic views out a window) and most of the fortress is spread out over the ocean, a player indicator is not needed(not to mention the map screen will be redundant)the only thing that may do u good is the compass. this isn't a normal mission, i will eventually integrate this method with ground missions but i need to perfect this mission method before i do any such thing, currently this is going to be closer to a rougespear, or quake map. so does anyone know? or atleast force veteran mode, that will work fine too. p.s. the map im referring to is the same map in the "odd wall occurance" thread Eagles_Talon p.s.s if you want exact details as to how to do the warp, i can send you a demo map
  15. AAF_Eagles_Talon

    Black out the map?

    is it possible to remove the map for a multiplayer mission like in the bis 1985 campagin mission escape from prision? i have a map that warps a player all over the place, but i developed a way so the player dosn't have any idea that he was just warped, but the minimap will confuse the heck out of the player, so i need to do away with it. can anyone help thanks Eagles_Talon