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Everything posted by Ace-Jack

  1. Ace-Jack

    How to win montignac must fall?

    I just restarted OFP, 2nd time around, with super AI and veteran level. You want to talk about impossible, I get KIA in record times. I'm just after Montignac, in the woods fighting, and trying to get off the island. My biggest problem is seeing the enemy, everything is so dark. I liberated a sniper rifle, but that helps in some ways - hurts in others. Its still great fun.
  2. Ace-Jack

    Machine gun shoot

    Just an FYI for anyone in the Kentucky area, Â theres a gun range outside of Louisville that has a machine gun shoot twice a year. Next one in April. You can rent and shoot almost any automatic weapon ever made. http://www.Knobcreekshoot.com
  3. Ace-Jack

    Machine gun shoot

    Does anybody know why I can't put a picture in here? It just comes up with an X boxed. thanks
  4. Ace-Jack

    Thinking of military service

    You want a good 4 years, go Air Force. Save money for collage, see the world, don't get cold.
  5. Ace-Jack

    Ofp: resistance sp mission "laser guide" help!

    I make my way to a overlook behind the church, you get a clear shot from there. Â Use the radio to call in the plane - looks like an A-10. Hold the diamond on the bridge until it is hit, ditch the laser, carefully go back to the town. Â There are enemy everywhere, and they are pissed. Â good luck. Also try to destroy the bridge before 0300 hrs.
  6. Ace-Jack


    You've probably finished this mission by now, but just in case. Stelthly advance toward the airbase, there is a patroling BMP and tank. Get around them, order the hold fire or someone will give you away. Facing the base, we moved toward the right side. I positioned men in hide places to give me fire support if spotted. Crawl around down by the water until you are even with the Hind. Watch the patrols, when they move out, crawl up and power up a chopper. Start firing the missiles as the rotors gain speed. Once up don't get to high, there are Shukas nearby. Rake havoc. Go back for the BMP and tank or they will kill your men getting out. The Hind got destroyed every time so be ready to bail.
  7. Ace-Jack

    Dynamic range for v 1.90

    Nevermind, I figured it out. I used the Browse to get to OFP, and clicked on it and thats where the file went. Just like it was supposed to. It sounds excellent!
  8. Ace-Jack

    Dynamic range for v 1.90

    I do not know how to unzip a file to my flashpoint folder, my computer has extract all, then it asks "files will be extracted to this directory". If I type in flashpoint or resistance I get a password needed box. Otherwise it just extracts it to my desktop. thanks for any help.
  9. Ace-Jack

    Starting over

    I've completed all of ofp, resistance, and am close to finishing Red Dawn. I want to start ofp again. Should I go in as player 2, or what - to start a new campain. I've played everything as a cadet, I'll try veteran this time. Any other suggestions to shake things up?
  10. Ace-Jack

    Ending to resistance

    Is there only one possible ending to resistance.
  11. Ace-Jack

    Underhill (sp in resistance)

    I back everyone up the hill a little ways, so the shells can't reach them. After a few moments the shells stop to allow the landing, at that point I send a few soilders to the machine guns that didn't get destroyed. I have a law to hit a couple of the boats, then I back up the hill and get behind the rock and snipe at the enemy with my M21. After all, the enemies are killed, I carefully work around to the right ( theres always someone left alive, waiting to end your mission ) pick up some RPGs and destroy the BMPs that are left.
  12. Ace-Jack

    Resistance occupation

    Finally, last night the great Flashpoint gods had pity on me, and let me survive the mission. It did not like me in the BMP. I captured the base and placed 2 men on the north side machine guns, and went to the south side to defend from there. The resistance tanks helped too.
  13. Ace-Jack

    Resistance occupation

    I've been playing the Resistance Occupation mission for a long time now. Â I had good information at the start so the extra tanks left. Â Me and about 7 others are in the woods south of the base. Â I attack the base when the resistance tanks come, and am able to take control of the base. Â I capture the BMP and use it to repell at least 3 to 4 counter strikes. But after a while some RPG comes and kills me. Â I've tried to leave the camp and kill the BMPs and tanks around the area, but someone always gets me. I like playing missions for a while, trying different things but this is getting tired. Â Any solutions?
  14. Ace-Jack

    Bought my dream handgun

    If you like guns, check out the web site for Knob Creek Gun Range, or machine gun shoot. They shoot twice a year, everything from flamethrowers to vulcans. People are welcome to rent automatic weapons, something regular people rarely get a chance to do.machine gun shoot
  15. Ace-Jack

    Red Dawn Walkthrough

    I like to do an airborne mission. Load everyone up on the Hind with two other soilders as pilot and gunner. Have the pilot fly to Gupta's base around the road heading north just out of camp, order the men to jump out and I eject to parachute down to the road. Send the Hind to fight the T-80. Gupta will try to escape in his car - you can capture him dead or alive. Then order everyone to board Hind, get out of the camp or more T-80s come and bog you down. I order the pilot to fly out to sea, out of reach of the Shukas. Come in to the northern part of the island and land, then search for the Scud. I don't think you can parachute twice. I also load out most of the soilders with laws.