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About Ako

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Ako


    no1 with any sort of work around?
  2. Ako


    damn it, this was account i was supposed to use.. i used to play ofp a lot and i remember updating drivers and getting the same problem, but i just stopped playing and didnt ask for help, i was hoping that there would be a fix by now!
  3. I have noticed that in the editor after installing resistance, there is a new button which shows IDs on the map. For a mission which i am creating i would like to mission to fail if any part of the bridge is destroyed. So is there anyway to manipulate the ID of the bridge parts, in either, setting the ID a name so that u can use getdammage <name>, or been able to getdammage directly from an ID number. If anyone can shed any light on this plz do so Also i hope that BIS create a new scripting reference as there are many new commands / weapon / unit names since the last reference was created!
  4. Ako

    Nuke boom

    Thanks pathfinder!!
  5. Ako

    Nuke boom

    pathfinder could you post it here or email it to me at ak0@msn.com ? thx
  6. ok to be more specific, i want to find out the Player which killed an AI.
  7. Thanks for that, the program seems to work in decrypting the official missions, but for my usermade mission the program outputs a load of #49 #145 with other numbers after a # Has the way the missions gets encrypted changed in newer versions and isnt supported by the desqm programs?
  8. I can not get this program to work right! I got an old mission of mine, and i wanted to get a few scripts out of it (i only have the .pbo format of the mission) I used PBOtool which seemed to extract everything fine, then i ran unpack sqm to decrypt the mission.sqm but when i do i get the error message.. Use of uninitialized value in print at unpack.pl line 113. That line appears many times, then the program says finished, i am then left with a mission.txt which looks partialy decrypted, but is very messy. Has anyone else had problems using this program?
  9. I was wondering if there was anyway to get a variable or something which tells you which unit killed a certain unit ? The only place ive seen this is when you die, it first shows you then the unit which killed you... Just as example would you be able to do this... P1 Kills P2 Then a titletext says.... P2 was killed by P1
  10. Thanks for that! ill have to try that soon. The reference guide ive got doesnt show that the quotes are needed *edits reference* Thanks
  11. The mission i am curently creating is rather large, and i want the respawn point, (marker Respawn_West) to move when the players reach a certain point. I set up a trigger at the location where i want the respawn to update, and in the activation used the command: Respawn_West SetMarkerPos [x,y,z] (i cant remember the co-o's] I then tested in multiplayer, i went over the trigger, and killed myself, but it didnt work :| So is it not possible to move the Respawn_West marker? or did i do something wrong?
  12. Ako


    Im running xp too, when i dropped my .wav onto the program it didnt work. So i ran cmd from run box to get the windows command console thing.. i had wavetolip.exe and my go.wav in the same folder, then go to that directory using cmd (old dos commands cd etc..) then ran WaveToLip.exe go.wav When i did it like this it created my .lip file fine!
  13. Ako

    Strange multiplayer problem :(

    Ok time to make this weirder... I deicded to set up a win98se test, all the system has one is ofp, drivers, ASE, and dx8 installed from ofp cd. Now i used the following server for testing.. Dedicated server on gamesdomain.co.uk (03) - Custom Maps [non subscribers]|| I am on ISDN (Asuscom isdn card) and when i try to connect on a single line (64k) i STILL get the black screen wait for server.. session lost.. Then i tried again using dualline (128k) and it connected no problem. Has anyone else with ISDN experienced anything like this? or any ideas what the hell is going on!
  14. Ako

    Strange multiplayer problem :(

    Im running winxp And by "there was no IPSec" i mean that the option isnt there, i read about how to active it, and i checked the section of xp where it would be loaded but it isnt! So it is not activated :|