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Everything posted by AnGuS

  1. Hi all, i have a new model with his rtm´s of walf forward and backward.I create his config.cpp,here it is: // some basic defines #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define WeaponNoSlot 0 // dummy weapons #define WeaponSlotPrimary 1 // primary weapons #define WeaponSlotSecondary 16 // secondary weapons #define WeaponSlotItem 256 // items #define WeaponSlotBinocular 4096 // binocular #define WeaponHardMounted 65536 class CfgPatches { class nu_vec { units[] = {example}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.75; requiredAddons[] = {BIS_Resistance}; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { sections[]={}; sectionsInherit=""; }; class nuvec: Default { sections[]={"cuerpo","pata izq","pata der","pie izq","pieder","pata baja izq","pata baja der"}; }; }; //acciones class CfgNuVecActions { access=3; Stop=""; WalkF=""; WalkB=""; }; //movimientos class CfgMovesNuVec { access=1; class Actions { class NoActionsAll: CfgNuVecActions { access=3; }; class NoActions: NoActionsAll { turnSpeed=1; upDegree=-1; limitFast=5; }; class StandActions: NoActions { stop="Stand"; default="Stand"; walkF="StandWalkF"; walkB="StandWalkB"; }; class Default { access=3; actions="StandActions"; file=""; looped=1; speed=0.500000; disableWeapons=0; enableOptics=1; disableWeaponsLong=0; showWeaponAim=1; enableMissile=0; enableBinocular=0; showItemInHand=0; showItemInRightHand=0; showHandGun=0; onLandBeg=0; onLandEnd=0; onLadder=0; duty=-0.500000; visibleSize=1; aimPrecision=1; recoilSuffix=""; relSpeedMin=1.000000; relSpeedMax=1.000000; soundEnabled=1; soundOverride=""; soundEdge1=0.500000; soundEdge2=1; terminal=0; limitGunMovement=1; variantsPlayer[]={}; variantsAI[]={""}; equivalentTo=""; connectAs=""; variantAfter[]={5,10,20}; connectFrom[]={}; connectTo[]={}; interpolateWith[]={}; interpolateTo[]={}; interpolateFrom[]={}; aiming=""; legs=""; head=""; interpolationSpeed=6; interpolationRestart=0; preload=0; }; class StandBase: Default { limitGunMovement=0; aiming="aimingNo"; disableWeapons=1; disableWeaponsLong=1; }; class States { class Stand: StandBase { actions="StandActions"; file="\example\normal.rtm"; speed=10000000000.000000; looped=1; soundEnabled=0; variantAfter[]={1,3,6}; variantsAI[]={}; equivalentTo="Stand"; interpolationSpeed=2; interpolateTo[]={}; }; class StandWalkF: StandBase { actions="StandActions"; file="\example\walk.rtm"; speed=-1.200000; looped=1; duty=-0.700000; relSpeedMin=0.700000; relSpeedMax=1.000000; interpolateTo[]={}; }; class StandWalkB: StandBase { actions="StandActions"; file="\example\walkB.rtm"; speed=-1.200000; looped=1; duty=-0.700000; relSpeedMin=0.700000; relSpeedMax=1.000000; interpolateTo[]={}; }; }; };//Class Actions };//CfgMovesNuVec class CfgVehicles { access=1; vehicleClass[]={"nuvec"}; class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land:AllVehicles{}; class LandVehicle: Land {}; class nuvec: LandVehicle {}; { scope=2; side=TWest; displayName="PAtas"; vehicleClass = "Mecha"; crew = "sebnam_acsoldier"; moves="CfgMovesMech"; model="\patas\patas.p3d"; }; };
  2. AnGuS

    New class vehicles

    Hi, i sent u a mail,did u get it? -AnGuS-
  3. AnGuS

    New class vehicles

    Hi again, i have a problem with the net.The last part is this way: class CfgVehicles { access=1; vehicleClass[]={"nuvec"}; class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land:AllVehicles{}; class LandVehicle: Land {}; class nuvec: LandVehicle {}; { scope=2; side=TWest; displayName="example"; vehicleClass = "nuvec"; crew = "sebnam_acsoldier"; moves="CfgMovesNuvec"; model="\example\nuvec.p3d"; }; }; So i know that in some places im mistake,but the problem is not all in the sintaxis or if some has forgotenn me.The really problem is if the idea i was thinkin could be posible. The idea,basically,is to create a new class of object with his own Cfgmoves,CfgActions.. and not include the new vehicle in a existent class as tank,motorcycle or man. Sorry for the error,if the idea that i was tryin to explain is not clear tell me. Thanks all, -AnGuS-
  4. Hi all, i was making an script for artillery lanuch and i have used this _ammo Camcreate _position where _ammo is or Laserguide or Smokeshell, _position is a function that takes values in a loop. This script is activated by an action in an object. When i play this in mp the only who see for example the smoke is the guy who has activated the action. And when the _ammo is Laserguide the guy who activated see the bombs feeling and the others only see and feel the explosions(with dammage). I tried to used publicVariable command but doesnt work. Im wondering how to expand the camcreate object to the whole of the clients connect at the server. Thanks a lot, -AnGuS-
  5. Hi, thanks for the link.Its too late for study the methods of make that an event in a client happens in all the clients, anyway tomorrow ill see how i try to pass this problem. However i think that i know how do it. Thanks a lot, -AnGuS-
  6. Hi, i wanna make a ctf for four teams: west,east,guerrilla,civilian. But when i put this in the flag init of civilian: this SetFlagTexture "white.pac";Flag2 setflagside civilian; Theres no unit who can pick up the flag of the civilians,thats no happens with the others side. Please anyone knows how to make a ctf for 4 teams? Thanks, -AnGuS-
  7. AnGuS

    Name markers in mp

    Hi all, We have used your the User-defined Marker Detection Script from snYpir, for some sp missions and it works fine. Howeverm when trying to use it in Mp the script does not work since the markers names for Sp and Mp seem to be different. We are aware this is a well known problem and we are wondering if any improvement to adapt this script to Mp has been accomplished. Does any one known the naming convection of the markers in Mp. We think that's the only thing we need to adapt the script to Mp. Thank you very much in advance, i paste the SnYpir´s script here: *-------------------------------------------------------* ; user defined marker detection script v1 ; by snYpir for the OFP editing center ;--------------------------------------------- ; this script will constantly monitor for new user-defined markers ; it is designed to be called right at the start of a mission ; every time a new user defined marker is created: ; the global variable 'userMarker' will equal the latest marker ; the global variable 'userMarkerPos' will equal the position of the latest marker ; the global variable 'userMarkerX' will equal the X coord of latest marker ; the global variable 'userMarkerY' will equal the Y coord of latest marker ; the global variable 'userMarkerSet' will equal true. ; it is YOUR responsibility to set userMarkerSet back to false! ie in your artillery script or wherever. If you don't it doesn't matter, if the user enters a new marker then the new marker information will override the global variables ; it does not matter how many markers already exist on the map, this script will just hunt for the first user defined marker the player places, then the next etc. ; WARNING!!!! THE DELETE BUTTON IS THE ACHILE'S HEEL OF THIS SCRIPT!!!!! ; PARAMETERS: takes the number of pre-defined markers you have already set in the editor ;---------------------------------------------- ; BEGIN BITS U CAN EDIT ;---------------------- ; set the time between marker checks - should be between 0.25 and 1 _pause = 0.5 ; time in seconds to show 'destroy' icon before the marker will disappear, default is 1 ; careful, you don't want the player adding new markers while we are waiting for the ; destroy icon to disappear, so don't make this value too high _hidedelay = 1 ; the icon to display for user-defined markers _icon = "destroy" ; END BITS U CAN EDIT ;-------------------- userMarkerPause = false userMarkerSet = false _nEditorMarkers = _this select 0 ; this loop will run until the end of the mission #missionLooop ;wait for a marker to be added #loop2 ;halt the script if requested @NOT(userMarkerPause) ; find the id of what will be the next user-defined marker _counter = _nEditorMarkers #loop1 _markerposn = getMarkerPos format["_USER_DEFINED #0/%1",_counter] ? ((_markerposn select 0) == 0 AND (_markerposn select 1) == 0) : goto "nextmarkerspotfound" _counter = _counter + 1 goto "loop1" ; ok so now _counter will equal the position of where a new marker will go. #nextmarkerspotfound ; make sure another marker has not been added during the loop above ? ((_markerposn select 0) != 0 AND (_markerposn select 1) != 0) : _counter = _counter + 1 ~_pause _markerposn = getMarkerPos format["_USER_DEFINED #0/%1",_counter] ? (_markerposn select 0) == 0 AND (_markerposn select 1) == 0 : goto "loop2" ; remember the new marker information in userMarker, userMarkerPos, userMarkerPosX, userMarkerPosY userMarker = format["_USER_DEFINED #0/%1",_counter] userMarkerPos = _markerposn userMarkerX = (_markerposn select 0) userMarkerY = (_markerposn select 1) ; change markers icon userMarker SetMarkerType _icon ; switch the userMarkerSet flag to true - it is your responsibility to switch it back to false userMarkerSet = true ; uncomment for information about new marker to be printed to screen ;hint format["Marker %1 placed at position: (%2,%3)",_counter,userMarkerX,userMarkerY] ; short pause to allow icon to change ~_hidedelay ; hide the marker (so the player will not intentionally delete it) userMarker SetMarkerType "empty" ; loop back up to wait for the next marker goto "missionLooop" ;NOTE: Due to the different marker naming convention in multiplayer missions, this script will not work in multiplayer. This situation will be rectified as soon as I find out the naming convention of user-placed markers in multiplayer *--------------------------------------------------------* -AnGuS- www.leofp.com
  8. AnGuS

    Name markers in mp

    Thanks anyway Suma. It's too bad you can not implement the reading of markers in Mp since this is a very powerful tool to interact with the players. In any way, if you plan to implement something in this direction in the future we will appreciate if you let us know. Thank you very much once again -AnGuS-
  9. AnGuS

    Name markers in mp

    Hi, First of all thanks for u reply Suma, and in second place i have another question. Is there any scripting command that returns the value of the arbitrary integer identifying? Thanks Suma very much in advance -AnGuS- www.leofp.com
  10. Hi all, We have used your the User-defined Marker Detection Script from snYpir, for some sp missions and it works fine. Howeverm when trying to use it in Mp the script does not work since the markers names for Sp and Mp seem to be different. We are aware this is a well known problem and we are wondering if any improvement to adapt this script to Mp has been accomplished. Does any one known the naming convection of the markers in Mp. We think that's the only thing we need to adapt the script to Mp. Thank you very much in advance, i paste the SnYpir´s script here: *-------------------------------------------------------* ; user defined marker detection script v1 ; by snYpir for the OFP editing center ;--------------------------------------------- ; this script will constantly monitor for new user-defined markers ; it is designed to be called right at the start of a mission ; every time a new user defined marker is created: ; the global variable 'userMarker' will equal the latest marker ; the global variable 'userMarkerPos' will equal the position of the latest marker ; the global variable 'userMarkerX' will equal the X coord of latest marker ; the global variable 'userMarkerY' will equal the Y coord of latest marker ; the global variable 'userMarkerSet' will equal true. ; it is YOUR responsibility to set userMarkerSet back to false! ie in your artillery script or wherever. If you don't it doesn't matter, if the user enters a new marker then the new marker information will override the global variables ; it does not matter how many markers already exist on the map, this script will just hunt for the first user defined marker the player places, then the next etc. ; WARNING!!!! THE DELETE BUTTON IS THE ACHILE'S HEEL OF THIS SCRIPT!!!!! ; PARAMETERS: takes the number of pre-defined markers you have already set in the editor ;---------------------------------------------- ; BEGIN BITS U CAN EDIT ;---------------------- ; set the time between marker checks - should be between 0.25 and 1 _pause = 0.5 ; time in seconds to show 'destroy' icon before the marker will disappear, default is 1 ; careful, you don't want the player adding new markers while we are waiting for the ; destroy icon to disappear, so don't make this value too high _hidedelay = 1 ; the icon to display for user-defined markers _icon = "destroy" ; END BITS U CAN EDIT ;-------------------- userMarkerPause = false userMarkerSet = false _nEditorMarkers = _this select 0 ; this loop will run until the end of the mission #missionLooop ;wait for a marker to be added #loop2 ;halt the script if requested @NOT(userMarkerPause) ; find the id of what will be the next user-defined marker _counter = _nEditorMarkers #loop1 _markerposn = getMarkerPos format["_USER_DEFINED #0/%1",_counter] ? ((_markerposn select 0) == 0 AND (_markerposn select 1) == 0) : goto "nextmarkerspotfound" _counter = _counter + 1 goto "loop1" ; ok so now _counter will equal the position of where a new marker will go. #nextmarkerspotfound ; make sure another marker has not been added during the loop above ? ((_markerposn select 0) != 0 AND (_markerposn select 1) != 0) : _counter = _counter + 1 ~_pause _markerposn = getMarkerPos format["_USER_DEFINED #0/%1",_counter] ? (_markerposn select 0) == 0 AND (_markerposn select 1) == 0 : goto "loop2" ; remember the new marker information in userMarker, userMarkerPos, userMarkerPosX, userMarkerPosY userMarker = format["_USER_DEFINED #0/%1",_counter] userMarkerPos = _markerposn userMarkerX = (_markerposn select 0) userMarkerY = (_markerposn select 1) ; change markers icon userMarker SetMarkerType _icon ; switch the userMarkerSet flag to true - it is your responsibility to switch it back to false userMarkerSet = true ; uncomment for information about new marker to be printed to screen ;hint format["Marker %1 placed at position: (%2,%3)",_counter,userMarkerX,userMarkerY] ; short pause to allow icon to change ~_hidedelay ; hide the marker (so the player will not intentionally delete it) userMarker SetMarkerType "empty" ; loop back up to wait for the next marker goto "missionLooop" ;NOTE: Due to the different marker naming convention in multiplayer missions, this script will not work in multiplayer. This situation will be rectified as soon as I find out the naming convention of user-placed markers in multiplayer *--------------------------------------------------------* -AnGuS- www.leofp.com