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Everything posted by Ayorros

  1. Hi everybody. Here is some screenshots with 2 choppers with textures imported from call of duty series (4&6) : MH-53 Pavelow & CH-46 Sea Knight. I will release these 2 models on Arma 1 & 2. pics on Arma 1 : pics on Arma 2 : note : the CH46 is an early beta. no rotor and not entirely textured playable version will come very soon
  2. Ayorros

    OFrP #5 Release

    Don't worry this model will be back in the next OFrP special operations units pack.
  3. Ayorros

    BIS Forums Top 100 Games - Finished!

    1. OFP 2. GTA III & GTA III VC 3. Neocron 4. Championship Manager 4 5. Day of the Tentacle 6. Secret of Monkey Island 2 7. Final Fantasy 7 8. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 9. Maniac Mansion (NES version) 10. Battlefield 1942
  4. Ayorros

    OFrP New Releases!!!

    you're lucky you can play with both
  5. Ayorros

    OFrP New Releases!!!

    normal units : units with standard "centre-europe" french army camo uniforms jungle units : regular troops (with same camo that normal units) with sleeves up and jungle spec ops soldiers desert troops : units with french desert camo uniforms a pic more understandable : [im]http://www.ofrp.net/news/images/Packinfanterie3.jpg[/img]>100kb up-left : normal units down-left : jungle units down-right : desert units
  6. Detail of the good stuff you'll get on August 7 : ¤ Weapon Pack v3.0 - Update of the already released weapons. - Added several versions of the FA-MAS... ¤ Infantry Pack v3.0 - textures completely remade - 34 new models - 3 army corps : infantry, airborne infantry and Foreign Legion - 3 types of units : basic, jungle units, desert units - new specialities : engineer, special forces, scouts, laser designators, rescuemen - new hidden selection - Reorganization of the groups. (special thanks to Earl & Suchey, BAS team (Selectthis, Deadmeat & Ebud)) ¤ Objects Pack v2.0 - Updade of the already released objects. - Added 4 fixed but dismontable and transportable weapons : Milan, Eryx, ANF1, Mistral. (and their ammo) - Added a rescue canot and custom fences adapted to the fixed weapons. ¤ Air Pack v2.0 - Updade of the already released choppers. - Added a Puma RESCO and a new Puma treuil. - Added 2 new helicopters : Fennec, Dauphin 2. - Added the Mirage 2000-C, Mirage 2000-D and the Jaguar (coming in 3 different camo schemes each and 3 different loadouts each). - Added the rappeling script (simple rope), a winch script (usable on the Fennec, the Dauphin and some Pumas) and a "grappe" script. ¤ Presentation Missions : - Update of OFrP Sarin War (1-8 C) and OFrP Damocles (1-15 C) : added the spanish and italian translations. - Release of OFrP Bouclier (1-12 C) and OFrP RESCO (1-14 C). a few screens :
  7. Ayorros

    next Operation Frenchpoint release

    we've added a stringable.csv in the infantry pack with english, italian, spanish, german and czech translation. But it'll not translate every word in the editor. Some non-speaking french players said us they like french name for units because it's a little bit "exotic". So we have decided to keep the soldier's type in french (Fantassin, Parachutiste or Legionnaire) and to translate the speciality in english so it looks like that (in english) Légionnaire (Machinegunner) Legionnaire (Officer) Légionnaire (Radio Operator) ... "exotic" names with understandable functions for every non-speaking french players
  8. Ayorros

    next Operation Frenchpoint release

    this model is inspired by "Minerve" company of 2e RIMA soldier (RIMA = Regiment d'Infanterie de MArine, naval infantry) some real pics :
  9. Ayorros

    next Operation Frenchpoint release

    more screens : mistral launcher desert units jungle unit jungle units
  10. Ayorros

    next Operation Frenchpoint release

    sorry double posts i've made a mistake
  11. Ayorros

    French army !

    note from OFrP team the wolf is not a member of OfrP team. No release date has been communicated about our next packs. We don't know when we will release these packs so I can't see how someone external to our team can give an estimation of release date. You are warned.