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Everything posted by AK-Chester

  1. AK-Chester

    Pbo extractor

    You CAN also decrypt scripts (sqs) by simply naming them .sqm and after that rename them back... Works as good (or as bad) as it does with mission.sqm files (good enough to see how they´re done).
  2. AK-Chester

    Adding custom faces

    No tricks with winamp here, it worked from the very start. Sorry man, dunno.
  3. AK-Chester

    Adding music, please help me

    No probs with winamp here. Works fine both as ogg-player and encoder. Couldn´t be much easier. @ Tales_From_Topographic_Oceans: Not me (the clown)...
  4. AK-Chester

    Adding music, please help me

    @ BaN5Hee: The code is correct but it´s gotta be in the description.ext not in the stringtable.csv... @ Tales_From_Topographic_Oceans: Hm, dunno, works just fine here (in_vorbis as well as out_vorbis). I play ogg-files with winamp the same way as wavs or mp3s.
  5. AK-Chester

    Adding custom faces

    KIs = AIs (german here)...
  6. AK-Chester

    Adding custom faces

    Jpg-faces can only be used for the player (you), while a pbo lets you give the face to ALL soldiers, even KIs (everyone playing the mission must have the pbo-file though). Fact is that the face.pbo-files are nothing but the jpgs and a simple config.cpp. Got it now?
  7. AK-Chester

    Making a mission need help

    What about military police...? And there´s several other police cars here. Bet you already knew...
  8. AK-Chester

    Object names

    Have you got the Weapon & Ammolist? Well, the scud´s not in it but most of the others are...
  9. There´s a rather new tool out on ofpeditingcenter, called PBO-Tool. It does both packing and unpacking pbos and works better than the ones I knew. Dunno if it solves the problem though.
  10. AK-Chester

    Something i found

    Black Barons terminator (T-800) addon can be downloaded here.
  11. Got you wrong then, sorry... Let us know if the script does it, will ya?!
  12. You´ll have to make seperate briefings for east and west then. Check the tutorial "How to make multiplayer briefings" on this site (you´ll have to scroll way down).
  13. AK-Chester


    Oh, and I forgot: it only works in the "real" mission, not in the preview...
  14. AK-Chester


    @ Suchey: I don´t think that it is possible to make this side specific (doesn´t mean it isn´t...). @ NEO [PZ]: It´s defined in the description.ext (like the other options). Example: // OPTIONS // debriefing = 1 showWatch = 1 showCompass = 1 showNotepad = 1 showGPS = 1 showMap = 1 1 means yes/on, 2 means no/off. In this example the GPS is on, so the player will see himself (and his group?) on the map.
  15. AK-Chester

    Jungle everon team deathmatch

    There´s one or two deathmatch tutorials here (scroll down), dunno if they´re good though - haven´t testet ´em.
  16. AK-Chester

    The big fonts?

    If you put this code in the description.ext file of your mission and include a pic called akpic.jpg (in your mission folder too) than you will be able to put that pic and a big OPERATION CUCUMBER in your mission... class RscStdText  { type=0; idc=-1; style=2; colorBackground[]={0,0,0,0}; colorText[]={1,1,1,1}; font="TahomaB24"; size=1;  }; class RscTitles  { titles[]={"akpic", "mtitel"}; class akpic  {  idd=-1;  movingEnable=0;  duration=5;  fadein=2;  name="akpic";  controls[]={"akpic00"};  class akpic00   {   type=0; idc=-1; style=48; colorBackground[]={0,0,0,0 }; colorText[]={1,1,1,0.6}; font="AudreysHandI48"; size=1;   text="akpic.jpg";   x=0.25;   y=0.25;   w=0.5;   h=0.5;   }; }; class mtitel  {  idd=-1;  movingEnable=0;  duration=5;  fadein=2;  name="mtitel";  controls[]={"mtitel00"}; class mtitel00   {  type=0; idc=-1; style=2; colorBackground[]={0,0,0,0.0 }; colorText[]={1,1,1,0.6}; font="SteelfishB128"; size=2;  text="OPERATION CUCUMBER";  x=0.04;  y=0.27;  w=0.9;  h=0.5;   };  };  }; These custom ressources would be found in the effects section of the editor just like the codemasters stuff. And yes, there is a tutorial for this stuff but... sorry guys... it´s in german. I´ll post the link, anyway. http://www.ofp-editing.de/index.php?sec=tutorials&tut=ressourcen
  17. You better get a good description.ext tutorial then. ;-) In case you don´t already have it...
  18. AK-Chester


    Don´t wanna pull the breaks on this your project but to me it sounds a lot like the upcoming resistance-campaign that´s already on the way... Â
  19. AK-Chester

    List of animation for editing

    Different movements you can use in the playmove or switchmove commands: http://editing.deltaforcecommand.org.uk/lusty/tutorials/playmoves.txt
  20. And another one: getting started.
  21. Or let the briefing and overview generator do the job for ya. You can get it from this site.
  22. AK-Chester


    There´s quiet a lot of weird scripts in a german forum regarding weed and how it might be "used" in OFP. Have a look at these threads (in german, but you could check the scripts if you don´t know any...): http://www.k-foren.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24886 http://www.k-foren.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25313 Greetz, AK-Chester
  23. AK-Chester

    .wss problems

    @ Sergeant Rock: Oh, I see... got no idea though. Don´t know about any other tools than the one you are using. Good luck anyway!
  24. AK-Chester

    Command for unit to speak

    If you use unitname say soundfile and it´s a custom sound that you made then you´ll have to create a .lip file as well. Otherwise the soldier will talk without moving his lips (in german we call this "Bauchredner", what do you call it in english? lol)... Check the tutorials and the tools.