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About Arrenius

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  1. Arrenius

    I\'m Stuck in a mission who can help me??

    Do none of you boneheads manage to read all of the postings here?? Okay, so I managed to finish this mission after replaying it from scratch. But, the fact is, first time I played it I found the camp all you guys are raving about, but was continuously gunned down by the americans before I was even able to enter it. A few attempts ended up in all american troops dead. Regardless, there was no cutscene upon entering the camp. Has nobody else experienced that?!?!? The strange part is that all the Russian troops were highlighted in "Green", i.e. as a friendly unit. Well, if you don't feel like bothering, why keep talking of what has already been solved. We should all know by now, to do the 180degree turn.
  2. Arrenius

    I\'m Stuck in a mission who can help me??

    I've got a problem with this campaign that nobody has addressed. After successfully having fled the main camp and made it to the next retry point I find myself in the middle of the forest, next to a big rock. When I've made a 180degrees turn and run towards the moon I get to one the camp you guys mention. And, yes. There are American troops there. Four infantry units if I'm not mistaken. But when I approach them I am gunned down. If I wait there for some time without approaching them there are also some Russian infantry and a BMP that arrive later. These russians appear as Green (friendly unit) when I higlight them. Could this be a bug? It's very confusing, nonetheless.