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About Akodo

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  1. I think there are several ways of doing this, if the flags aren't working for you. Here is one EG Name each tank in the group (ie, t1, t2, t3 and t4) Now create a trigger. in the "Conditions" box put : !alive t1 && !alive t2 && !alive t3 && !alive t4 now in the "On activation" box put v1=1 Now repeat this step for the next group, naming the tanks differently and changing the tank names in the trigger to match, and changing v1 to v2. Do this for every unit you want to be killed before the game will end. Now create another trigger (assuming you made 3 triggers in the previsou step, v1 v2 and v3) In the "Conditions" box put: v1==1 && v2==1 && v3==1 Now in the "type" box select end #1 The 3 initial triggers set the values of V1, v2 and v3 to 1 one all the units listed are destroyed. The 4 trigger looks to see when v1, v2 aned v3 are equal to 1, meaning all units have been destroyed, then end sthe game. The thing to watch out for with this that if you hit the tank with enough damage to make the crew bail out.. it is not necessarily destroyed.
  2. Akodo


    I mostly play it multiplayer and it definately isn't there, in the choppers. I don't know about the tanks, cause we hardly use them. You can still access it in the mission editor, but once you export your mission to mp it goes away. VERY ANNOYING It's disappearance stuff up a mission I have been working on.
  3. Sorry i know this isn't anything to do with editing, but i can't get into the general forum. Does anyone know how to get manual fire back in the game...fly solo missions in the chopers was so much fun, now it is simply crap :/ Entirely displeased