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Aaron Kane

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Everything posted by Aaron Kane

  1. Aaron Kane

    Cannot load mission...

    How is this an addon and/or mod? This should be in troubleshooting instead. *prays to mods to come save the day*
  2. Aaron Kane

    100 reasons why ofp will survive longer than cs

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tovarish @ Dec. 02 2002,23:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The Grizzly bears would win......ah ....um sorry, that was an old thread flashback.<span id='postcolor'> ROFLMAO! I REMEMBER THAT THREAD! But for the record, the grizzly bears would lose.
  3. Aaron Kane

    Beretta 92 billennium

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ Nov. 30 2002,00:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (STS_SolidSnake @ Nov. 29 2002,23:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">what are the pistols law in switzerland?<span id='postcolor'> you need to be able to 1) hold a chocolate along with in the grip 2)must be usable in case your pondue fork is lost. <span id='postcolor'> LOL!
  4. Aaron Kane

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    I've come to the conclusion that I'm indeed going to buy an airsoft gun. I'm thinking either the M16A2 or the M4. I'm considering the M16A2 because someone in this thread mentioned that it has a larger battery than the M4. I used to play paintball, and I'd always have lots of ammo but no CO2, so having a large battery is going to be helpful. Which one do you all think I should buy? I'm probably going to play against guys with paintball guns. I'm probably going to play on a mountainside with lots of woods and boulders to hide behind, but it still offers relatively good visability. Is there a singifigant difference between the effective range of the M4 and the M16A2 in airsoft?
  5. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    So is the ME262 probably going to be the ultimate BnZ fighter once it picks up alot of speed? Â Is it going to be like a FW190 on steriods, since it has better guns and speed? I imagine its going to be somewhat fragile though. I really am looking forward to the JU88 and He111 as well as the TB3. I've really loved the Stuka, and the variant with the anti-tank cannons is going to RoxXor. How many rounds of ammunition do the large caliber guns on the anti-tank Stuka carry? Does anyone have any idea?
  6. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    I think its a glider tug.
  7. Aaron Kane

    Going to war with iraq?

    I dont like the American education system. Many kids think its "cool" to be stupid. Maybe that would explain why most of the popular kids are dumb?
  8. Aaron Kane

    Questions on identifying weapons in movies

    LOL, I was watching some 80's remake of "The Blob", and some guy held a LAW out with one arm and fired it upwards so it blew the cover off a manhole. Madness!
  9. Aaron Kane

    Laser quest tips and techniques

    I dont know, my paintball gun (a stingray II) was innacurate as hell, with its stubby little barrel and tendency to make ammo explode. I'd really like to play airsoft someday, if given the chance. Just to compare the two. Is it even legal in the US though? I've never heard of anyone playing it here.
  10. Aaron Kane

    Most frustrating gaming moments...

    Any level in Driver 2. Â *shudders* And Sudden Strike is turning out to be hard as hell now too. I'm used to playing games like Starcraft and Red Alert 2 and not losing a single unit in the entire level, then I play Sudden Strike and I'm practically required to send units to their death just so I can see some light anti-tank gun thats been picking at them for ten minutes
  11. Aaron Kane

    What was u'r first tought?

    Well I originally read about this game when I was off trolling at the Red Alert 2 boards. I went to the main site, and downloaded the demo overnight. Anyways, the next morning, I was very impressed. I remember playing that mission practically every way possible. I even remember trying to shoot down that Black Hawk that flies over right at the beginning, but to no avail Then I downloaded some user made mission that had the Black Hawk, T72, and the legendary BMP w/ missile attachment. I probably toyed around with those vehicles more than I actually played the original demo mission. I would try to beat the level using only the Blackhawk, which was easy. Then I'd try to beat it with the T72, which was alot harder. Then I tried it with the BMP, which was even harder. Then I tried it in the Blackhawk w/machinegun, and I noticed that the machine gun (or 30mm. cannon, as it was in the demo version), didnt rotate, so I just got out and left. I waited until the game was released in June, then ordered it immediatley.
  12. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    Off the top of my head, and I may be horribly wrong here, but I think SHIFT+F1 toggles the gunsight view by default. DELETE, END, and PAGE DOWN toggle the three zoom settings.
  13. Aaron Kane

    Russian strike aircraft....

    Hmm.... yeah, a MiG-27 would be really cool.... or we could just go HARDCORE and make a MiG-28 from Top Gun!
  14. Aaron Kane

    Dynamic range 1.85 config.cpp

    I voted yes, because hopefully this will fix that damn bug that has stopped me from editing my own config.bin
  15. Aaron Kane

    Dynamic range 1.85 config.cpp

    I voted yes, because hopefully this will fix that damn bug that has stopped me from editing my own config.bin
  16. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Saturnalia @ Nov. 11 2002,22:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aaron Kane @ Nov. 10 2002,18:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm really looking forward to the ME262.  The only thing I'm worried about is the fact that it only carries 100 30mm. rounds  Maybe the ground attack variant will help me ration my ammo better, since it has two 30mm guns.  But thats still more than enough. And theres some other Russian plane, its a heavy bomber.  It has an open cockpit, and looks sort of boxy.  I forgot the name, but it looks really cool too.  I think it was the T-3 or something, I dunno. And the British Hurricane looks really awesome too.  In fact, I'm looking forward to all the lend-lease planes. Now I need to buy a new joystick! Wo0t!<span id='postcolor'> If memory serves, the top pair of Mk-108's has 100 rounds, the bottom pair has 80 rounds.<span id='postcolor'> OH, I thought it was 100 rounds total, which meant like 25 rounds per gun. Well, if they have as much ammo as you say, then I dont have anything to worry about
  17. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    I'm really looking forward to the ME262. The only thing I'm worried about is the fact that it only carries 100 30mm. rounds Maybe the ground attack variant will help me ration my ammo better, since it has two 30mm guns. But thats still more than enough. And theres some other Russian plane, its a heavy bomber. It has an open cockpit, and looks sort of boxy. I forgot the name, but it looks really cool too. I think it was the T-3 or something, I dunno. And the British Hurricane looks really awesome too. In fact, I'm looking forward to all the lend-lease planes. Now I need to buy a new joystick! Wo0t!
  18. Aaron Kane

    What are your thoughts on vice city

    Theres only two things that really annoy me... no, make that three. First off, the Rhino tank. Â In theory, its the uber vehicle. Â It can run over everything, has an awesome cannon, and looks pretty. Â But why in the hell does it flip so much? Â Last night, I ran over a motorcycle, and I was flipped over on my back. Â Seriously, its sad. Â And sort of scary. Â I noticed this problem in GTA3 also. Second off, the Hunter should be bulletproof. Â I got taken out last night by some bikini clad woman with a 12 gauge who shot me three times. Â Weak. Having to go and get the Hunter is a big hassle too, why doesnt your helipad save helicopters? It seriously should. And on a related topic, are there any garages big enough to fit the Rhino? And as a special bonus, my fourth complaint. Â Why does the FBI drive so ungodly fast? Â I mean, a Lamborghini WILL outrun an FBI SUV. Â Or at least it should. Â Even the huge heavy SWAT trucks can magically outrun you. Â IMO, it would be alot more fun if you can blast past vehicles in a sports car or motorcycle instead of having them ram you at impossible speeds and cripple your snazzy vehicle. And those are my complaints. Â Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go hide in the closet and cry. Â Good day.
  19. Aaron Kane

    What are your thoughts on vice city

    And the ULTIMATE VEHICLE rules too. I got all the way to vigilante level 16 before I got ran over by a tank... Too bad its not immune to small arms fire too like it probably should be. After all, it is the ULTIMATE VEHICLE. And the MP5 shouldnt be stronger than the MAC-10. Other than that, all the weapons are really cool. I really like the M4, but I wish it had an automatic aiming mode like the submachine guns in addition to its scope mode. For the record, to get the ULTIMATE VEHICLE, you just need to beat the game or collect all 100 hiddden packages. It spawns in Baxter Air Force Base.
  20. Aaron Kane

    Army under fire for "sniper" video game...

    You all want to know something REALLY scary? Monday, an army recruiter is coming to my house! EEK!
  21. Aaron Kane

    Army working on three-year sandwich

    I've had little Army MRE things a few times. The only one I'm sure about was Spaghetti, and it was suprisingly good. It was pretty much as good as cafeteria food, or at least public school cafeteria food. It was pretty cool to make them too. If I remember correctly, you had to put a certain amount of water in this little bag, then insert the sealed meal into it. A chemical reaction would take place, and your meal would be cooked in just a few minutes. It came with a cracker thing too, which wasnt too hard or too soft, a little packet of jelly, and some other stuff. I dont remember exactly, it was like two years ago when I ate them. And for the record, Soylent Green is indeed people.
  22. Aaron Kane

    What are your thoughts on vice city

    .... its already out? *goes and finds a place online to order it*
  23. Aaron Kane

    How about some russian attack planes...

    Whats wrong with the Su-25 Frogfoot? Its relatively fast (compared to the A-10 ), carry's powerful ATGM's, and has a large rocket payload. All in all, I think the Su-25 is pretty much all the Ruskies need in terms of an attack plane.
  24. Aaron Kane

    What is your favorite newly released game?

    *cant wait to fly the ME262 or HE111 in the IL2 expansion* Well hey, at least now in the expansion you can fly P51's, Hurricanes, P41's and some French planes for good measure. Plus the FW190D9 and a whole slew of other planes. And they're also adding searchlights in! Wo0t!
  25. Aaron Kane

    What is your favorite newly released game?

    Yep.... I just beat Hitman 2.... *looks proud* I got a psychopath or mass murder rank on most levels. Of course, I cant get that goddamn M4A1 no matter how I try. I need to find a place that has Vice City in stock. I imagine most stores would already be sold out or close to it. *wanders off to find a life*