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Aaron Kane

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Everything posted by Aaron Kane

  1. Aaron Kane

    I demand accuracy

    And how about some more power to TOW's and AT-5's?
  2. Aaron Kane

    how about these 2 choppers

    Hey, cant the OH58 carry troops? Or am I thinking about one of the many other look-alikes?
  3. Aaron Kane

    Missile strength?

    *RUMP* I can deal with the Hellfire's strength, but both the Hellfire and ESPECIALLY the AT-6 are horribly innacurate ingame. Last night, I fired all eight of my Hellfires at a T80 on desert island, and NOT ONE HIT! They all flew over it, hitting the sand. Oh, and if the Hellfire strength isnt upgraded, I really think the AT-6 should. It takes way too many to do any real damage to a tank ingame.
  4. Aaron Kane

    Missile strength?

    Oyoyoy.... The Hellfire takes two hits to take out a T-80. This wouldnt be bad at all, but the godd*amn Hellfires always crash IN FRONT of the tank, thus doing zero damage! I think that the Hind's AT-6 should be upgraded also, since it rarely hits a target. Maybe the Hellfire and AT-6 strength should get upped a tad too? Also, I think the BMP-2's AT5 and the M2A2's TOW should do more damage. IRL, one missile is enough to ruin any tankers day. I think the TOW and AT-5 should be as strong as the Hellfire on the ingame Apache, which gives an M2A2 or BMP-2 a fighting chance against tanks.
  5. Aaron Kane

    M2A2 why no AP ammo?

    Is it just me, or are explosive rounds more powerful versus armor ingame anyway?
  6. Aaron Kane

    Missile strength?

    *RUMP* C'mon, what do you all think?
  7. Aaron Kane


    Yep, this is one of the most requested addons actually, because it would fit so well into the game Those crappy rifle-launched "mortars" arent a very good fire support.
  8. Aaron Kane

    A soviet addon

    Did you all know that NATO is making a GUIDED MLRS? So instead of a big-ass 12 foot rocket, you get a 12 foot guided rocket o' love!
  9. Aaron Kane

    devil ??

    Hmm... not for public, eh? I bet you have a bunch of secret addons, such as animals, bombers, Barret M82A1's, motorcycles, etc. all stashed away in a secret folder entitled "Snazzy secrets"... ...isnt that right Devil?
  10. Aaron Kane

    Horseback Riding

    He's a maniac... maniac... on the floor! And he's dancin' like he's never danced before!
  11. Aaron Kane

    Horseback Riding

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Antichrist on 12:46 pm on Oct. 24, 2001 And also Monkey Spanking!!!!<span id='postcolor'> I dont know... wouldnt that de-balance the sides a bit?
  12. Aaron Kane

    tank transport

    In Vietnam, didnt soldiers ride atop M113's instead of inside? I heard they did so they stood a chance of surviving a landmine. It makes sense to have that in this game.
  13. Aaron Kane

    2 Addons nearly everyone wants`!!!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Venom Viper on 4:58 pm on Oct. 1, 2001 I see that some want carriers but think the US ones are too big. Vel there are smaller options, the Tarawa class LHA genreral purupose assault ships that can carry helos or VTOL aircraft like the Harrier, have a look at http://www.spear.navy.mil/ships/lha4/facts.html they are about 247m, 40m longer than the Brittish Invicible class (206m) look at http://british-forces.com/rtw/ships/aircraftcarriers/invincible.html for more info. B.T.V. the Russians have the Kiev class carriers (about 270m) (for those who want more russian units). And please, give the Blackhawk MG a second machinegun on the right side. Also give the Blackhawk SUU (minigun) pods instead of the useless droptanks. <span id='postcolor'> Yes! I brought this up... during my first day here, I think... but I dont remember, and nobody else probably does either The Blackhawks can benefit alot from either additional Hydra pods, or even better, two 20mm. or 7.62 mm. machine gun pods. Or maybe even four 20mm. pods, or just mix and match! The islands are way too small to warrant the use of those big fuel pods.
  14. Aaron Kane

    2 Addons nearly everyone wants`!!!

    I would like realistic damage values, thats it. If we get it, I'll be happy
  15. Aaron Kane

    Manhattan in OFP

    Wow, great pic!
  16. Aaron Kane

    Alternative endings!!!

    To get the nuke ending, I'm pretty sure you just sit around after you capture Guba. He'll get bored and launch a nuke, or you can just not capture him at all (Though I did have an awesome car chase with my jeep and his UAZ, but a T80 shot me ) If you want the good ending, you need to stop the scud before it launches. It's easy if you use the hind.
  17. Aaron Kane

    Alternative endings!!!

    Yep, I think you get a few minutes to prevent the scud launch. You have mad skills just for getting there without the hind, d*amn thats impressive. I just buzzed around in a hind and blew up everything, but I've never heard of anyone actually sneaking up to the scud itself. If you complete the mission without the scud being launched, you get a similar scene, except the island doesnt get nuked, and you get a cool bonus level