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Aaron Kane

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Everything posted by Aaron Kane

  1. Aaron Kane

    d*amnit BIS

    I think that this is a pimped-out version of OFP. Its used by the military as a combat simulator, thus the attention to detail and different vehicles. But still, you cant help but wonder why they dont port some of those vehicles to us civies...
  2. Aaron Kane


    Or you could do this.... Go to November squadron (The Cobra choppers) and "borrow" one.
  3. Aaron Kane

    Tank Idea

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Badgerboy on 5:48 am on Nov. 26, 2001 Errr, see page 5 to get a clue what I was talking about. <span id='postcolor'> *Pulls out collar* Tough crowd.... tough crowd.... Sorry, I didnt mean to offend anyone with that post
  4. Aaron Kane

    Are these board moderated

    Hmmm... I dont see why anyone would flame you, you're just saying your opinion and asking harmless questions.... ....wait, that will get you flamed here
  5. Aaron Kane

    I apologize To Everyone.

    Awww... thats alright
  6. Aaron Kane


    Yeah, the IJN still make pretty nice decorations, even though they are littered across the seabed of the Pacific ocean. :rolleyes:
  7. Aaron Kane

    Tank Idea

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Satchel on 8:44 pm on Nov. 25, 2001 "I have heard of a tank class challenger or somthing like that. It can whip a T-80 pretty quick." Hehehe, this is how the original Thread started... As always the thread goes wild once equipment is involved, especially true for tanks, but i like it. We now had everything in this thread, from russian and german WWII tanks, Fairchild manufacturing plant, Warrior look-a-like clone to the M2/M3 Bradley, the british version of the AH-64 (WAH-64), RPG-7´s- over to the Lynx helicopter....i think we covered it all. <span id='postcolor'> Hey now, leave the folks at the former Fairchild plant out of this!
  8. Aaron Kane

    Here are a few screenshots....

    Would everyone please look at the pic Satchel posted with the NVG view? Notice how the woman is lighter than her background. This is what I was proposing for OFP.
  9. Aaron Kane

    Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer ?

    Its the future expansion pack for OFP.
  10. Aaron Kane


    I'm afraid to play online. I have a 56k, and the captain said that anyone who plays online with a 56k will get eaten by a squid.
  11. Aaron Kane

    Tank Idea

    Hmm... I dont know Blind Sniper. I can see how someone could confuse a Warrior with a BMP, or a Challenger for a T-55. When you have that many aircraft and vehicles buzzing around a big ass sandbox, somebody is going to get sand thrown into their eyes.
  12. Aaron Kane

    Here are a few screenshots....

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from The Blind Sniper on 9:05 pm on Nov. 24, 2001 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Black Op on 2:21 am on Nov. 25, 2001 the explosions on this game look pretty dam good , there realistic, kicking up dirt, not a flame ball like ofp :biggrin: <span id='postcolor'> Yes.. I thought that was pretty cool too Until I noticed that they "kick up dirt" when they explode in the air OFPs contact grenades suck. The explosions look pretty cool.. lacking in graphics, but grenades do have (a bit) of an explosion, then dust & smoke. I love those movies where a bamboo bridge explodes in a massive ball of flame... lol... hilarious GR graphics are nothing special. Much like OFP graphics. Except OFP has about a million more things you can do. I often find myself walking up to a support guy trying to pick up his Minimi... lol. "d*amnit. I'm off to play OFP" The Bradley in GR looks no better than the one in Half Life (crap) GR has some neat little things.. AI which hides behind trees.. but thats all trivial really, nothing special about it. They still sit infront of the enemy and get themselves shot. The soldiers look ok. The guns look worse than RS - They sound cool, but unrealistic. GR isnt something I'd pay for. I might honour redstorm by buying a burned version of it for $2.. & playing it when OFP crashes <span id='postcolor'> Hey! That Bradley in Half Life would kick your ass... unless you had a crowbar or Glock, or any other piss-weak weapon My jaw dropped when I blew up an Abrams with my Glock and crowbar. Then I cried.
  13. Aaron Kane

    Now listen here, all you motherf**kers....

    Godd*amnit Black Op, explain your sig! Or else I'll bench two more pounds, thus making your gains seem unimportant to the masses! You'll be SHUNNED!!!!
  14. I really like the new BRDM. Maybe you can retexture some Black-ops and make them SWAT members, Devil? Now THAT would be awesome...
  15. Aaron Kane

    Tank Idea

    Baah... the Challengers didnt take much punishment from our A-10's J/k.... J/k....
  16. Aaron Kane

    Now listen here, all you motherf**kers....

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from WisdoM on 12:14 am on Nov. 25, 2001 "Yes I'd bet I can bench more than you Wisdom." Â Well lets see I'm 19, just got back into lifting weights after a shoulder injury. And after 3 months of lifting weights (after a 1year down period), I can already Max out at 235lbs (Edited by WisdoM at 5:15 pm on Nov. 24, 2001) <span id='postcolor'> I made some really good gains in weight lifting last year. My bench when I began was like 155, and my final was 215. Its not bad though, it was my first year devoting time to lifting weights, and when you take into account that I'm only 16... Hopefully I'll break 245 or maybe even 250 this year.
  17. Aaron Kane

    Now listen here, all you motherf**kers....

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Jester on 12:09 am on Nov. 25, 2001 Yes I'd bet I can bench more than you... AARON KANE!!!! <span id='postcolor'> SPOT ME!!!
  18. Aaron Kane


  19. Aaron Kane

    Tank Idea

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from The Blind Sniper on 9:49 pm on Nov. 24, 2001 Pffrt. The T-90 is an overrated scout tank The Russian tanks dont even appear on lists of the world's heavy tanks. A story from the gulfwar, I recall.. where an Abrams became stuck in the sand, and unable to free itself... An Iraqi T72 came along.. shot the Abrams, to no effect, the Abrams then destroyed it. Another T72 came along.. shot the Abrams.. also to no effect, the Abrams destroyed it as well. A 3rd T72 came along.. behind a nearby sand dune, hiding from the Abrams.. but the crew of the M1A1 spotted its ariel sticking up above the dune, and fired a Sabot right through the dune, killing the 3rd T72. They tried pulling it out, unsuccessfully, with 3 more Abrams, as I recall.. they ended up taking out some of the tech & blowing the insides with demo charges, to stop anyone from stealing its tech. I think it was the only abrams lost in the gulf war.. or one of few.. none lost to Iraqi tanks. <span id='postcolor'> Shh! Dont say this here, all the T-80,90, whatever lovers will come and say its bulls**t, then proceed to talk about how their tanks can tank 10+ RPG's to the top of the turret and still roll around
  20. Aaron Kane

    Now listen here, all you motherf**kers....

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from MYSTERYMAN on 11:23 am on Nov. 24, 2001 Ill kick all your arses!!!!!!!!!!!!! <span id='postcolor'> Thems fightin' words!
  21. Aaron Kane

    Now listen here, all you motherf**kers....

    *Sniff* Does anyone... else.... want to... CRY!?!?! *Runs away in tears*
  22. Aaron Kane

    Tank Idea

    I just found out a while ago that the Fairchild plant is about 30 minutes from my house Those are the guys who manufactured and designed the A-10, for anyone that didnt know.
  23. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from fixOPFsoundsplease on 3:58 am on Nov. 22, 2001 "The AI in OFP is OUTSTADING!" I for one am sick of people simply saying that OFP is good, and they love it. Â Do you wankers really think that people who make suggestions for possible future changes hate OFP? Â People who ask for changes for legit parts of the game are doing more in thier effort than the _Whiners_ who complain about people who report problems and also, request improvements. In my reality the real whiners are the idiots who attack people who want to help the game rise to better levels. And this thread? If you are'nt going to agree with the report by Devilchaser that states factual data, then do not reply at all...simple yeah. Â Altering the ai shooting enemy empties problem (not bug) will improve the game. (Edited by fixOPFsoundsplease at 4:00 am on Nov. 22, 2001) <span id='postcolor'> Hear hear! The game isnt going to fix itself without suggestions!
  24. Aaron Kane

    Russians NEED scoped assault rife!

    And lets not forget the GAU-8's damage amount! It would make Fairchild turn in its grave! But back to the point... you say IR scopes were available in signifigant numbers? Argh... where were you to defend me on my NVG thread? I am tending to lean towards the rest of the worlds viewpoint on this though, the game is too focused on US units right now. I would really like to see the current units for all sides debugged and made more realistic for example, and maybe add a few units for the East to balance out the numerous Western upgrades. I was REALLY disappointed when I saw that they didnt even give the godd*amn BRDM (My personal favorite scout vehicle) a 12.7mm! I really cant help but wonder why BIS didnt arm the HMMWV and BRDM... they wouldnt have had anything to lose by doing it Anyway, I do think the Russians should get maybe a scoped assault rifle (like this thread suggested), and another special weapon system (mortar perhaps?)
  25. Â So I was doing the single mission in which you are a lone Black-op, must sneak into a base, and destroy tanks. Â I shoot a guard outside the fence patrolling by himself with my MP5SD6, and he dies. Â Of course, the alarm rings. Â So... I crawl into a small hole in the fence. and assume the gunner position in one of those T-80's. Â I take out a few barracks with HEAT rounds (Even though the sleepy soldiers still walk out of destroyed buildings), Â and had just gotten the lights turned on. Â Â Â I'm feeling pretty confident in my new tank, since I've seen them kick ass before ingame, and start shooting soldiers around me, when suddnly, theres an explosion in front of me, then another, then I'm dead. Â Â Turns out that two losers fired RPG's at me. Â The first two disabled my cannon, while the third killed me inside the tank. Â Â Â Now I propose a radical new reform... LET TANK CREW LIVE! Â They are human too! Â A modern tank might be disabled by RPG's, but in most instances the crew will survice, especially if the tank is protected by ERA, Chobbam, or some other protection. Â Its bad enough to have to drive around in a busted up tank, but I think that crew should get out in full health, unless of course the tank is destroyed before they can get out. Â Â This sounds confusing, so I'll try to explain it better. Â Â Â Your Abrams is hit by a T-80 twice times. Â Your tank is pretty much screwed, the turret is jammed, the cannon isnt responding, and the commander spilled his Coke on the GPS. Â The tank isnt a threat anymore, so the crew should be left alone! Â They should be given a chance to haul-ass out of their before the ammo cooks off, killing them. Â Uh oh! Â That darn T-80 fired another Sabot, and your tank explodes! Â Well, you're dead. Â It makes sense. Â Â Â Its really annoying to have your tank in pretty good shape (Mostly light-yellow, maybe some darker yellow), only to find out the crew died. Â The tank doesnt count as destroyed when kills are tallied, making the situation even more annoying. Â If the crew stayed alive till the tank was dead, the AI would target those tanks, making missions faster and you would get a higher score (Like anyone cares) Â Crew who are turned-out should be vulnerable, of course, but crew who are turned in should be pretty much invulnerable. (Edited by Aaron Kane at 11:04 pm on Nov. 17, 2001)