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Aaron Kane

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Everything posted by Aaron Kane

  1. Aaron Kane

    Best martial art?

    i) Level 1 - I need to become a hero! ---------------------------------- /Chop/ Kick! Punch! It's all in the mind If you wanna test me, I'm sure you'll find that all the things, I'll teach ya is sure to beat ya, nevertheless you'll get a lesson from teacher now /repeat/ Kick Punch Chop Block Once more now Kick (Kick) Punch Chop And Block (Block) /Chop/ Don't get cocky, it's gonna get rocky, we gonna move down to the next ya jockey now /repeat/ Duck Jump Turn Pose Listen carefully Jump (Jump) Pose Duck and Turn (Turn) /Chop/ Hmm, yeah, I see you're getting better, kick to the limit in order to get her now /repeat/ Kick Punch Chop Block Chop Kick Punch Block It's gonna get harder now Duck & Jump (Duck Jump) Turn & Pose (Turn Pose) Duck & Turn (Duck Turn) Jump & Pose (Jump Pose) /Chop/ Come on now, why don't you follow my words, because we're almost done I'll make it easy at first I wanna see if you wanna see what it means to be the man with the master plan Are you the man now? /repeat/ Here we go ! now Kick Punch Block (Kick Punch Block) Chop Kick Block Block Turn & Kick it (Block Turn Kick) Block Duck Punch Duck Duck Turn Jump Kick Chop and Punch Punch Punch (Punch Punch Punch) /Chop/ That's it for today Good job, PaRappa You can go on to the next stage now /PaRa/ Ya hoo! Alright!
  2. Aaron Kane

    M82a1 heavy sniper riffle (barret)

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Antichrist @ April 09 2002,15:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yes its too powerful and can shoot pretty freaking far! So in MP games u pretty much can be in Morton and shoot the bastards in Lamentin   Well not really, but u get my point.<span id='postcolor'> I dunno... the scope seems to take a little getting used to, and it seems to have trouble hitting small targets, but after all, I dont think its designed to hit individual soldiers. BTW: In my humble opinion... THIS IS THE BEST INFANTRY WEAPON ADDON EVER!
  3. Aaron Kane

    Scariest.   movie.    ever.

    I think The Shining was pretty scary, so I voted for it.
  4. I encourage everyone to download this addon. I believe its either available at Operation Flashpoint Editing Center or Operation Flashpoint CZ. It represents the Apache and Cobra MUCH more accuratley without destroying much game balance. If the Hind and Hip were to undergo the same treatment as Aaronash did to the western choppers, I believe everyone would be much more attractive to the oppostie sex. Thank you for your time. *walks off into darkness(
  5. I encourage everyone to download this addon. I believe its either available at Operation Flashpoint Editing Center or Operation Flashpoint CZ. It represents the Apache and Cobra MUCH more accuratley without destroying much game balance. If the Hind and Hip were to undergo the same treatment as Aaronash did to the western choppers, I believe everyone would be much more attractive to the oppostie sex. Thank you for your time. *walks off into darkness(
  6. Aaron Kane


    I always thought the Hellfires had a sort of "double-explosion" thing, so the first one triggered the ERA, and the second actually hit the tank? I'm probably wrong, but I'll say this anyway! Whoohoo!
  7. Aaron Kane

    .50 cal rifle

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RedRogue @ Mar. 31 2002,13:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">One of the old "anti-material" rifles......... Â And we think modern day rifles can be horrific weapons. Â I would hate to see the wound a nice rounded .68 caliber ball shot makes.<span id='postcolor'> ... or a .68 caliber paintball... OH THE IRONY!!!!!!! *dies*
  8. Aaron Kane

    Us aircraft may have bombed us soldier

    This is obviously why we wont get an AC-130 in OFP
  9. Aaron Kane

    .50 cal rifle

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Joe Porta @ Mar. 30 2002,13:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You lot shouldint give Flyboy such a hard time! Â I remember when I met him back in Nam'68, he was my Platoon sergent he saved my life countless times. Â We conducted numerous Black ops' into Cambodia hiting supply lines on the HoChi Mien trail. Â When we got back to the US we were spat on. Â Disgusted I left the armed forces to grow my hair long and do drugs, it was untill the American-Australian war broke out Flyboy coaxed me back, he was reassemblying his old unit to do what it was good at destroying modern MBTs' with light munitions. The American-Australian War was the biggest war since the bigone. Â Those darn ozzies would wire up kangaroos with P.E.4. Â They would hop in to base and kill a dozen guys with no remorse. Â Hell I didint take boomerang shrapnell in the ass for my country just to hear a bunch of forigners bad mouth a genuine American Hero. (no prizes for anyone who can guess were i got this material from) <span id='postcolor'> Well I can guess....... BUT I WONT! But anyway, I think you deserve a "lol!"
  10. Aaron Kane


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Darkhawk @ Mar. 30 2002,00:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hate to see this comming for me! <span id='postcolor'> Didn't they have this in the game Nuclear Strike?
  11. Aaron Kane

    .50 cal rifle

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............. I found what I think would be an excellent combination... [FILO]Hubba's weapon model, with the damage statistics of the M82 over at www.NATOsoldier.com Since your weapon fires slower than the M82, it would offset the higher damage done. Trust me.... what've you got to lose.... c'mon.... you know you wanna.....
  12. Aaron Kane

    Whats military career are you interested in?

    LOL... wait a second... that was mean! *Runs out crying*
  13. Aaron Kane

    I'm leaving these forums

    As am I
  14. Aaron Kane

    Leaving the forums

    *sniff* Ruskie was the first to reply in my first topic EVER! *sob*
  15. Aaron Kane

    Whats military career are you interested in?

    I want to fly a C-130, C-17, or even a C-5 in either the Airforce or the Air National Guard.
  16. Aaron Kane

    .50 cal rifle

    Naah... the "How to make a bowl of cereal" thread had a Hell-of-alot more than this
  17. Aaron Kane

    .50 cal rifle

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (eh remraf @ Mar. 17 2002,06:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Maybe if they think that all MBTs are made of rolled homogenous armour. But there not. You guys are sadly mistaken on this subject. Hell, SLAP round would have a hard time making a noise on modern MBTs. The only way one would penetrate is by hitting a thin skin on the tank. Heres proof. Listen and learn! This Marine will set you straight. http://www.biggerhammer.net/barrett/50cal56k.rm<span id='postcolor'> BEST MOVIE EVER! That did set me straight, and I demand that Marine be given an Oscar!
  18. Aaron Kane

    Barret m99 (big shot) released.

    Hmm... Now I dont mean to be rude or a nitpicker or whatever, but shouldnt the Barret be a bit more powerful against vehicles? I dont mean knocking out T-72's and such, but shouldnt it be able to take out a UAZ, Ural, or BMP in a few shots? But the weapon model ingame kicks ass
  19. Aaron Kane

    Fat hummer

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (m16a2m203 @ Mar. 21 2002,01:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I had a fat hummer once. Had to get rid of her though. Didn't want my friends seeing me with her around town. But now that I'm older I have to say whether she's a fat or thin it really doesn't matter. YOU R STILL GETTING A HUMMER! <span id='postcolor'> ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats the funniest thing I've read all day!!!!
  20. Aaron Kane

    And for the stupid question of the day....

    Hayoo! You are correct, sir! Yeah, theres a few coming up if I'm not mistaken...
  21. Aaron Kane

    New m24 sws released!

    VERY NICE! I'll give this thing a try when I get home from school, but the pics look very promising
  22. Aaron Kane

    Osprey in next add-ons pack

    I REMEMBER! *Feels full of pride, then goes to have dinner*
  23. Aaron Kane

    Hey... wait a second...

    We've all seen the new vehicles that are most likely going to be in Independence Lost, and supposedly these are exported from VBS. But my question is, how are these vehicles going to be represented? I think the VBS vehicles probably have VERY realistic damage values and such, but are the ones that are going to be in Independence Lost going to also share those traits?
  24. Aaron Kane

    Report: u.s. military told to prepare nukes

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Goodspeed @ Mar. 09 2002,19:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">2 foxer You spent too much time by watching TV... Why we should attack Europe? Its so stupid... Try to use your brain, dont tell me the same shit what you got on national tv. Its for tourists... America wants to be number one in the world or may be you've got BIG promblems with economics? Anyway Bush is loosing control, 11 september gives him absolutly freedom for military operation in Asia. And he has thought that whole world can be beated like afgan. His very mistaken. Hope Putin will show him: who is who.<span id='postcolor'> Lol... I think you missed Foxer's point there, chief...
  25. Aaron Kane

    Ok.. what was done to the abrams?

    Not to be a smartass or anything, but what do you mean by "in a usable way?" I've seen tons of pictures from Desert Storm that showed M60 tanks with ERA attached to them.