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Aaron Kane

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Everything posted by Aaron Kane

  1. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    I dont know how you guys actually get in that close to your target and stay on his tail. Â Whenever I get into *perfect* shooting range which is like less than 100 meters, he pulls up slightly and goes flying out of my padlock. Â Or he magically detects me from 300 meters behind him and goes into a rolling scissors or sharp turn, or he just bangs into me in midair, which I consider quite rude... Speaking of padlock, I would like to start a game on full real, but the no padlock scares me. Wouldnt it be easier and maybe more fair to make it so padlock only tracks targets like 200 or less meters away you? Â Then people couldnt abuse it and just keep pressing it to find hidden targets. I'd love to see that happen one day... And just for the record, it turns out my stick is messed up, despite being $40 and less than 2 weeks old. Â I was getting the same jerking when I was sitting on the runway, and the throttle and hat switch wouldnt respond at all I think I fixed it now though...
  2. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    Alright, is it possible in FB to be damaged so that your stick input is really jerky? Like I'll press all the way forward on the stick, and my nose starts to dive, then pops up, then goes down, and sometimes just refuses to go down at all. I didnt get that "XXX has been damaged" message however... I noticed this happening after some asshole Yak7 decided to strafe my 6 o'clock, and was just wondering if you all have had something similar happen. It might just be my new stick...
  3. Aaron Kane

    Appologies to america

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Koolkid101 @ Mar. 10 2003,23:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hmmm  wasn't there an Candian Women something who said "I hate those American Bastards" Or something like that?<span id='postcolor'> I'm not sure, but I'm willing to bet this has been said more than once in the past...
  4. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    Just for the record, I'm currently flying my campaign under normal difficulty, thus making me less of a man
  5. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    Holy crap Tex, I know! Â Those damned I16's are everywhere! Â At least 1/2 of my kill list were those little stubby bastards! And I just completed the Stalingrad campaign after 52 missions. Â We were transferred somewhere else, I forgot the region. Â It said its south of Stalingrad. Â We didnt get an opportunity to change planes though, which really sucks. Â I hope I'm not stuck with a FW190A4 for the remainder of the war
  6. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    In other news, Oberst Aaron Kane made his 70th kill today. Most of them were made against the venerable I16 fighter, but many different models of aircraft adorn his kill list. From the P39N1 to the Yak9... or maybe it was the 7. All while using a FW190A4. It is almost New Years Eve in my Stalingrad campaign, and the Russians launched a massive counteroffensive in November. We had all but two TINY cities captured, but then I was wounded in action. My engine burst into flames, and during my escape from the cockpit, I was burned. While being hospitalized, the Soviet forces literally retook half the map. Now it is Germany who has only two airbases left, and we are gravely outnumbered, and the enemy pilot skill seems to have improved. We're facing Yaks, those damned Hurricanes, and the first of the P39's from America. I expect the campaign to end soon, and hopefully I can carry on with this character. I cant wait to see how I fare in the FW190A5
  7. Aaron Kane

    Truth, justice,

    Well I hope you learned your lesson Icefire. Never stand up for your beliefs. At least not in public.
  8. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Mar. 09 2003,01:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tovarish @ Mar. 09 2003,01:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">incidentally, weren't the Mg's used on early war 109's considered obscolecent? I'll have to look that up.<span id='postcolor'> I'll check- it wouldn't surprise me. EDIT: The mgs are MG17's, which fire a 7.92mm round. No wonder it can't shoot anything down lol.<span id='postcolor'> I saw a very similar event happen with a BF110 shooting at an I16. I was actually suprised that the big fat BF110 managed to stay on the tail of the I16, but he did. He fired all of his machine gun ammo into the I16 with what appeared to be a high degree of accuracy, but the plane didnt even get the "light" damage textures anywhere on it.
  9. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    Be sure to check out the MiG's if you get a chance Tovarish, it seems they upped their armor a good bit since the last version
  10. Aaron Kane

    The best ww2 fighter aircraft

    Even though I hate it with a PASSION... I'm going to say the Yak3
  11. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    So what is everyone's favorite plane so far? I keep switching back and forth between the ME262 and FW190. I think I'm better at flying the FW190, but I'd like to get better in the ME262 as well. I even went so far as to complete a dynamic campaign as a Me262 fighter pilot that lasted only eight missions, and it was a spectacular defeat for my side On the last few missions, it was 16 enemy planes versus my four ME262's... the horror... the horror...
  12. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    Well I just witnessed a Lagg3 do a 90 degree pass on a Ju52, guns blazing. All his rounds appeared to hit, and he flew away. It also seems that the AI does some ridiculously hard head on shots with ungodly high accuracy. I'll go check the Il2 forums and see if this has been mentioned... if not, I'll sit around and mope/pout.
  13. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Maraudeur @ Mar. 06 2003,17:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OH!  And before I forget, you CAN outfit the ME262 with those rocket racks <span id='postcolor'> Thank you Aaron Kane. This is driving me , that we find in an OFP space the infos impossible to learn about FB since the words exchanges in the Il-2 forums are repetitively senseless and useless, most of them. I have a favor to ask to you please. Would you please tell me, just if you know or already noticed , about loadouts and related air to ground things : - Is an AB 1000 ingame ? If yes, with same " SD1 like " submunition as in Il-2 previous AB ? - New loadouts for the Ju-88 ( heavier, maybe SC/SD 1000 available ? ) and the 190F8 ( compared to A5/U3 ) ? Some rockets except WfGrt 21 ? - Is it possible to release in two times submunitions of the Il-2 ( when all of the 4 bombs bay are used ) and select bombs release order for the stuka and 190F8 ? - Is it no more possible to release a bomb throught the propeller ring without any dammage ? - Are the tanks using machine guns against aircrafts ? - How many new ground objects in tanks, Artillery and flak please ? - In the FMB, is the fonction " time out " for stopping temporarily moving grounds objects is now working ? - Did you notice if the ground objects AI in ground to ground warfare is better ? - Is it possible via the FMB for AI and human pilots to make planes starting from tarmac and taxiing ? Other new thing we do not think about ?? Best regards<span id='postcolor'> K, I'll try and answer these questions.  If I leave any blank, it means I'm going to test them 1)  There is no AB1000 ingame.  It is rather annoying that the largest bomb the Germans use ingame is a mere 500 pounder The Russian TB3 can carry four 1000 kg bombs, and either the P40 or the P47 can carry a single 1000 pound bomb 2)  The Ju88 isnt available as flyable yet, but I'll go check the game to see if the AI version has any new loadouts.  And for some STUPID reason, the F8 variant of the FW190 has no rockets whatsoever.  It is really dumb, because if your read the aircraft info page, it says that they should be able to mount rockets.  I believe its the same rocket model as the ME262, but I'll check again to make sure... 3) I dont believe you can change the release order for bombs.  However, each time you press the bomb release key or button, a bomb drops.  4)I'm honestly not sure...  5) Tanks are still using their cannon against aircraft, but they dont track you nearly as easily now.  In about an hours flighttime with a Ju87G, I have yet to be hit by a tank maingun 6)There are three different Hungarian tanks I believe, and LOTS of new ships.  And while I'm on the topic of ships, these things have been through a MAJOR damage model reconstruction process.  In a track that comes with the game, it shows Ju87B's bombing and disabling the individual turrets on the battleship Marat!  7) I'm not sure... 8) I'm not quite sure.  The AI appears to be about the same. 9)Nope  Unfortunatly, they start airborne each time 10) Yes!  There are BRAND NEW sound effects played all the time!  Like now, when a flak round goes off near you, you can actually hear the shrapnel smacking into your aircraft! Most aircraft flight models have been redone completely. There is no generic "Boost/WEP enabled!" message anymore, it states the particular device being used. So in the FW190A8, you get the message "MW50 enabled!" The dynamic campaign is awesome! The campaigns are much better this time around, and if you destroy enemy aircraft, you are much less likely to face that type of aircraft later ingame. But the same can be said for your side, so its possible for you to be flying missions solo if you take too many casualties in your squadron, so be careful. The enemy AI is absolutely devious now. I was going against a Yak9U in a FW190, and he would go into large wide circles climbing slowly, then dive down on me using his height advantage to get a few shots off on me. Then he'd zoom away, and begin more of those wide circles using his aircrafts excellent climb to keep his distance from me until he felt like attacking. He used the same strategy against my ME262 and BF109K as well. Its good to see the AI using their aircrafts particular strengths ingame The German flight AI has remarkably improved as well. FW190's and ME262's are actually very serious and very deadly opponents now, since the AI uses the aircrafts strengths to their advantage. Wingman AI is extremely good now, and as long as you cover your wingman's 6 o'clock, you'll do very well in fights. For example, I normally get the shit beat out of me when I solo a LA7 or Yak9U with any German plane. But when I do a 2 vs. 2 fight, we can take out enemy planes MUCH more easily. Me an my wingman were flying ME262's, and we took out four AI P51D's, with all AI set to "average" mode. The wingman AI has improved very much from the older game. The ONLY thing I dont like about the new AI is that the enemy makes head on passes with guns blazing very often, and with an unrealistic degree of accuracy. They do this on Average skill levels, so I imagine they'd do it on higher skills too. But oh well, other than that I'm EXTREMELY pleased with the game.
  14. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    I'm REALLY sorry, but I cant post any screen shots. I dont have webspace, and even then I'm not computer savy enough to post them. But I will summarize the aircraft I've flown so far, and edit this post often until I've hit most of them. The ME262. Take off is a little weird, since it veers to the right until its gained a good bit of speed. The four cannon are suprisingly innaccurate, and offer a pretty big spread. However, at close range, they are still beastly. The only problem is how sensitive you have to be with the throttle so you dont blow up the engines,I and its engine vulnerability. A single bullet will cause it to burst into a full out flame. But this is the only plane that I'm capable of solo fighting a LA7 and actually winning OH! And before I forget, you CAN outfit the ME262 with those rocket racks The FW190D9 is pretty good. It carries a good bit of ammo, and is relatively fast. It doesnt seem to bleed off too much energy either, which is a good thing. I found it has a nasty tendency to fall into a stall EVEN WHEN BARELY TURNING!!! But this unfortunate characteristic is found on all FW190 series in the game. The MW50 device is handy though, especially when you are trying to climb and engage P51's The TB3... OMFG... this thing is a BEAST!!! I fired no less than four 30mm. rounds into its wing, and the thing kept flying! The only thing that took it down were a pair of rockets from my ME262. Its SHvak gunners roxxor, and its low speed allows it to drop bombs with a suprisingly high degree of accuracy. Its maximum payload is a 1000 kg bomb, and 14 smaller ones (50kg I believe...) The HE111 is sort of peculiar. The pilot position feels odd to me, especially at takeoff when I have trouble keeping my aircraft centered along the runway. The HE111 is poorly armored when compared to the TB3. I dont know how the hell to bomb accuratley with this plane! You have to input the height of the bomber, the speed of the bomber, then you have to point the crosshairs at your target and press some button, then when you overfly the target you designated, the bombs release. Or at least thats how its SUPPOSED to work... I have had no luck at all with this plane, which is really a shame The Ju87G is my second favorite plane now. Its dual 37mm. cannons can take out a T34 in a single burst if you hit it from behind, and two bursts if you hit it from the side. The only real problem with these otherwise excellent guns is that you only get about 12 rounds The rear gunner's machine gun is a HUGE improvement over the one used on most German bombers, and shoots very quickly, and without the smokey tracer effect. I dont really like the BF109K4, because as soon as I went into WEP mode, the damn engine became inoperable :O I know theres probably a reason for this, but rather than check, I just went on to another plane. I havent flown it yet, but the P47 is literally a flying tank. Six shots in the fuselage were required to take it down, and that was with MK108's. The version I fought had eight .50 machine guns, which tore through my HE111 like a knife through butter. The P51D... is really weird... I dont think its AI is working properly, because it keeps trying to get away from my ME262 But when I try to fight it in a prop plane, I get my ass handed to me. It can get on your six o'clock, and it will stay there. No matter what. Its six .50's tear through most AC, and it carries tons of ammo too! K, I'll go test some more Russian and American planes and post back here in a few minutes.
  15. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    I now have the game, and can make the following analysis. The graphics engine is REMARKABLE to say the least! It appears that every single aircraft has been redone. The ground units not have trouble finding your aircraft, so tanks are no longer your biggest threat. The ME262 awesome. Words cant describe it. Other than the word "fragile" The Dora roxxors. The HE111 is vulnerable, but still a blast to fly. But my real new love is the Stuka with dual 37mm. cannons. Its a dream come true *goes off to kill a few more T-34's*
  16. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    Hmm.... well I'm still expecting mine tomorrow, so I'll take some time out from playing to come to this topic and summarize the aircraft I've tried. If anyone has a particular request for an aircraft that they'd like me to try and post about, please tell me. I'd prefer German ones, but I'll give the American and Russian ones a spin too
  17. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    I just ordered from UBI.com, and its going to be two days until it gets here. Why they dont have overnight delivery, I will never know.
  18. Aaron Kane

    The Forgotten Battles

    Alright, I'm probably going to return my Sidewinder and get a X45. Â I was playing EECH a little bit today, and I came to the conclusion that modern air warfare suxxors, with new-fangled gadgets like "radar" and "FLIR" and "Infra red heat seeking missiles. And everything is super vulnerable! One missile takes down a super expensive fighter? Pfft!" I'm definently enjoying WWII era combat alot more. Â All we need now is a good WWII tank sim... Â Two days to go... two days to go....
  19. Aaron Kane

    Everything you wanted to know about 5.56 nato

    Look mom, USSoldier is back! *A ticker tape parade is thrown in the streets of New York*
  20. Aaron Kane

    German armed forces

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Othin @ Mar. 03 2003,02:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (The_Replicator @ Mar. 02 2003,11:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">little tanks  :-) <span id='postcolor'> I'm not taking anything away from the value of these tanks, but whenever I see them the Benny Hill (Yakkity Sax) theme plays in my head.<span id='postcolor'> LMAO!!!!!!!! *ahem* I believe that there are several new small scout vehicles, such as the Tracer, in development which will be used by the US and if I'm not mistaken the UK militaries. The thing that seems cool about them is that it only takes one shot to take out a tank. I dont mean literally take out, as in blow it to smithereens, but a single TOW can easily disable the LRF and other fragile devices on a tank, which will put it at a huge disadvantage in a fight. So these little tanks can cause as much damage as a much larger tank. And the US/UK version is supposed to be super stealthy too, so woo... hoo!
  21. Aaron Kane

    Attack helicopter poll

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LoneSoldier @ Mar. 02 2003,10:08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">AH-64 Has more style. Â BTW, what is the Australian equivalent of the Mi-24 and AH-64?<span id='postcolor'> I *THINK* the Aussies are going to use the Tiger attack helicopter, which is supposedly extremely capable. I have no evidence to back up my claims though
  22. Aaron Kane

    Attack helicopter poll

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Chronicles @ Mar. 02 2003,06:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">From Aaron Kane </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But you forgot to mention the MI-24's terrible ingame AT-6 missiles! Â Those things are simply dreadful! Â I'd take a Hellfire anyday <span id='postcolor'> Sorry , i talked about them there </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">the AH-64 have just a tank hunter job , and it does it very bad (the hellfires hit only when you are at a great distance of the target) , the Mi-24 missiles are not very good too in term of accuracy, but their number will help to touch <span id='postcolor'> I just didnt remember the name "AT-6" and prefered to write missiles That is too bad the AH-64 and Mi-24 primary missiles are awfully inaccurate, the AH-1 Tow are so much effective and the Mi-17 rockets are so numerous that you cant miss your target : )<span id='postcolor'> Oops, sorry, must've missed that part.
  23. Aaron Kane

    Attack helicopter poll

    But you forgot to mention the MI-24's terrible ingame AT-6 missiles! Those things are simply dreadful! I'd take a Hellfire anyday
  24. Aaron Kane

    West coast ofp players

    Straight outta Compton!
  25. Aaron Kane

    911 mastermind arrested

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (brgnorway @ Mar. 02 2003,04:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">911 mastermind arrested ......I thought Ferdinand "butzi" Porsche died several years ago? Â <span id='postcolor'> Hayoo!