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Everything posted by =Odin=

  1. =Odin=

    teleport script help?

    Thx fasad, that does the trick great fun =Odin=
  2. =Odin=

    Humvee wont leave.

    just give the leader of the group a name, the rest of the squad fall under that name as far as I know, with out having to name every unit
  3. =Odin=

    It burns, it BURNS!!!

    I checked out the Particle templates and finaly got it to work in your game create; 1- a Game Logic over the vehicle in question and call it burn 2- a trigger set to activate by you or your side, set to none, and type this in the; on Act. [] exec "fire.sqs" here is the scipt save it as fire.sqs hope it works for you
  4. =Odin=

    It burns, it BURNS!!!

    G'Day mate, try some of these particle templates available at the Wiki, not tried one myself but I think this is what your after; http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ParticleTemplates Good-Luck
  5. G'Day, I am new to scripting but am getting the hang of it, mostly learnt it all through this forum it is a great place. But I am having a little trouble with getting the marker for my second Objective to be hidden untill 1st Objective is complete. The actual objective is hidden but how do I hide this Marker? I've searched and read the OFP FAQ but to no avail on this Problem. Here is what is in my Breifing; And the Init.sqs Am I missing somthing, any ideas? Cheers Odin
  6. Heya Shadow_Spyder, Have you tried Kronzky's MineField Script? I ve used it and the marker stays hidden, It does all that you want and more you can download it here; http://www.ausarma.com/download.php?view.87 When I used this one It did not matter what the marker type was as the script hides it, so long as it was called areamarker Good luck
  7. Thank-you Junker, works a treat Ahh the wiki, I did look just not in the right place hehe
  8. =Odin=

    The All New sqf Support Pack

    Thanx Zonekiller, Just Tried it, works great one question, how many jars of coffie did you consume, making all these?