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Bradley fighting vehicle systems (bfvs)
=LSA=Butcher posted a topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
  =LSA= and =SEALZ= and A-Team  is working on....            M3 BFVS  Bradley Fighting Vehicle [bFVS] is to provide mobile protected transport of an infantry squad to critical points on the battlefield and to perform cavalry scout missions. The BFVS will also provide overwatching fires to support dismounted infantry and to suppress or defeat enemy tanks and other fighting vehicles. The Bradley Fighting Vehicle is a fully armored, fully tracked vehicle designed to carry Mechanized Infantry into close contact with the enemy. It possesses sufficient cross-country mobility to keep up with the Abrams Main Battle Tank, medium and long-range firepower capable of defeating any vehicle on the battlefield, and is adequately armored to protect the crew from artillery and small arms threats. The Bradley’s main armament is the M242 25mm "Bushmaster" Chain Gun, manufactured by McDonnell Douglas. The M242 has a single barrel with an integrated dual-feed mechanism and remote ammunition selection. Either armor piercing (AP) or high explosive (HE) ammunition may be selected with the flick of a switch. The Gunner may select from single or multiple shot modes. The standard rate of fire is 200 rounds per minute, and has a range of 2,000 meters (depending on the ammunition used). A wide range of ammunition has been developed for this weapon, making it capable of defeating the majority of armored vehicles it is likely to encounter, up to and including some main battle tanks. The M240C machine gun, mounted to right of the Bushmaster, fires 7.62mm rounds. When facing heavier enemy armor the Bradley relies on the TOW Anti-Tank Missile. Crew 3 6 Infantry Dismounts  Length 21'2" Width 10'6" Height 9'9" Weight 50,000 lbs Road Speed 45 mph Range  300 miles Engine Cummins VTA-903T water-cooled 4 cycle diesel.  Armament 25mm cannon (Chain-gun) 7.62 mm coaxially mounted machine gun TOW missile launcher with twin tubes.  We still got a lot of work to Do but the Ball is rolling trying to keep this a low poly project.....  We hope to have this ready Soon.I would like to say thanks to guys who are helping and putting their time and ideas into this project so far. Butcher Spudnik Iceman MF  We also have a few other vehicles that are being work on as well. Thanks BI for your self help forums and the ARMA COMMUNITY for sticking with this game.... Photo LInks Bigger than 100KB http://img165.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bfv08ng4.png http://img292.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bfvsyj7.png http://img165.imageshack.us/my.php?image=21154878rl1.png -
Bradley fighting vehicle systems (bfvs)
=LSA=Butcher replied to =LSA=Butcher's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
OK thanks BRo will do... -
Well thanks David  thats I'll i wanted to hear in the first place.. Maybe I took their Tac wrong Posted he took my last posted and tried to discredit it…. And My comment was to to him not rock and the shit hit the fan from there…  "aggressively" yea  but I didn't call anyone aN ASS first... I know it need work....and the nose looks like shit i agree but it was the start of the project.... I have no respect for people  nit pick over small change or think there better that everyone around them... This all started with the stats on the jet. If you read da12thMonkey Posted he took my last posted and tried to discredit it…. And My comment was to to him not rock and the shit hit the fan from there… Because I do my homeworK.. That like calling me a liar.. You wouldn't like to be called a liar or and ASS would you???
Hey para-trooper I was talking that to RockofSL for his bs comment Call me ass that ground for the after effect....... I done with the mud slinging.... I did look online and there are some pages that don't have the AGM-65 . I think what is happen is they are listing for all of the Tornados stuff on one page but I know the the gr1 could and did.... I 'm going to  do this jet now. I'll do another jet like the Typhoon or Mirage 2000.  any  there I can say when I'm wrong..... By the why RKSL it does look good GR4...
http://www.aerospaceweb.org/aircraft/bomber/tornado_ids/ Data below for Tornado Last modified 11 April 2007 HISTORY: First Flight 14 August 1974 Service Entry July 1980 CREW: two: pilot, weapons officer ESTIMATED COST: unknown AIRFOIL SECTIONS: Wing Root unknown Wing Tip unknown DIMENSIONS: Length 54.88 ft (16.72 m) Wingspan unswept: 45.63 ft (13.91 m) swept: 28.21 ft (8.60 m) Height 19.52 ft (5.95 m) Wing Area unknown Canard Area not applicable WEIGHTS: Empty 31,065 lb (14,090 kg) Normal Takeoff 45,000 lb (20,410 kg) Max Takeoff 60,000 lb (27,215 kg) Fuel Capacity internal: 14,000 lb (6,350 kg) external: unknown Max Payload 19,840 lb (9,000 kg) PROPULSION: Powerplant two Turbo-Union RB199-34R afterburning turbofans Thrust 33,600 lb (149.5 kN) with afterburner PERFORMANCE: Max Level Speed at altitude: 1,450 mph (2,335 km/h) at 36,090 ft (11,000 m), Mach 2.2 at sea level: 915 mph (1,470 km/h), Mach 1.2 Initial Climb Rate unknown Service Ceiling 50,000 ft (15,240 m) Range typical: 1,500 nm (2,780 km) ferry: 2,105 nm (3,895 km) g-Limits unknown ARMAMENT: Gun two 27-mm IWKA-Mauser BK-27 cannons (180 rds ea) Stations seven to nine external hardpoints Air-to-Air Missile AIM-9 Sidewinder Air-to-Surface Missile Wasp, Kormoran, AS.30, Alarm ARM, Sea Eagle, AGM-65 Maverick Bomb nuclear bombs, 500 kg and Paveway Mk 13/18 LGB, GBU-15, 1,000 lb free-fall, BL.755 cluster bombs Other Container Weapon System, MW-1 lateral dispenser, JP.233 dispenser, ECM pods, reconnaissance pods, laser pods, Napalm dispenser, rocket pods
Hey USSRsniper  Yea I agree with you on not putting out shit addons and no way in hell is it ready to be an addon yet lots of time is still need at my pace I was looking at 3 months or long to get it ready but I was want the community to know that new stuff is coming stick with the game.... because like you said  they are starved for new content.... Did you read all of the posted or just the last ones but I sure I made this comment I could be wrong maybe I didn't put it in english yes they are russian AA missiles if you would do your homework I answer that question on the first page….Not to be a smart ass... Here is another one source about the AGM's  http://www.drivearchive.co.uk/xplanes/torngr1.htm http://www.ukiworld.com/wiki-Panavia_Tornado http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panavia_Tornado http://www.airramstein.nato.int/bold_avenger07_factsheet_tornado.pdf This one from the RAF website on the Tornado http://www.raf.mod.uk that makes five You show me or anyone.. Where it said the tornado can’t fire a AGM-65 Maverick.
Bradley fighting vehicle systems (bfvs)
=LSA=Butcher replied to =LSA=Butcher's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Ouch Dream I don't like dreams but goal yes..... Thanks guys for the info and help I'll look into getting it lower. But do you think 21000 vertc is to high.and 20,00 faces... I would just like to see more content to this game people are staved for new content don't you think?... How long has this game been out almost two years.... -
You are right I don't give a shit about it who care about you or you’re comment as well But I do see a pattern reading back from the forums there always a smart ass in the group. That wants to talk shit to the new guy….. … you’re so full shit and any one can hop on and say spent a week at RAF Marham with the engineers too… sure  and evils is still alive right.. Week what cleaning the head Here is another link about the  AGM-65 Maverick ASM And just to help you out too since your adding your piss to this. http://www.ukiworld.com/wiki-Panavia_Tornado http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panavia_Tornado http://www.airramstein.nato.int/bold_avenger07_factsheet_tornado.pdf That makes four site about your no shooting  Maverick  ASM   f_ing know it all right you know shit I did my homework…  Talk talk talk is chep hey here is the bacon where is your bacon to back up you Bull SHIT statement ……  yea just like  that can’t find it a …. Grow up your self…. Piss off…. Wow You use my word “pompous “way to go bro and expand your vocabulary… Yea well I’m done building it if you’ve got ready to release..  And if there is an ADMIN  or Moderator you could DELTE this thread and all posted Please … And Please…. people in Arma are so starved for new content I don’t think that they give crap or two shit about this bull shit that has happen…..
And to the poly count go check the post in edit O2 ArmA Modelling Basics where I was told that arma can only hanld 20,000 vertc and 15-20,000 faces ..
You have a classification of Conspicuously unintelligent and you’re Making shit up .... I wish YOU could understand and comprehend this shit I never insulted them…. You insulting me by calling me ares or ASS  and I was not even talking to you so fuck off... Edit unedit...  I c you call you buddies to posted up along with you... Maybe If I was replying  to your comment we could have this pissing match. But I was talking to da12thMonkey.. and Can u find one phrase in this where I was insulting him and belittling him???? … NO didn’t see it… and yes I shouldn't this I was wrong to say thatPlus I did say I was sorry if I hurt anyones feelings ,but no you had to put gas on the fire right…. and to your obtuse comments about You’re so full of  “يُبْرِز، يُخْرِج “ http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/row/tornado.htm Read and comprehend and just to help you out read the Specifications part. Damm am I going to have to make a coloring book for you to understand …. It might not look like a tornado now But for spending 24 hours on it from start to now not bad for eyeing it... Maybe you didn't Under stand when I said this… I'll show you again Did you understand that you Pompous prick and I'm putting a lot of emphasis on word “Pompousâ€... It like you looking at my house that I’m building and I only have the foundation up but your tell me where to put my windows and my walls look like shit and sink In the wrong place…. Get real And I might have to use a spell check but I can read and under stand a paragraph and I'm not composing a letter to the f_ing Queen her self... and don’t worry about my word knowledge or my colorful Adjective Phrases  it very deep and colorful and  take your formatted sentences structure crap and stick it up your you know what.....
I think your right Winters1807.... I read that in one of the link I posted before...
Bradley fighting vehicle systems (bfvs)
=LSA=Butcher replied to =LSA=Butcher's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
I hope so Because I got some bad ass Models but the are range from 40- 215,00 Polys... We got a guy hear that worked on the COD4 games and man I wish arma could look as good but with the same size map in arma..... I'm going to college for Game&Art Design at westwood.....I making it my missions to make or be apart of a VBS style , Mid poly models game that the avg gamer can play....physics the new wave baby read up on it here http://www.ageia.com/ http://physics.physorg.com/ -
I guess your just wanting to show off for your buddy because if you had any Reading Comprehension and let me give you the def.. for that Reading comprehension can be defined as the level of understanding of a passage or text... Ok my WOrds And I sure as hell Didn't call you a name or I'm sorry... you said  You sir , are a f_ing Prick Punk.. you you can quote me on that.... it was ok until your last post..  I was ok hearing Miles Teg  ideas... But you had to show off your balls on the last one... that was wrong....RockofSL  family one thing being a prick is some thing else..... I bet your a those coop Guy and Not A PVP person Smell like it? well I siad what i had to say...
Well maybe you can can read your opening Text on the Video link IMPORTANT NOTE:  THIS Video shows a working Concept model and  does NOT Represent a finish project. HUMMMM I think I said some thing along that Lines ............... "Sneak Peek There is still lots of body work to be done. But with the right welder , tools and a paint job. She just might turn out looking good..."  .... But lets understand one thing I DON"T Give A XXXX who I Piss off when I'm getting BS from critics talk about small stuff.....But If I hurt someone's feelings I'm sorry....Forgive me because I do want help..... IF they did have a jet with two 27mm I could understand....But they do... But your missing MY Point New people getting into the addon GAMING COMMUNITY... you got Critics who all they want to do is Pick Little BS points...  OR there buddy got the same project and they just want to talk BS.... When the "Focus" should be getting Good Models "not shitty ones I undstand Good Criticism, Constructive Criticism I'm Ok with... I don't want BS addons that are not real." out to the community because if you not notice that after COD4 came out with their marketing plan for their game, the nunbers drop for arma.... Why.... A. One year later still playing the same Island same Vehicles with SOME kool addons that did come out....there No MEat to this game..... and don't get me wrong I Love OFP and ARMA... I guess what I'm pissed about is that People like US should be tweeking Models and NOT making these models.....or for better word Not making Models that should have came with the GAME...... BUT I got One question for you  RockofSL IF you got the Jet...WHY is it not out YET... Looks like your on the right path ... Looks good and are you going to let that one go as an addon  "Tornado"??. Because  if  your going to, then I need to stop working on the the Tornado and start on a F-16 or F-15,  MIg 23,29,31 , Su-27 or Mirage..... or make new Islands......  oK one more why only 20,000 Vertc and 15- 20,000 Faces  can't I do 20- 40,000 vertc??
How about this If I want my GR4 or F3 to have two 27mm and carry Mavericks and your not even doing any thing to help the addon GAMING COMMUNITY. There are people out there that will like it becase they are board with what's out in the game.... If you don't like it with two guns don't fly it.... The People want more gun and more Vec and mor jet... Maybe if this was a hi poly game we could be more exact with them... And yes they do have a tornado that carrys Mavericks and one's thats has two 27mm Mauser and or Aden Cannon http://www.raf.mod.uk/equipment/mauserandaden.cfm A better post would say this.... Kool about time we got some more jet and tanks and Guns is there anything i can do to help speed this along ....but NO we got a bunch of Critics who I’m sure they don’t  know what Ipo curve is or what decimating polys is….   Â
Hey Eric J Â hard to think that Airbus makes Airbus A320 and has their hands in making fighterjet as well. Anyway thanks for the site good photo to go by... Â I like these links as well too http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/tornado/ http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepag....gr1.htm http://www.raf.mod.uk/equipment/weapons.cfm Hey did you get to scripting the physis of your F-18
YEs they are I want some thing to fill  the hard points.... But don't worry boys she'll take shap..... doing the missiles is the last thing on my mind... but I just wanted to see what she looked like loaded up Plus I'm missing two hard points... and O by the way boys I know what the armament for the plane is two as is.... Two internal 27-mm Mauser cannon with 180 rounds per gun plus more than 9000 kg of external stores on seven hardpoints, including Sidewinder Texas Instruments HARM Hughes AGM-65 Maverick British Aerospace ALARM Laser guided bombs like Paveway Bombs up to 450 kg MW-1 munitions dispenser Matra Apache Nuclear freefall bombs
Bradley fighting vehicle systems (bfvs)
=LSA=Butcher replied to =LSA=Butcher's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
yea i took the track from 40,000 vert to 1976 vert. but man o man did they look good it ok I'll keep them for some other game maybe arma2 or OFP2 will see.... BUt... YEa  I could but that is what makes it look so good . I'll take a look at them to night and merg some of the vert down... This is like putting the square peg in the round hole... I'll be on later to night...its 3:27 am here but you can find me on TS Speak2.sealz.com or ts2.squadserver.com:8771  at A-Teams ts.... Would love to talk to someone who has done a addon before... I won;t get in this part of my Game Art & Design classes in school until next year.... too long for me to wait...  -
Bradley fighting vehicle systems (bfvs)
=LSA=Butcher replied to =LSA=Butcher's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Yea I could but I like to keep you in the dark . hey here is a wire shot but the other pic's will come later after I get the right textures on it...... http://img81.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wireqm7.png -
Bradley fighting vehicle systems (bfvs)
=LSA=Butcher replied to =LSA=Butcher's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
After having to trim it down I had to change the track from HD to Low poly for this game.... But her are some new Pic I'm going to have to texture the side Plates for the bradley.... But I'm back in my Vert and face count.... This is a slow project that is coming alone we are also doing other projects.... I would love to have some help in some parts of these project as well... Feel free to email or MP us... if you would like to help out.... http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?image=toptb6.png http://img292.imageshack.us/my.php?image=backfl8.png http://img91.imageshack.us/my.php?image=texes6.png -
So I did this Google a tool called 'Anim8or' (or 'Anim8tor' or some variation of that). Export the model to .3ds, import the .3ds into Animator, go to Debug and select the option to "Include Dummy KFDATA", then save as .3DS again. Should be able to import it into O2 without any issues then. But I could not see my Bradley when I imported it or it was very very small and I could not save a file as a .3ds??
I got Missing KFDATA section??? Can some one tell what i miss or didn't do? Thanks
Bradley fighting vehicle systems (bfvs)
=LSA=Butcher replied to =LSA=Butcher's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Better Photo's with  some texture but I'm not going to be using this skin I'm going to be use a flat texture with no camo... and damm the Explosive reactive armor plates Hard little devils to skin to look right but it's coming together...DO have some problems... http://img167.imageshack.us/my.php?image=texturebradleyvh3.png http://img292.imageshack.us/my.php?image=texturebradley02jm4.png EricJ Which one I'd want... I don't want to download all of them just to find to two Photo's...  I tryed to import in O2 as a .3ds file but got an error missing KFDATA section?? So I did this Google a tool called 'Anim8or' (or 'Anim8tor' or some variation of that). Export the model to .3ds, import the .3ds into Animator, go to Debug and select the option to "Include Dummy KFDATA", then save as .3DS again. Should be able to import it into O2 without any issues then. ok But when I did that I could not see my Bradley when I imported it in to the Animator and I could not save a file as a .3ds??looking for HElp on that part... -
thanks Bro I'll give it a try today..