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About =Grip=

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Auto and PC

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  1. =Grip=

    Strange Problem

    still not solved i reapplied the patch and still not working on either version so now i can't use my joystick at all
  2. =Grip=

    Strange Problem

    I've got the same problem. My joystick just doesn't work with 1.15 now for some reason. I've never had a problem with my stick before until doing this 1.15 beta. This needs to be looked at. I'm using a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro
  3. glad to see my mos getting some attention here
  4. =Grip=

    Combat Ops

    I never do, that's why BIS products appeal to me. I don't have Combat Ops... yet. I like most everyone else here have a non-U.S. copy. You must have clearly missed my points I tried to make in my post, I never said I had limited funds or didn't know the history of BIS. And I never said that Combat Ops was "totally" unplayable, infact what I said was why bother wasting a customers time releasing a game that is not finished and will not completely work after "out of the box". It sounds to me that you like most everyone else posting about "cry babies" don't really care about where your money goes. I for one give a crap and it is BS that anyone should pay for the game only to open the box, install and then realize they cannot fully play the game. Call me a cry baby or whatever, it's just more obvious who is playing on a burnt copy of this game and didn't pay for it, not that anyone would do that now
  5. =Grip=

    Combat Ops

    I think everyone who has already picked up a copy of Combat Ops should be complaining right now. If you don't care about what you spend your money on then that's a issue in it's own. I for one expect when I dish my earned money to a company that developed a game, I should be receiving a working product. Obviously if the game is going to require a patch to fully function and the patch is not included in the game then the game should have never been released in such state. Don't substitute quality for quantity. When I pay I expect to be able to play as is right then, not wait for the company to get their act together.
  6. =Grip=

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    ecellent work m8
  7. =Grip=

    server ping not showing

    thanks, got it working
  8. i've been having a issue where my server ping shows up as a ? and won't return a ping on the gamespy list. i am using a router (linksys cable/dsl befsr41v3) any help would be appreciated
  9. =Grip=

    ArMaTeC Dedicated server

    i've been using this tool and love it, however i've been having a issue where my server ping shows up as a ? and won't return a ping on the gamespy list. i am using a router (linksys cable/dsl befsr41v3) any help would be appreciated
  10. =Grip=

    server crash

    i repatched from 1.04 to 1.05 and all worked fine
  11. =Grip=

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    Possibly a simple solution to this would be add in a selection before the mission starts 24 hour day 1 hour day 24 hour day w/ MH-6 Respawn 1 hour day w/ MH-6 Respawn 24 hour day w/o Death Penalty 1 hour day w/o Death Penalty 24 hour day w/ MH-6 Respawn w/o Death Penalty 1 hour day w/ MH-6 Respawn w/o Death Penalty Or just post 2 seperate mission downloads, one with and one without the death penatly. But to be honest after playing for quite awhile I found the -1 penatly to not be nearly as bad as the penalty before hand.
  12. =Grip=

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    I just redownloaded 1.4e and didn't run into the Bannana Phone loop after my initial first death with no points on my record However After I died and respawned I went straight to the mission shack and picked up a Water Patrol, After it told me good luck I looked and didn't notice any waypoint. I closed out of the mission window and looked again, on the map as well, and still no waypoint and nothing spawned in the water
  13. =Grip=

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    I took a water patrol mission and didn't get a waypoint after accepting the mission, no boats spawned... nothing, so I was stuck with no mission but I couldn't accept any others
  14. =Grip=

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    New issue - Player 1 connects to server, runs into town, has a score of 0 Player 1 runs into AI and is killed Player 1 receives death penalty and is now -1 After the "Bannana Phone" song Player 1 is killed for having a negative score Player 1 is now stuck in a loop of death penatly and getting Bannana Phone'd to death My wife just got this and was like "wtfbbq?"
  15. =Grip=

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    i've bounced from sgt to lt for the past 2 hours, each death i seem to lose about 10-15 points or sometimes more