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About =JoKeR=

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. =JoKeR=

    OFP Addon request thread

    A little late but thanks for the soundpacks Zuku
  2. =JoKeR=

    OFP Addon request thread

    Someone can please relocate the Rainbow and Cinemania sound packs for JAM3 magazines? I have lost them and cant relocate them anywhere Thanks
  3. =JoKeR=

    Can someone help me?

    Erm thanks Pulverizer,a simple question: To do that I have to modify the p3d file or the generic 3d model,or I can use the hiddenthings parameter to and put on some lines like simulation:abrams/tank hiddenthings:{is abrams}
  4. =JoKeR=

    Damage Model

    The easy way to fix this is a script or eventhandler like for tanks fired=blabla 5.56,7.62,12,7 ammunition then this set dammage 0 And try to do the same thing with bullet proof glasses on choppers and land vehicles,and their external or internal armor shields protecting their vital points such fuel tanks and avionic stuff. Then remove or fix the interpolation with the crew and their tank,or at least make things more real and remove the mini nuclear bomb effect that kills crew and people roaming around.They are easy to fix
  5. =JoKeR=

    Vehicle Replacement

    I'm doing the same thing.You have to open the main OFP config and find the model line of the Abrams and replace it using the one inside the main config of your addon of choice. If is a simple model without to many scripts like random textures it will work fine,but if you test it on a MP session the tanks will start to bounce like monkeys.It reminds me the old 1.30 bug,same thing but the bouncing was very moderated. If the addon required more scripts to work you simple have to use copy/pasta with eventhandlers,user actions etc Don't add modified anims because it will crash the server,but I'm not 100% sure about this,FFUR with his crappy load of stuff will always crash servers,but I wonder if the retracting gear script for russian choppers used by BAS and the rotating radar dish will cause any crash
  6. I'm modifing main OFP config and his official addons using some third party addons to raise the OFP look.It's like the FFUR mod but I'm rescripting most of the stuff to avoid crashes and using cool and accurate addons avoiding the others.It will work like a patch since I'm fixing some of the stuff that BiS didn't fix,but I have got a problem.On the main config I have replaced the model like: model=M1A1; to model=INQM1sep; And added some of their script on the config.But if I test the config online once the tank move it will start to bounce like a madball.Is a problem related to their cfg or a problem related to their model?The same problem anyway happens even if I replace tank models using RHS ones or SIGMA tanks
  7. =JoKeR=

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Armed Assault 2:If we see the "Bis" it's already too late we feels better
  8. =JoKeR=


    4 winders to take out a Shilka?Jeez Shilka doesn't have any kind or armor a single at4 or an oldest law will do the drill disabling the tank,you can even damage it using 7.62 bullets.Weird game
  9. =JoKeR=

    Lawsuit against cheating scum?

    The games on the list -Vietcong 1 & 2 Are dead meat by now,VC1 was plenty of cheaters,Kc dudes were free to in and play on servers with no complains by anyone -Armed Assault Sucks I'm not playing it anymore,is free to die with Gambit and his sequel -S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Do not want -Battlefield 2/2142 Is for kids,plenty of cheaters who cares -Call of Juarez I don't know the game Counter Strike: Source Same as BF/shitty EA saga -WarRock I don't know the game -Americas Army As said by a prisoner on Thief 1: -Rats alwyas rats Call of Duty Is plenty of cheaters,PB is not supported anymore,cheaters don't care about dead came and they follow you thrhough walls with no complaints -Soldner: Secret Wars Dead meat -Jedi Academy Stars Wars are pure shit like the movies -Grand Theft Auto (MTA) Impossible to fight cheats,plenty of kids,plenty of cheats,rats everywhere -FIFA 07 Calcio sux (.cit) -SOCOM 3 I don't know the game -Splinter Cell 3 Clancy's games et-similia are boring like his books Cheats everywere,fight cheats with cheats and go on
  10. =JoKeR=

    What in the hell were they thinking..

    Didn't they say that number keys and fuction keys were not longer reserved and you could customize them? In other games I use 1-3 to leand and QWER for basic controls.Is there any way to remove the reserved keys?
  11. =JoKeR=


    Is not a good solution.Did you ever played OFP with silly JAM magazines?How many times you have been sniped by a stupid bot armed with an SKS from 300 meters with a single shot and his weapon was loaded with HD mags? AI doesn't care about weapon dispersion,they can compensate it,you are forced to use the AIdispersioncoefX/Y value to avoid it
  12. =JoKeR=


    Here is the solution,or my solution Add AIdispersionCoefX/Y values on magazines Decrease AI sensitivityear Decrease visibilefiretime,audiblefire and visible fire values on magazines Set some kind of value like aimprecision to compensate them Remove airlock from the fucking mg tank turrets Set nightvision value to 0 so if they want to snipe you in the middle of the night they must use NVG's but maybe it doesn't work Unistall ArmA and wait for a better game,maybe Game2 or go crazy,go postal
  13. Trust me you can,at least in some Battlefield 1985 like maps. Do hit and runs,I have scored 40 kills including armor and air with 0(zero)deaths.And I was not against noobs,but against some kind of pro cheating players like Amalka,ed,Bill the Muffin and other morons that were only able to stick together against a full squad of noobs,ruining the gameplay with extensive camping and stupid rules
  14. =JoKeR=

    Default models too thin

    ArmA 3d models are a total crap,the only accurate ones,for what I saw are the evil guy vehicles,but are a perfect copy of Czech vehicles,like T-72 and Shilka.The rest are awful Harrier looks like an Harrier,but the nose,seat,canopy,weapon pylons and loadouts are a total crap Su-34 is totally wrong,long vertical stabs used on SU-35 instead of the short ones used on Su-27,tail cone/sting too long,pylons are not accurate for that kind of weapons and so on A-10 has a Maverick in a wrong spot,3d model is really poor,too fat for me and same statement above for weapon pylons and maybe for loadout too The Abrams looks like a pimped one,his profile is too low for me and is an strange hyibrid too Crapped Assault it isn't?