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About =Matt=

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  1. ATI 4670HD win xp sp2 4gb ram never overclocked it and the bug happens.
  2. =Matt=

    Latest screenshots available

    it looks like flashpoint, with some grass on ground added... i hope just one thing after seeing this screenshot... hand granades will bounce at least?
  3. =Matt=

    Do You want PunkBuster in Armed Assault?

    in my opinion, the choice has to be made looking to other online mp fps that are on the market... every damn game has a punkbuster support, or his own anticheating countermeasure... dont wanna lag when connecting? just join un-protected servers... and have fun... tell me how can manage a tournament, with prizes, when there can be half of teams using wallhacks, and aimbots and whatever they want... u cant even take demos in ofp (obviously, u can in all other fps that came out b4 ofp... but who cares? who ever saw another fps... whats quake? counter strike? its just 150k ppl playing it... not that much...) ppl make mods for every game, also with cheat support... and the difference... is just that everyplayer runs the same scripts and map... not the ones of his choice... u dont really need an evenbalance punkbuster... valve, for example got his own VAC... I always wondered, about how was possible to program a client sided fps... ofp was... and everycheat is possible... and more you lag, more ppl u hit in a "lag temporal space" totaly desynched from other players... thanks to this clientside decisions... arma will be diffrent in that? will my client send the ammount of damage that my cheated gun just did? or maybe just send vector and class of weapon? who will decide who got hit first between x (30ms latency) and y(450ms) the y client? or maybe server? if not, will be a great single player simulation... nothing more
  4. =Matt=

    Arma and Cheating

    hi i loved and enjoyed ofp since the first week it came out, until now. I made some missions, scripts, addons... and i saw on pubblic server, things that really made ofp unplayable. That has probably being said many times on this forum, i would like to discuss to the future of flashpoint, arma, and if it will have the same "naive" netcode that allows cheaters to do anything they want. A first point, the most important i think, is the packets that are being sent: if i modify on my client, the config of weapons, and set them to a kind of uberdamageguns, when i shot, my client, will send the damage!!!!! not just a vector and what gun i've fired... no the damage i dealt!! the same thing, decides if the player, i've shot, is dead or not... so if im laggin like 300ms of latency, and you 1ms, is not the server that will decide who shot first (like in all other games) the second point, are the mods, addons n stuff... at least, checking some crcs or kindof... would be not a bad idea... since ppl can modify whatever they want... at least when connecting a server... (the measures introduced in ofp, was something that cheaters laughted about) I like competitive playing, ladders, tourneys... thats impossible to play competitive without some "security" (modified textures, removed objects, and so on... ) Other games, like quake3... counter strike source... since the counter measures has been implemented, vac, punkbuster, cheating death... u dont find many cheaters, and they are fast spotted, and globally banned. Many times, i asked myself, if who implemented ofp, had already played an online game... (the vote system is ridicolous too, but its another discussion) if arma comes out, without serious cheating counter measures, and a "stronger" netcode, i will buy it anyways, and play with my friends...(ofp, is the most fantastic gaming experience i found, u did something great with this game... lets do next having learned from bad experiences...)but it will be a shame... that wont be possible to have serious ladders, and competitions, as other games have... tnx
  5. =Matt=

    What can we do with JIP?

    i just wanted to mention some options to balance teams, just like "join red; join blue; spectate" and... a callvote system plz, not anymore 20 peaple that must all write "#vote admin 25" but only one calls a vote, ex: \callvote referee xxyyzz and everybody can vote f1 yes or f2 no
  6. =Matt=

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    a demo recording tool would be another great tool to get cheaters, and a very important support to the community (to replay leagues match and so), like in quake, ut, or starcraft...
  7. =Matt=

    make your own OFP2 screenshot

    I pray everynight before goin to bed... that this wont happen anymore with the new engine...
  8. =Matt=

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    great pics every1 The Unknown Rebel, during Nogovian protests of 1989
  9. I have checked, terrain textures are set to 2048. Any other ideas? activated multitexturing ?
  10. TNX KEG!!!!!!!! u're the man thats awesome, i spent the night flying low altitude over tonali and nogova tga size is tgaheader + (x_size * y_size * 8bit * 4 channels) and its not compressed tiff is almost the same but it has some more shit embedded on it.. so should be bigger, but it can support some compressions
  11. =Matt=

    Special onlinegame desyncs

    do u have enough up/down stream to play in 2 pc? when i had adsl 256/60 i had serious desync problems with ofp, coz my uploadstream was too low... a slow pc could cause desync too...
  12. an integrated spectator script with menu would be nice... but animals are fun... bird is fun, but he should shit around, or bite at least(at least send to the net when u do "cip cip")
  13. =Matt=

    Who hear uses headphones?

    Good headphones, are the best choice for gaming
  14. =Matt=

    Mission record and playback

    another thing that could be very nice for ofp2, its a GTV support. Just like hl and quake have, its cool to spectate important matchs