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84 Charlie MoPic

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About 84 Charlie MoPic

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    Private First Class


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    Your Mother
  1. 84 Charlie MoPic

    Community Pessimism

    Bravo Uziyahu IDF, you hit the nail on the head.
  2. 84 Charlie MoPic

    Medvidek, why did you close the sound mod thread?

    Satchel, I hope that you aren't discouraged and will continue to work on the sound mod. You are probably aware of one of OFP's main editing sites, but just incase here is the link... http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/ I hope that go along and sign up to their forums as they have loads of dedicated and helpful users ( not that this forum doesn't ) The only reason I can think of why BIS closed the topic was because it had reached 10 pages in length. As you mentioned before - they haven't closed the topic regarding Jim's mod. I may be wrong, but if you consider that the majority of topics that last in excess of 9 or 10 pages, inevitably veer way off topic you can see why they closed it...
  3. Thanks for the effort Satchel and to all those who have contributed info / web space to the mod. It's great to play OFP with sounds that have some punch! I personally haven't got a clue as to what real guns / heavy weapons sound like so I'm hoping that those who have real-life experience can provide you with some constructive feedback By the way... What's this about a sound project web-site ? Is just you or a group that's involved with it?
  4. 84 Charlie MoPic

    I strongly doubt that there will be a v1.40

    I posted this response to another question on on OFP Network a while ago and I thinks it's pretty valid here... " I think the OFP game AND community is still pretty strong... DEAD RABBIT - The reason OFP Editing Centre nearly went offline, was because if anything, it was TOO popular. Their addon section just couldn't deal with the bandwith... For me, OFP rejuvenated my faith in gaming... Brief C.V. of gaming history ( all dates = ish ): Early 1980 - Dodgy, nasty piece of a game console made of day-glo orange plastic - best game - Pong 1984 - Vic 20 (Christ... ) 1986 - C64 ( My first introduction to Micropose - Gunship / Airborne Ranger / Red Storm Rising . Also Jet Set Willy & Last Ninja) 1992 - Amiga ( Interceptor / Tank Platoon... etc ) 1999 - Finally succumed to a PC and all of the joys of online gaming... Bought Half Life and completed it in single player. Downloaded CS mod and began to play... Nice, authentic weapon models i thought and then began... I had a person in my sights and suddenly he started jumping up and down like a demented rabbit, then a person started talking in that L337 speak and i immediately logged off and wiped the game from my hard drive. The same goes for Rogue Spear.. as soon as I see L337 speak i just can't be bothered. BIS have at last created a game ( I'm aware of Wargasm ) that raises the watermark, that has done away with confined, A -> B -> C linear maps. A game that requires thought and ( GASP ! ) patience... ( = maturity ? ) AND it also asks questions of our current hardware / internet capeabilities - which IS good. This is one of those rare games that you would think about buying a new system for. I was reading the 'really hot' system requirments for Falcon 4: 450 mhz, 128 Ram 3-D graphics card with 8 mb Your current system probably obliterates these requirments now ( if you have Falcon 4, dust it off, wack all of the details up to max - it looks, and handles a dream - what are your fps ?) BIS was a small company that developed OFP over 4 years during which thay had problems with publishers. Now they have seen their game suceed and now have the resources ( if they wish ) to cement OFP as a brand, which will eventually lead to improved features as technology itself improves ( despite the hinderence of the British Tele-communication companies ). Conclusion : For a game of this AMBITION you have take the rough with smooth. You may very well have to bide your time before you can fully appreciate the all of the details and intricacies of multi - player ( I include myself here ) But it WILL be worth it - The community ( see Satchels sound mod / OFP Vietnam, etc ) and more importantly - BIS, won't let their work just die into game folklore ( look how often they respond to questions in thier forums). The future is bright. The future is OFP... "
  5. * me adopts Homer Simpson's voice and glazed facial expression* "Mmm...Unofficial OFP sound modifcation" Great work Satchel !
  6. 84 Charlie MoPic

    Who wants a sequel?

    If your talking about adding: Improved Graphics , Large cities with well defined buildings and Deformable terrain - imagine the processing power needed. I recently read the following in the latest issue of PCGamer (UK)... ..."Next year, however, will see games based on the next generation Unreal engine - unofficialy known as the ' Unreal Warfare ' engine- and Id's new baby. Harking back to the company's legendary Doom licence, the Doom 3 engine will power both Quake IV and, suitably enough Doom3. Doom 3 will be characterised by "massive system requirments". John Carmack has speculated that a high spec GeForce 3 system should be able to produce about 30fps - almost unplayable by most current standards. But the pay-off will be photo-realism for characters, layer upon layer of bump mapping to bring textures to life, and the most incredible lighting and shading yet - all designed to create the most convincing, complete world possible, rather than one broken into ' effects ' " " I would love if BIS could incorporate all the ideas that OFP fans come with, but we have to strike a playable balance between availabe technology and the performance of the game. Would you rather wait for a quick sequel or wait another 4 - 6 years when the technology can take OFP's game engine + environment into a truly phenomenal experience... ( not that it doesn't come close to it, in it's current state )
  7. 84 Charlie MoPic

    BIS - Pleses implement a \'lean\' movement

    Thanks for the advice Lansen,  however I just noticed that if your in charge of a squad and order an A.I. soldier to go to a particular place on the map, then they will run or crawl ( But never purely slow walk/aim ) regardless of their combat mode. But I would still love to be able to order soldiers to a specfic place on the map and for them to reach their destination whilst aiming / wakling slowly forward. How atmospheric would it be lying on a hill, watching your A.I. slow walking - aiming advance upon on town and then sweeping through it in that style? Or even better - a forest ! Imagine that style of walking / aiming coupled with the 'search and destroy' waypoint in the editor so that the A.I. can slow walk / aim continually  from one waypoint to another. (Edited by 84 Charlie MoPic at 6:28 pm on Dec. 5, 2001)
  8. 84 Charlie MoPic

    BIS - Pleses implement a \'lean\' movement

    What I mean with the last part is that when you have the gun in your hands, you have 3 types of movement avialable to you: 1. Normal run 2. Sprint 3. Walk ( enabled by pressing F ) All of the above can be used when you have the gun in your hands. However, your team A.I. seems to walk at random.
  9. Bis- Could you please add a 'lean' movment? It's quite annoying having a firefight in a town and not being able to 'lean / peek' around a wall and let of a few rounds. Lets face it, cover and protection is a real luxury in OFP and having to expose the whole of your body in order to fire aound a wall just doesn't seem right. Also could you add a 'walk with gun' command in the orders menu? Whenever i'm in charge of team and begin walking with the gun in my hands, the rest of the squad runs normally. This would also be good in that you could order a few of your team to ' walk with the gun in their hands' when seeking out the last remaining enemy soldires in town / forest. So that instead of running as they normally do - they appear to be stalking - now that would be AWESOME ( i never thought I would ever use that word in a forum ) Please add the 'lean' command - it may prevent / reduce those irritating 500 yard headshots that the A.I. pull off. Thanks for a GREAT game and special thanks for continuing to frequent the forums and answering various questions...
  10. 84 Charlie MoPic

    What would you like OFP2 to be?

    I think the question should be 'when' would you like to see OFP2 released. BIS / the community modders could still support OFP with addon's, while taking advantage of the gradual increase in technology. Although the core gamecode would remain, the Hardware improvements would make it seem to appear smoother and crisper. Some of these idea's are great, but how much processor / graphic power would you need for DF type tall grass on the scale of OFP's maps. Personally i would rather wait around 4 / 5 years for OFP 2. Think about the computer hardware then + the improvements in the internet and speed of data transfer As for a wishlist of improvments to OFP2 : 1. Get rid of the airplanes - the size of maps can't do justice to them and it seems to be the source of most the headaches to the programmers when dealing with bugs - helicopters are the perfect flying option for OFP 2. Better SOUNDS (my only irritation with OFP) 3. No matter how hard BIS work at the AI, it will never match human ingenious or stupidity. As purely a single player i relish good AI but realise it's limitations and 'quirks' 4. Less clipping and sharper scenery - particularly for buildings and shrubbery 5. the biggie for me - why not take on the likes of Rogue Spear and incude the planning phase and an observer mode. I'd love to be able to plan a capture of a town using waypoint and 'go'commands' and then sitting back and watching the action unfold from various viewpoints - i suppose you could do this with the current editor but it would be 'cinematic' rather than dynamic. 6. A totally new gamecode to incorporate even more topography and other features already mentioned by other posters. 7. MUST KEEP THE SPIRIT / ATMOSPHERE OF OFP Anyway, like i said before, i would rather wait for the technology to reach the necessary level, before BIS embarks on OFP2. Then we will play an UBER realistic game. *Raise a glass and toast to BIS this Chistmas*