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Posts posted by 762WorldOrder

  1. X-box OFP:

    - Stuck at 640x480 resolution (good luck seeing those snipers more than 20 feet away)

    - Uses a gamepad/joystick (the most horrible part of all, I cannot possibly imagine trying to pick off distant targets with my M-16 or tank while trying to aim with a stupid joystick)

    - Borked command interface (go ahead, try to tell 1,2,3 and 4 to scan 9 o'clock while telling 5,6,7 and 8 to scan 3 o'clock, it will probably take fifteen minutes to do with a gamepad)

    - Non-existant chat / planning, which is crucial in a game like OFP

    - Very unlikely to see any real mods or expansions beyond what BIS or Codemasters decides to do (be honest, how many mod makers are going to develop a mod for the Xbox version when they can have much more freedom and a more appreciative response developing for the PC crowd? After all, the PC game has been out a year almost.)

    - If you want to play MP, you gotta pay for the game, then pay Microsoft to use their broadband service, then hope to Hell and God you can actually find more than five other people who can afford to play too

    In short, I think it's a rotten idea all around, but if it makes BIS lots of money and subsequently helps them get Resistance and Independence Lost out the door quicker and/or make them better, I'm all for it.


  2. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">As June is getting closer <span id='postcolor'>

    I'll bet a hundred bucks Resistance doesn't come out in June.

    Remember when Oxygen was supposed to be released in February? And aren't we still waiting for a program that will allow us to make our own islands?

  3. I use Win2k.  

    I don't use any special tricks, just a standard install patched to the latest version.  Like I said, it worked before, it's something in one of the latest patches that has caused this problem as far as I can tell, because I haven't changed anything else on my end.   confused.gif

  4. I've been playing with the Gimbal's Planes addon (adds cannon, bombs, and missles to Cessnas) and having a blast having huge dogfights with like 30 planes in the sky.  What's even cooler is that if you get hit and manage to bail, you can still stalk any enemy pilots you've shot down and kill them.

    Those Cessnas are pretty maneuverable with a joystick, I can pull loops and Immelmans and the whole nine yards.  It's amazing how much more realistic the flight model is with a joystick (hell, you can't even pull a loop with a mouse).  

    But can anyone tell me why the rudder works on the ground but not in the air?  I use my rotating stick on my Sidewinder to steer on the ground using the rudder, but once I get airborne rudder functionality disappears.  ?  confused.gif  ?

  5. I used to be able to host MP games no problem with v1.30 and v1.40, but ever since v1.42 my hosting abilities are hosed. When I click "New", it will create the game but once it gets to the screen where you're supposed to pick teams, I can't pick a team because my name isn't listed.

    Everyone else's name who joins the game shows up, just not mine (on my own computer, no less). If I'm the only one in the game, no names show up on the left side of the screen at all. This is on a regular hosted game, not a dedicated server. I think they broke something in the last couple of patches. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling to no avail.

    ? confused.gif ?

  6. What kind of "lag" are you talking about? Game latency in online MP games? Or suttering in framerate?

    I myself had a problem where the game would skip frames (slightly pause) every few seconds. I eventually figured out from someone here that it was because my joystick was configured in Windows but not plugged in. Apparently the game was pausing every few seconds that it was checking for a joystick. If that's your problem, try it.

  7. Hell yeah! Snowmobile wars!

    You have to get a machine gun on that snowmobile (or at least let the soldiers use their rifles while driving). That would be a kick-ass addition for the Winter Kolgujev map. Maybe some ATVs as well?

    Maybe someone will figure out how to make decent ramps with the editor.

    I hope this gets into OFP at some point.

  8. I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA in 1977.  I studied Psychology and Liberal Arts at Purdue University.  After finishing my degree I acquired A+ and MCSE certifications to find a career in computers.  I am currently a network administrator at a law firm in Indianapolis and make a decent living (especially for someone who didn't get a CS degree and still works with computers).  

    I don't like watching sports, but I like playing them, especially hockey and soccer (football).  American football, baseball, and basketball are OK, but boring compared to games that stress strategy over constant scoring.  I guess I'm more like Europeans in that way.  

    I also enjoy playing the guitar (just bought a new American Fender Strat last year), listening to all sorts of music (except country, rap and pop, basically anything that is soulless and has no balls).  I train in the martial art of Ju-Jitsu and am almost a brown belt (the belt below a black belt).  I am a video game addict that plays OFP way more than he should.  I like to smoke weed a lot, but I don't really care for drinking too much (though it's good to get hammered once in a while).  

    Above all else, I like my toys.  smile.gif

  9. True Satchel.

    However, as a fighter, I also know that men that come off with the "tough guy" attitude tend to lose it real quick when you tell them to throw down and they see that you have no fear of them and that you're serious.  

    They'll walk off, the whole time yelling insults or "You're lucky I don't kick your ass" or whatever, trying to save face.  Most guys don't know how to fight, but a lot of them are masters of macho posturing.   If they see their fear tactics don't work, they will back down, as any submissive male animal does.  

    And if he kicked me in the chest, I would have broken at least one of his arms.  Or at least choked him unconscious.  Before I knew how to fight, there were few feelings worse to me than backing down from someone because I was scared of them.  I hated that.  And it looks like that's exactly what he did here - he just let the guy kick him in the chest and he didn't do anything because he was scared and hesitant.  I know the feeling.  The likelyhood of that happening to me now is much lower.  

    Although I do agree, fighting skills are no substitute for good diplomacy and decision making, but it will never hurt to have them there if you ever need them.

  10. Get real, it's a bug.

    Regardless of "real life", the fact of the matter is that in the game, M-1A1 tanks take at least 3 or 4 tank shots to disable, much less kill. The fact that it has suddenly dwindled to 1 is not an adjustment, it is a bug. Otherwise, BIS has made the US's tank forces useless, as they can all be taken out in one shot.

  11. Why doesn't BIS just take a lot of models from the community and put the best ones in a free add-on patch? They can import them themselves so they don't have to release Oxygen to the cheaters, and they can provide a good package of models for people to use without getting everyone's installs mismatched.

    I hate trying to get in an online game and getting kicked because I don't have a certain model. If they would release an official patch, everyone would know to get it and we'd all have the models needed to play a variety of different themes and missions.

  12. OFP on Xbox would suck, if only because you have to use a joystick. Joysticks absolutely suck for FPS games, no matter what anyone says. Especially ones that require pin-point shooting like Flashpoint. It's not like you have a minigun you can just spray and pray with, like on virtually every console shooter.

    And autoaim would kind of defeat the purpose. No, I think OFP should stay on the PCs where it belongs, with the more mature crowd that comes with it (though that's not saying much sometimes).

  13. I'll answer when you learn how to use periods.

    That was one clusterfuck of a sentence you had there, and I cannot be bothered to spend my brainpower deciphering it. I can, however, be bothered with pointing it out to you. tounge.gif

  14. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You dont need that because OFP only use the mods that are used on the map your playing. I can have 500 mods and you only two. You can still join my game if I dont use the mods on my map.<span id='postcolor'>

    Yeah, as long as the two addons the second person has are the exact two addons needed to play that map. Otherwise, he has to guess which two of your 500 addons you're using in your map and try to find them.

  15. Without any decent way to aim the launcher, it's just "fire and pray".

    It's cool in MP games when you need to clear a town of enemies, but the opportunities to use it are few and far between, considering you can't carry any other weapons. That means that if such a situation arises and if there is an MM-1 in the weapon crate, you could potentially use it to your advantage, assuming you can survive huffing it on foot to wherever you need to go without being seen or shot, since you can't engage at long range with it.

    It's a cool gun, just not practical given that I can carry a LAW launcher with three rounds in addition to my M-16 with 3 magazines.

  16. Armourdave, it's disappointing to me to see a moderator partake in ad hominem attacks such as you are doing by calling him "scum".   As a moderator it is your job to make sure people aren't doing this kind of thing to each other in the forums, and it is certainly not your place to join in.  

    He is not a piece of shit just because you don't like what he's doing.  If you would listen for a second you might actually see that he has a point.  If his addon is 100% files that he created, he can sell it if he wishes.  It doesn't matter if you don't like that, that's the law.  If it contains any BIS-created files, that would be different (necessetating the use of BIS files for it to work correctly is not the same thing).  But as of now that is not clear, so please refrain from calling him names.  

    As for you Goetterfunke, I'm not really certain I would pay for an addon when there are already so many other high-quality ones out there for free.  There needs to be a demand, and the structure of the community dictates that your addon will have to be really damn good to convince people to buy it in light of the (free) competition.  And next time it may be a good idea to not advertise your pay-to-play addon on the official developer's site, given the track record of such addons in other games in the past.

  17. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">they're releasing patches almoust every moth. Why are you so unpatient. <span id='postcolor'>

    I'm not being "unpatient".

    I'm simply asking what's going on.  I'm not trying to rush them or ask them to deliver a patch right now, I'm just curious as to what's planned for the future, since they rarely update the news on the front page unless a patch is released (by which time I've already heard about it or it's redundant, since I'm already at the site).  

    You know, a lot of developers throw small posts up on their front page every few days to let the fans know what's in the works, or at least let them know they're not forgotten about.  That's all I'm asking; an update, so to speak.

  18. It's been a month since the last bit of news.

    Is there a newer patch in the works? Any new vehicles or weapons coming soon? I know Oxygen is supposed to be released at the end of this month, but are those plans still certain?

    I imagine with Independence Lost and VBS-1, BIS has their hands full. Just wanted to know if the site updates are going to be slow in coming from now on...
