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Posts posted by 762WorldOrder

  1. Rogue, why are you even here?

    I have a 1.2Ghz Athlon with a GeForce2, and the full version ran a lot better than the demo, regardless of what you say.

    If you don't like OFP anymore, kindly go the f**k away and leave us alone. It's not like people on here enjoy listening to you say, "X, Y, and Z are wrong with Operation Flashpoint, and I'm not going to play it again until they fix it, but I'll sit in the forums and constantly remind everyone that I don't like it." No one cares.

    I have rarely - if ever - been killed by the AI in OFP when I thought it was cheap or because of a bug. OFP certainly has its problems, but on the whole it has accomplished more than virtually any other game out there, including GR.

    I have no problems playing on public servers on Gamespy with 10, 12, or 16 players with my DSL connections. And that's even using Gamespy! On public servers! IMO, the vehicle code needs to be tweaked a bit so you don't fall out of choppers and aiming the gun in a moving vehicle is easier, but those are minor complaints. I've had OFP since the European release and have been playing both SP and MP all this time, and I don't have all the problems you whine about. Learn how to configure your servers if you're having problems. I have a LAN at my place and I play with my buddies all the time, no problems.

    Sure, I wouldn't mind seeing a revamped version of OFP optimized exclusively for online play (that I would pay for even), but you're blowing the problems out of proportion and dooming the whole game becuase MP isn't as robust as you'd like it to be.

  2. You need to post more specs. You're going to have vastly differnt performance on a 128MB RAM system dependingon if your processor is a 500MHz or 1.4Ghz, or if your video card is a Voodoo2 or a GeForce 3 Ti500.

    But at the bare minimum, anyone who's serious about gaming needs 256MB of RAM.

  3. Listen kids,

    A lot of people are saying BIS developers don't post here because of all the childishness in the English forums (which I agree with).

    But this is wrong. You need to take one more step back to put it in perspective.

    The reason there are so many childish/stupid people and posts is that no one really moderates this board. If the moderators made it clear from the start that ignorance and insults would not be tolerated, and deleted or locked the approriate threads, we would not be having this conversation right now.

    As it is, they basically propped up an English board because they knew that 90% of their customers aren't Czech, and basically just left it to drift afloat all by itself. So it is entirely predictable that the board deteriorated into such mindless garbage.

    Seeing as how the crap on this board is basically a direct result of the failure of BIS or Codemasters to moderate this place even in the slightest, I do not for a second accept the argument that they don't reply here because of the subject matter on this board. It's not an excuse. They created the situation.

    All this could be easily rectified by hiring one part-time moderator to filter out all the crap.

    I'm not saying BIS hasn't been great overall, but they don't have anyone to blame for the state of this board but themselves.

  4. Get the sound replacement pack for OFP (it's linked in this forum somewhere).

    You can really hear the bullets, and the sound of the bullets hitting wood makes a thup-thup sound that is both loud and dead accurate. Same with metal. Plus most of the weapons sound better.

  5. I frequently use jeeps and Humvees during multiplayer to get to different places.

    As a sniper, I use jeeps to get high up on hillsides or into forests quickly. Otherwise, I just use them to take the long, less-traveled route to the enemy's flag. They're quick on the grass (which tanks and armor are not, especially going uphill), and they can get me in and out quickly and quietly.

    They have their uses. You just need to know when to use them. Still wish the Humvees or BRDM had machine guns, though.

  6. "Somehow, the BMP knows the exact bush I'm hiding in, and irritatingly parks itself right next to said bush."

    This happens to me a lot. This also happened in the single night mission where you have to sneak into the town, plant charges on the fuel station, and blow the convoy coming through town. I forget the name.

    Even if you are hiding in a bush, the driver of the BMP (it has also happened with T-72s) will know where you are and park the vehicle right next to you. As soon as you try to get away it will just gun you down. I only got away a couple times by planting a satchel and running like #### before blowing the BMP sky high.

  7. OK cool, I have a spare Win98 box, so I'll try it on that.

    And I hope it's not that bad, although I'm sure with OFP around I won't want to waste valuable OFP time by playing RF2. smile.gif

  8. OK cool, I have a spare Win98 box, so I'll try it on that.

    And I hope it's not that bad, although I'm sure with OFP around I won't want to waste valuable OFP time by playing RF2. smile.gif

  9. Hmmm, I never really use the iron sights on the assault rifles, because the sights aren't accurate enough, and the vertical bar I'm supposed to use to target ends up just obstructing my view of the target, plus its accuracy isn't very good. I almost always use the regular crosshair view zoomed in, and I've never had a problem hitting people from hundreds of meters away.

    Sniper rifles and AT weapons are different, they actually have good sights that I do use. But as for assault rifles, their iron sights obstruct the view so much I don't even bother, and I don't seem to have any problem coming out on top in most of the online matches I play.

  10. Heh, I remember playing the original Return Fire on the 3DO system back in like '93 or '94. I thought it was a really cool game, especially for the time.

    I got an abandonware version of RF2, bit I think it's DOS only, and I haven't tried to run it yet...

  11. I have an ECS K7VZA motherboard with a VIA KT133A chipset, and it runs fine for me. I used to have problems that I blamed on the chipset for the longest time, then I found out it was bad RAM.

    Make sure you download the newest 4 in 1 drivers. I personally can't use the IDE part of the drivers, they cause my CD-ROM to stop working. Use only which ones work for you. DirectX 8.1, latest vid card drivers, etc.

    Also, make sure 4x AGP is selected in your BIOS.

  12. Saving Private Ryan is easily the best war movie ever.

    No other war movie makes you sit there going "Fuuuuuck" for two straight hours the first time you see it.

    I also like the fact that it didn't have the psycho-tangent weirdness of Scorsese or Kubrick, it was about normal men in a real war. That's what makes it great.

  13. You only break your legs if your chute deploys too low to the ground, which is understandable. Above a certain height, you will always land safely (assuming you don't get cut to ribbonson the way down by enemy fire).

  14. "


    Quote: from RedStorm on 3:38 am on Nov. 26, 2001

    You can steer it a little, by moving the mouse to the sides of the screen, you go turn around in that direction and keep going forward in that direction, but it's not easy.


    no you can't "

    Actually, you can steer to a very small degree. It's not much, but its there. Almost unnoticable.

  15. I was playing a respawning coop MP mission where we had to take an airbase. I was the only one really trying to weaken the enemy's defenses. I got shot down by two shilkas after taking an Apache in, so I decided on my next life to grab a LAW and a jeep and take out the AA before me and my team move in.

    Well, as it usually is on public servers, most people ignored me when I told them to hold off on flying until I could take out the AA. So I'm off the the side of the enemy base, scoping out targets, hitting Shilkas and BMPs with my LAW from cover. As I'm targetting a T-72, I hear a tremendous crash right behind me. I turn around and literally three feet behind me one of my teammates crashed his Su-25 into the ground. All I see is this big mass of metal and flaming wreckage.

    I didn't get a scratch.

  16. "I'll probably get a really bad reaction for saying this but it seems to me that the biggest culprits of this are American's (I can't be sure if they are Americans but it appears that way). "

    First, it's Americans, not American's. The apostrophe denotes possession, and is not the plural form.

    Second, if you can't be sure they are Americans, please don't make such a sweeping generalization. At least look at the profiles of the childish posters before unilaterally declaring them all Americans.

    If I were to say all the Norwegian people on this board are childish, I would get flamed and dismissed as "another ignorant, arrogant American". Don't do the same. Stupidity is universal, and has nothing to do with what country you're from, except that it may be a little colder or warmer wherever it is that you're stupid.

    Judging from a lot of the broken English I see on these boards, I would say that most of the chidlish posts are not from Americans, but from people for whom English is a second language (like that Japanese guy who gets all orgasmic about the Imperial Japanese Navy).

    Think before you speak.

  17. No problems with the AI here.

    In fact, since installing 1.30 I've noticed that once I go behind a bush out of sight, the enemy actually stops firing at me, which they did not do in earlier versions.

    I think learning how to use cover properly will do you more good than whining to BIS.
