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Posts posted by 762WorldOrder

  1. I sincerely doubt that the reason for your computer's sound being messed up is this sound addon.  That's not even really possible given the way Windows is structured.  

    What you should try first is removing and reinstalling your sound card.  If that doesn't work, get a different sound card from a friend and try it in your comp.  

    As unlikely a coincidence as it may be, there's a better chance that your sound card just happened to go screwy at the same time you installed this than that the sound pack screwed up the sound on your whole computer.  I don't even see how that would be possible.

    By the way Satchel, can I play online with this sound mod if others don't have it? I seem to remember problems with this in earlier versions.

  2. How are you so certain, Damage?

    As I recall, there are third-party utilities that could possibly allow you to record a demo of OFP. It's nothing that's part of the game itself, but it might be possible. Unfortunately I can't remember the names of those utilities now, but a Google search might turn up something.

  3. I miss PCXL soooooo much.

    They would have seen what genius Operation Flashpoint is.

    Whoever decided to keep PC Gamer and drop PCXL made one of the stupidest mistakes in print media history. PCXL was like the Maxim of video games. Now we're stuck with the Better Homes and Gardens of video game journalism, PC Gamer. Bleh.

  4. Screw scores, anyone who sits down and finishes both games, and then tries to extract any replay value out of them will see that OFP is far and away the better game. People love the pretty trees in GR, but I could give a fuck what the trees look like when I'm in the middle of a war. I'd much rather have an entire world to explore and complete freedom of movement than pretty trees, thanks.

    The difference between the two games is simple.

    Ghost Recon is a game.

    Operation Flashpoint is an experience.

  5. The "best" all-around weapon in the game is the Spetz Naz's Bizon. It is capable of fully automatic fire, holds 64 rounds per clip, and is silenced. No other gun can match it in all around performance, although the G36's scope is better for sighting.

  6. This video is fake.

    They made it up. This has been passed around the Ars Technica Forum already.

    Besides, the legal ramifications of destroying someone's computer are enough to dissuade a place like Lantrocity from doing something like that for real, unless they're complete fucking idiots.

    I hate cheaters as much as the next guy, but I'm not sure what point this video was trying to make aside from "this is what we'd like to see happen to cheaters". Or for them to do some tough-guy posturing. I imagine those Lantrocity "bouncers" are pretty tough... tounge.gif

  7. It's unfortunate that the forums are extremely slow and no one in charge seems to care about doing anything about it. I have to wait literally one or two minutes for each page to come up, if it comes up at all. Someone says they have new servers, but my connection to the site is just as slow as it was last week (from two different places). It's been this way for weeks, and all I hear from mods is that BIS are aware of the problem and are working on it. I see no work being done, nor have I seen any improvement in the speed of the forums in the last couple of weeks, especially since switching to the new format.

    I guess maybe one day they'll decide to do something about it. Until then, as much as I would like, I really don't have time to wait around for eternity just to look at the posts, much less respond to them. Hopefully they'll straighten this out one day (and lock every thread about the problems from now until then) and make the speed at least minimally acceptable for most of us.

    I hope whoever is in charge of this board is listening. I realize that you don't like lots of topics on this subject, but the fact of the matter is that the reason people are posting about it so much is because it's a very annoying problem we would all like to see vanish. All we get is promises and locked threads. I simply don't have time for it anymore. I guess I'll just stick with the Operation Flashpoint Editing Center.

    Later guys...

  8. I assume you can't play MP games with other people who don't have the soundpack? This is the main reason I uninstalled the soundpack before. I like it, but I don't want to put it in if I plan on playing online at all. But for campaigns and single missions it would be cool. Maybe you could try to do something to make it easy to switch between the two sound sets so we can switch back to the original sounds if we need to for compatibility purposes?

    And yeah, that new reticule kicks ass. I would certainly like to use it. Please include it in the sound pack as an option for those of us that want it. Could you possibly tell us how you did it? I'd like to take a crack at it.

  9. Well, OFP took four years because they had to build the engine from scratch.

    I would think that they could do OFP2 in under two years if they use the VBS engine (NOT the content, just the engine) for the sequel, since a lot of the work done on the original was just for the engine itself. If VBS can do all the things people say, it sounds perfect for OFP2.

  10. This board seems to take forever to load up each page. Posting anything on here is getting to be a real pain, and the connection is slow whether I connect from home or work. I can get around to all my other internet sites with no problems.

    Not only that, but the search function is useless. I tried to search for my posts and it listed probably every sixth post I've put on here in the last three months. What happened to all my other posts? Why doesn't the search function work correctly?

    The search function has always been useless as long as I've been here (well, no good for any searches over a week in the past), but the slowness of the board has only come about since the layout was changed. Anyone know what's going on?

  11. There is another company working with BIS on the VBS project, right?  

    What I'm curious to know is how much work they've done with the actual OFP engine (as in using higher-resolution textures, smoothing out the framerate, optimized net code or incorporating a more varied color palette).  If those changes are going to be incorporated into the game, I'll buy it whether it comes with new missions or not.  I'll just make my own.   biggrin.gif

    As it is, it appears that there are some new units (wooohooo) and some new play mechanics.  Regardless, I'll buy this just because I love OFP so much I would buy it if someone pissed in a jar and called it "Operation Flashpoint Juice".    tounge.gif   I just love this game and have no quealms about giving BIS all the money they need to keep this whole thing going.

  12. That second shot is just about perfect.  

    Add some subtle motion streaks and bring out the color a little more, and then repost it as a wallpaper in 1024x768!


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">tounge.gif That looks like fun, but what I would like is a single player racing mission from a starting point to the finish, where every car starts at the same time or in rally fashion against a clock...where a winner is declared after the race!!

    Has anyone made a mission like that, or could it be made?? <span id='postcolor'>

    I'm quite sure it could be made. While I don't know the specifics of how to write scripts or anything, I'm sure you could do it by giving the jeeps a waypoint to the finish at which they should head for at full speed. Put the ending trigger and then put all ending waypoints for all the jeeps/cars on that trigger. When the trigger is tripped, it should ask what specific unit (by name) crossed it, and use that result to put into a trigger that actives a camera of some sort and a scripted message on the screen using the unit's name ("You Win, unitname!" for example).

    Multiplayer would be a lot easier to do. In fact, there is a map somewhat like this called Hunters, where the West get in cars and jeeps at base and try to get across the island before the East players hunt them down in Hinds. It's a lot of fun from either perspective. I managed to outrun the Hinds and win the race as West, and smoke a few people with rockets all over the road as East. It's hilarious watching little guys in cars race down the road from up high, then watching your missle blow their car 30 feet into the air.

  13. Well, the whole idea behind Truform technology is to take existing models and apply a mathematical formula to each triangle. It is supposed to increase the polygon count by a factor of 10 without putting additional load on the processor or RAM. That's the theory, anyway.

    It makes me wonder, a tenfold increase in polygons is a hell of a lot. You would think developers would be jumping all over this technology, but the fact that they really aren't makes me wonder if this is some kind of technological dead end. That, and ATI's stubborn refusal to put out decent drivers in a timely manner. I actually considered buying an 8500 until I read all about ATI's awful driver support from several users. So for now I'm sticking with nVidia, who have no problems getting new drivers out the door every month or two.

  14. The potential for this is awesome. Now we can make virtually anything we want.

    However, I'm not entirely optimistic. With model editing tools comes the ability for people to cheat by creating models that stick up 200 feet in the air that can be seen from anywhere in MP. As soon as the modelling tools are released, we'll start to see the cheaters come trickling in. Depending on the overall popularity of the game, eventually that trickle will become a flood. While I don't think that it will be as big of a problem for OFP as it was for CS (because it takes more skill and patience to figure out OFP, hence it has an older and more mature audience on average), I think we will run into it.

    Anyone know what BIS plans to do about cheating?

  15. Does BIS have any plans to make Operation Flashpoint 2?

    I can imagine with the success of Operation Flashpoint that BIS now has a stable foothold in the PC market. OFP has found quite a dedicated fan base, and I can only imagine how great OFP2 will be if the original was BIS's first commercial release.

    So has anyone heard from BIS regarding plans for a sequel? I know they're busy with the whole VBS project, but would it be possible to build the framework of a new Operation Flashpoint game from this government project?

    By the way, I think if a sequel is released, it should not be called "Operation Flashpoint 2", as Operation Flashpoint was the 1985 conflict in the first game. I think they should keep the "Operation:" part of the name, though, for all future releases in this franchise. Like the next game could be called Operation Warhammer or Operation Ground Zero or something along those lines.

  16. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What are you talking about, you could alway fly well. Only people who dont know how to work a mouse well have troubles with planes. <span id='postcolor'>

    Right, how stupid of me, thanks for clearing that up.  For a while there I could have sworn that planes had the tendency to lose altitude drastically if not at full throttle, with a mouse or a joystick.  Guess then ten years I've been playing FPS games and flight sims must have been wasted, because I obviously don't know how to use a mouse.    

    Really, I could care less about landing on mountains and little strips of land and shit.  I want to be able to use the planes for what they're in the game for, which is to attack air and ground targets without crashing, which was unrealistically difficult in the previous versions because of the aforementioned flight model.  

    I'm happy these things are fixed, now maybe we can have some real A-10 tankbusting missions.

  17. "But you're right, the original debate was about taking out the pilot. Point taken. Lets just say, it can't be done? I think most agreed the game mechanics made the Hind cockpit 100% bulletproof. "

    I've shot down a Hind with an M21.  You have to hit almost straight on, right through the pilot's windshield.  I didn't think it could be done either, but someone around here told me they'd done it, and I tried and succeeded at doing it in a MP game.  You best bet is still to fire a LAW at the tail rotor, though.

    And why the hell don't the quotes work? Is it too hard for message board designers to conform to the standard

    [/Quote] tags? I click the quote button and all I get is on
    bracket at the start, and it doesn't work. mad.gif

  18. In helicopters, the AI has problems crashing into other choppers.

    The fact that the enemy instantly knows when you're in a vehicle or mounted gun is cheap, and lessens the fun. It would be much more cool if you could steal an enemy tank from one base and head off to another base to try to try to sneak in. Once inside, you could tear it to pieces.

    AI grenades never miss. And I don't mean they always just kill you, I mean they always land right at your feet no matter how far away you are.

    I wish the AI was smart enough to walk or stand exactly where you place waypoints in the mission eidtor, not just the general area (they miss a lot of triggers this way, its frustrating).

    All in all however, the AI does a great job for what it does. I don't usually feel cheated (unless it's one of the sitiuations above) when I die. If you keep your head down and look before you move, you can do well.

  19. I was just playing with the mission editor, putting together an air-to-air duel of with a squadron of Su-25's and a squadron of A-10's. I used to setviewdistance command to 3000 so I could see a lot farther (only use if you have the horsepower). I was amazed at how well the air-to-air duels work this way.

    Did anyone else notice that the jets actually fly well now? They don't bleed off altitude nearly as badly as they used to, and it's actually rather easy to keep them aloft and be effective during strafing runs. Is this something that was just fixed in the latest patch?

  20. "usa - afganistan...al-queda is still around, it will always be, thousands of afgan civilians are dead, nothing really changed..usa is still as threatened as it was before the war"

    Al-Queda is not around in the capacity they used to be. Sure, they're still around, but their organization is in complete disarray, their main leaders dead, caught, or so busy trying to hide they don't have time to come up with new terrorist plans. And besides that, if you're a young, impressionable Arab and you know that being in Al-Queda makes you an international target, are you going to be as likely to join up? I'm sure Al-Queda's recruitment has suffered as well.

    "you could pick up any major conflict in the world and see that reacting to terrorism with extreme force (army) is a dead-end."

    Funny, you must not be watching the same newscasts and reading the same newspapers I am. The Taliban no longer exist, and anyone in Al-Queda is either dead, captured or running into other countries. Army or police force, it doesn't matter. Terrorism will always be around because you simply cannot root out every person willing to kill innocents to achieve their ends. It doesn't matter what kind of badge you slap on your police/military force, at the end of the day, SOMEONE (army, police, whatever) has to go in and get them. But you shouldn't say its a "dead end" simply because it doesn't neutralize the problem 100%. There is no 100% effective solution, be it diplomatic, militaristic, or otherwise.
