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About 4C3

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  1. waypoints.... heck just make a trigger for each unit in the group.. say you have 12 units in your group.. you will need 12 triggers... telling each individual unit to eject... Make sure you space them out.. or the units will eject at the same time and cause accidents!!
  2. I dont think that many people have voted much.... so I just thought I would add a reply to help this get back tot he topic list on page 1... that way others can vote who haven't and are too lazy to goto the next pages... :o
  3. I forgot to mention on the Paratrooper thing..... </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> { side="WEST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={1652.574463,24.974998,5286.586426}; azimut=85.000000; age="ACTUAL"; id=26; side="WEST"; vehicle="Ch47D"; leader=1; rank="COLONEL"; skill=1.000000; text="Carrior"; markers[]={}; }; }; class Waypoints { items=4; class Item0 { position[]={1654.353394,24.974998,5287.230957}; placement=50.000000; type="LOAD"; speed="FULL"; combat="AWARE"; synchronizations[]={0,1,10,11}; class Effects { }; showWP="NEVER"; }; class Item1 { position[]={3328.640625,105.665520,6862.221191}; speed="FULL"; combat="AWARE"; expActiv="Carrior flyInHeight 500"; synchronizations[]={4,7}; class Effects { cameraEffect="AroundSlow"; cameraPosition="LEFT TOP"; }; showWP="NEVER"; }; class Item2 { position[]={4301.487793,173.701981,9539.600586}; speed="LIMITED"; synchronizations[]={}; class Effects { }; showWP="NEVER"; }; class Item3 { position[]={3624.461670,141.218521,9627.332031}; placement=500.000000; type="GUARD"; combatMode="RED"; speed="FULL"; combat="COMBAT"; synchronizations[]={}; class Effects { }; showWP="NEVER"; }; }; <span id='postcolor'> If you noticed on one of the moves I had to make the chopper rise up high in air... if you dont do this your guys will die as soon as they paratroop from the chopper... Just in case you cant find it by looking, heres the line... </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Carrior flyInHeight 500 <span id='postcolor'> Carrior being the chopper text name...
  4. Your quite welcome... you should search my forum for more info on chopper drop-offs and such... just search for 4C3!
  5. I almost forgot.... To drop them off use Transport unload... and dont sync it with anything... and make sure you make a move somewhere close to where the chopper does a transport unload... and give the transport unload and the move/seek and destroy a delay.... so basically this is what you would do for a chopper... UH60-MG for example... </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> UH60-MG { position[]={23.999405,0.179207,12099.034180}; azimut=150.000000; special="FLY"; age="ACTUAL"; id=11; side="WEST"; vehicle="UH60MG"; player="PLAY G"; leader=1; rank="COLONEL"; skill=1.000000; text="MG01"; markers[]={}; }; and make the waypoints this... MOVE MOVE MOVE (Delay about 5 to 10 seconds) example: timeoutMin=10.000000; timeoutMid=10.000000; timeoutMax=10.000000; LOAD (Delay about 15 to 30 seconds) MOVE (Delay about 5 seconds) MOVE MOVE MOVE (Delay about 5 seconds) TRANSPORT UNLOAD (Delay about 15 to 30 seconds) MOVE (Delay about 5 seconds) MOVE MOVE CYCLE (cycle if you want to go back to where they started... or have them start on the ground first and not air... It all depends on how you want to do this.) <span id='postcolor'> Then have the 12 unit group do this for that chopper: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> 12 UNIT GROUP MOVE (delay 5 to 10 seconds) GET IN (delay about 5 to 15 seconds, syncing it to choppers LOAD may help if it dont work without it synced) MOVE/SEEK AND DESTROY (delay about 45 seconds or so, and then proceed to what ever else the mission consists of.) <span id='postcolor'> Hopefully what I explained here helps....
  6. Sounds like What I been doing... I did a great Job on a 48 Player drop off... I had 2 choppers chinooks <-- how ever its spelled... anyways I had them all parachuteing into enemy territory.. and it worked fine with less scripting as possible... only sripting I used was a trigger for each unit... I gave every unit in each group there own tag names... and once the chopper flew over the trigger there would be a script that told 1 unit at a time to eject. It was something like.... </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">u1 action ["eject", vehicle ch1]<span id='postcolor'> u1 was the unit and ch1 the chopper name.... also I am doing a 4 chopper drop-off that actually lands and drops off the units... It works as well... Basically all you need to do is give waypoints of "GET IN" for the units, and "LOAD" for the chopper, you can sync the "LOAD" with "GET IN" if you like... or give them a delay and just sync the "GET IN" with the choppers "MOVE" after it loads.... that helps too... also giving the WP's a delay helps as well... Its up to you how you should do it. JAP knows about the chopper thing too, and he will tell you the same as I will tell you now.... search the forums here for chopper handling, transporting, and ect.
  7. Sorry not 20 seconds... 20 mins IN order to do a delay you will have to put in its exact seconds, so you would have it 1200 seconds min max and mid!
  8. Well I dont think you will be able to do that... not without some very complex scripting... its best to just make a HOLD base for 20 seconds type thing... the best way to do this is just make a HOLD waypoint where needed, and then make a trigger and have it have a 20 second delay before Activateing... and have it triggered by WEST or EAST and Detected by west or east.... and have it on End#1 to end the game imeditally with a score report! I hope my info Helps some!
  9. adding the weapon first makes a bunch of reloading noise from units... you have to have a magazine first so the weapon wont realod thats in there hand....
  10. Im sure there is a way to do something like that with complicated scripting.. and creat unit commands and such, but I can tell you this... if you edit the "description.ext" and on the line that says, </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">respawn="GROUP";<span id='postcolor'> Change it to, </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">respawn=4;<span id='postcolor'> that way when a single unit dies they come back.. same with a player unit, any unit in the game thats playable will respawn... if the unit is not playable, it will die and never get played unitll the next game played!
  11. It kind of looks like the Man is staked onto the tree... :o or is it my imagination Proceeding me? lol
  12. Thanks Man! I'll have to try it... but it would be so much cooler if they landed on the Bases H I created where you start at! and Yes they are between Obstacles the buildings so to say on the Base...
  13. Cool, sounds kind of like how I edit, I tend to make my missions as I go, and use commands in game like, "removeallweapons this; this addweapon "Binocluar"; ect.", and other simple Script commands like that, nothing major...
  14. I like to do Both.. and not as much scripting as possible, Â this is just a curous Poll. I think it would be interesting to see what people think and how they edit!
  15. Civillains are good for number of reasons!! I like them for the fact that West East or Resistance wont shoot at them... so if you had a Mission where you had a support group and made them Civilains... they would not get shot at, and would support your men!!