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About 4WDTaco

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. 4WDTaco

    Cheers bis    i still luv ya..

    Thankyou BIS/Codemasters/etc... Awsome game, I'm still new so I just ignore all the mod hype since I'm still trying to complete the campaign. Whenever I do finish with a good score/rank then I'll look into mods,etc... but the way I play each mission(over and over) it'll probably be a while... Thanx again!
  2. 4WDTaco

    Do you smoke pot?

    I used to smoke pot daily... down here where I live(south TX) a pound goes for $90 and that could last weeks... anyways, I smoked pot daily and did other drugs as well all through high school, I'm 22 now and haven't touched the DRUG since my freshman yr in college... you guys talking about cig's and weed and smoke not bad for your body are all wrong... smoke is bad for your lungs, think about it man... I mean, atleast cig's have filters and weed,joints,marijuana, maryjane,grass, whatever you wanna call it doesn't use filters, it goes straight it... and to prove my point all you people you have smoked pot or are still smoking pot, have you ever smoke a bong? Okay, now have you ever smoke outta the same bong for like days? If so, you notice how what once was a clear glass tube is now brown and the inside of the tube is caked in sticky residue.... Hmmm, imaging a 1inch diameter tube being filled with sticky residue, now imagine your little lung veins/vessels/air tubes or whatever and imagine that residue caking your lungs.... Hmmm, not a pretty picture right? I used to be all pro-pot but man, after looking at my used pipes and bongs and thinking about my insides and quit on the spot... I wanna breath okay till I'm 90 and not have any problems with my memory etc.... hell, I can't even remember half of high school... so next time you all smoke a joint and "inhale" that "healthy" smoke.... just imagine how your lungs are slowy getting caked with that sticky residue and slowly, the smaller air veins/vessels will shut, and your lungs will work harder to inhale/exhale.... Hmmmm? even cigs turn their filters yellow right? yup laters....
  3. ``This technology is not going to be put back in the bottle,'' he said. ``They can slow down progress, but they cannot stop it.'' -Les Vadasz, Intel's executive vice president ...his statement is about "the entertainment industry's inflexible stance on digital copy protection..." but don't you think that his statement should be a WARCRY for all you modders on the recent news? NewsGeek the actual page
  4. 4WDTaco

    This reminds me of...

    my fav band Pearl Jam. Pearl Jam came out in 91 and with the Jeremy video and touring became the hottest band around (at that time) than VS (their 2nd album) came out and it sold like 900,000 copies in 5 days which was unheard of back before the boy bands came around... Heres where I'm scared... well Pearl Jam didn't like the way TicketMaster was charging their fans too much for tickets so they decided to tour and their own terms in doing so, had to cancel a lot of concerts and eventually cancelled the tour altogether... fans just started dropping like flies, and that's where I'm getting at. I love this game, it's awsome, etc... and you guys are bad-ass in this forum, but from the looks of it, a lot of you guys/gals might be dropping like flys as well and jumping unto the other game forums shortly. I hope not, I don't mod so it doesn't really bug me... what does bug me are cheap mods, that might be funny if anything, but cheap. I love great mods, I mean the ones that just make you look at the game in a whole new way. So I really hope you guys stick around and play/follow OFP till the end... ...almost 11 yrs now and I'll still skip work to see Pearl Jam play live.
  5. 4WDTaco

    why did you use your username

    Um, I just recently purchased a truck... yup, you guessed it, a Toyota Tacoma 4WD. It's my first truck so I'm all excited and the first time I came in here I couldn't think of any other screen name. Well it's not mine until another 4 yrs 'cause I'm making payments but, nah, it's mine. I just don't know if I shouldn't waited till after I graduated college 'cause the payments kinda hurt. Anyways, that's the story behind my name. Laters.
  6. 4WDTaco

    ...reinstalling ofp

    Okay, I recently did a clean install of my OS and am starting from scratch, installing drivers, etc... I'm now ready to install my fav game again, I saved my .pbo files or whatever they're called but are they're any precautions I should know about, will the fade occur? I just bought the game about a month ago while the latest patch was coming out and I installed them one right after the other so I I'm not too scared about the "patch" syndrome... ...wish me luck and I'll see you all in multiplayer.
  7. 4WDTaco

    Performance issues

    ...lol, I'm playing OFP with a PII 350mhz powerhouse.
  8. 4WDTaco

    green sky

    ...disable "W-buffer" in video options. That should do the trick.
  9. 4WDTaco

    Vietnam Mod

    ...wow, I'm glad I bought this game, coming from the Rainbow6/RogueSpear scene I sneared when I heard of MODS for OFP but you guys are some talented fools, Cougar, your pics are bad-ass(awsome) and it's cool how you're looking for all the real info out there, good luck to all the modders. Cougar(1) if you can, throw in some rope/wood river bridges and trip-wire. Â ** high fives **
  10. 4WDTaco

    MOD Alarm

    ...coming from a RainbowSix, Rogue Spear vet I know where he's coming from. I'm barely getting into the mission editing part of OFP but when it comes to mods, I'm picky. If they're fun and eye candy, I'll get them. But man, if you come from the Redstorm scene you know about deleting this mod since this new mod combines this and that and oh yeah, this other mod can't work with that mod so you have to take this mod and reinstall the first mod, etc... ...good luck modders.
  11. 4WDTaco

    Green sky

    <- Radeon 64 DDR VIVO (retail) @ 225/225Mhz ...I also encountered the same "green effect" and I just disabled "W-buffer" and it went away, I've got Win98SE and I'm using the latest "unofficial" ones from ATI, I also had that "green effect" with the latest "official" ones from ATI. ...if you have any more ATI vid card related issues you should try the link at the bottom   ...and go to the forums or try some of the drivers/tweakers, in some threads you can find some good posts on Operation Flashpoint as well. ...laters. Rage3d
  12. ...how do I join multiplayer? Might be a dumb question I know but everytime I click on "multiplayer" it just goes to an empty screen. Thanx in advance.
  13. 4WDTaco

    ATI Raedon 7200

    I own an ATI RADEON 64MB DDR VIVO SE (2nd Ed.) and I love it. It's awsome for gaming and also it has Video In and Video Out for some video editing or watching TV, outputing to TV, etc... When it comes to clock/memory speed the Nvidia cards are faster but ATI's hardware GPU is more focused on reaslism, textures, lighting, etc... plus, they're lighter on the wallet.
  14. 4WDTaco

    Offical Crappy Computer

    hey man, I've got the crappiest 'puter, read the specs. 350Mhz PII 384MB SDRam 64MB DDRam ATI Radeon VIVO SE 10GB HD If it wasn't for my RADEON I don't think my 'puter would make it today.
  15. 4WDTaco

    PC Gamer game of the year: Ghost Recon

    What the? How can they choose Ghost Recon as Game of the Year?... I mean, didn't it come out like in October/November? So after 3 months of playing the game they decide that it's the game of the yr? Hmmmm, well damn, I'll wait to see what all other bad-ass games have and don't have and work on my development a little further and put it out on late December just to be Game of the Year. I mean, there were alot of games in 2001 that are good if not great games that were made with technology in 2001 not at the end of it. Hmmmm... anyways, I like Computer Gaming World better, I used to read PC Gamer but all the guys/gals sound like spoiled snobs there and if they can't save a million times and cheat on games then they won't like it. Laters.