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About 302_Dragon

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  1. 302_Dragon

    Bas pavehawks

    Yes BAS dropped the USMC Choppers due to their huge work load, but don't be to sad about it. the USMC Mod team is working hard to fill the gap.
  2. 302_Dragon

    Wanted : ofp t-shirt

    Shameless Plug
  3. 302_Dragon

    Ssg_sole fn f-2000 & sd

    No. Â It's been tried before and never worked. Actually it is possible (sorry to steal your thunder). I don't know how to do it myself, but I am beta testing an addon that uses such a script for it's light.
  4. 302_Dragon

    Ssg_sole fn f-2000 & sd

    No. Â It's been tried before and never worked. Actually it is possible (sorry to steal your thunder). I don't know how to do it myself, but I am beta testing an addon that uses such a script for it's light.
  5. 302_Dragon

    Corporate aircraft/small jets

    yes it is english but some airlines use a mixer of english and the native language of their home country. Like Air Japan (Air Nippon) it's not in congie but it is spelled they way japanese people pronouce it.
  6. 302_Dragon

    Northrop f-5e, beta 1

    Amen! All I do is fly in OFP...mostly helicopters, but with jets, I like the feeling of hauling ass over the enemy and dropping some cluster bombs or napam and heading back to base. When ever I get a chance in a game to fly helo's or planes I choose that over the ground warfare...I am a big supporter of good close airsupport and I couldn't half as good as I do with out my thrustmaster joystick. Makes it real easy to fly at 20 feet off the deck going 140 knots in a blackhawk for a troop insertion....... Wow went all Marine Corps on this post...sorry guys...love my job WAY to much..
  7. 302_Dragon

    Northrop f-5e, beta 1

    The paint scheme in the picture is aggressor. That is the same paint scheme the USMC uses on their F-5's in Yuma AZ for their Weapons and Tactics Instruction School for our USMC Aircraft. They have a squadron of 12 f-5's out there...really sweet jet.
  8. 302_Dragon

    Folding rotors on helicopters?

    Coalescent sell their models to government gencies. As agencies consist of people, they too have access to the freely available stuff on the internet. Coalescent is probably unhappy about the idea of agencies not buying their model packs, but downloading want they need from the internet. Actually there is no freely available stuff on the net...VBS1 doesn't have a playerbase like OFP does. With OFP you have millions of players who are always looking for ways to improve the game and with VBS it's just those government agencies. Thats why the VBS1 system might not last long within the USMC simulator line up. It's just like any game...if you don't have good support it will never go anywhere....take WWII Online for example...great game but poor support so it did not grow like it should have.
  9. 302_Dragon

    Folding rotors on helicopters?

    Not to mention the AV-8B Harrier *sigh* I hate to burst your bubble bro but the VBS1 AV-8B sucks... Col. Klinks Harrier is 100% better. I've flown both and the sea Harrier by far beats the VBS1 Harrier hands down. No they are not compatible...I wish they were then it would be much easier to make missions for VBS1. VBS1 lacks a lot of weapons, vehicles, ect. to make it as realistic as possible for training purposes. My friend is the VBS1 director here on Marine Corps Base Hawaii and he is constantly asking me if I know how to adapt OFP files to VBS1, but I don't so it kinda sucks for me...If anyone out there does know then please let me know so I can help him out.
  10. 302_Dragon

    Folding rotors on helicopters?

    Well I know it can be done because the VBS1 CH53 has folding main rotor blades, but they use a static version only. Haven't seen a flyable helicopter that uses the folding main rotor blades.
  11. 302_Dragon

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Haven't posted in awhile so I decided to  drop off a few photos  http://www.dragon-horde.com/images/screenshots/pic003.jpg Oncew I come back from my two month deployment I'll have more Â
  12. 302_Dragon

    Modern usmc marpat

    As far as I know the USMC is adopting the Urban Cammies. I saw some Recon Marines a few days ago wearing the MARPAT Urban Cammies during a training ex at our gas chamber here on base
  13. 302_Dragon

    Usmc mod update

    Actually Major fubar there are plans for a campaign but also plans for an online mulitplayer campaign...I can't go into much more detail then this but I'm am confident the Hardcore OFP players will like it. It will hopefully bring out a more realistic form of gameplay to the OFP community. Right now I am getting ready to recruit mission designers to help create this massive project. If anyone is interested then please email me at webmaster@dragon-horde.com or if you have MSN, IM me at dragon_302nd@hotmail.com (do not email me there I don't answer those emails.
  14. 302_Dragon

    Usmc mod update

    Ok there really is no major difference except what type model that is made...the version the TOW made is the same model that the USMC Mod is makeing, just NZXShadows is adding armor plating and I believe that he will be able to do a more detailed job with it's design. This is why I didn't pull the project when the TOW came out with their's. TOW did an excellent job, but I think we can make ours better ( no offence if I'm bias LOL) Also here are some pics of the real deal. AAVP7A1 "Personnel Carrier" (What we are making) AAVR7A1 "Recovery Vehicle" AAVC7A1 "Command Vehicle" As you can see there are three models of the AAV. The USMC Mod is making the Personnel Carrier Model.
  15. 302_Dragon

    Usmc mod update

    Yes we are cooperating with Suchey and Earl. His Marines, when finished will be apart of the USMC Mod. Suchey was kind enough to let us use them once they are finished.