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Everything posted by 34cool

  1. 34cool

    Corupt cd

    well its been awhile since i've played this game, but i went to reinstall it and bring back some memories. when i tried i get an error when i get to the file E:\Flashpoint\Dta\HWTL\data.pbo. i'm assumeing that the CD is bad because i cant copy it off the CD to the hard disk manually either. is there anything i can do other then go buy another copy? thanks for any help.
  2. 34cool

    Corupt cd

    allright, i'll do that, thank you.
  3. 34cool

    My higgens is out!

    that looks preaty good, i haven't DL'd it yet but i will, i am playing around with beach landings alot latly (i don't knnow i just like them) and it'll be fun to have a new toy
  4. ok, i'm doing a beach landing and i want there to be smoke either a) dropped by helo that flys by (do they do that ? i thot it'd look cool but it's probliy not accurate oh well i'd still like to try it) or b) just have a couple of the squad members throw it. how would i go about doing this ? if there is a script i can download that would be nice because i can't write them. oh and i would also like a good tutoriol for making intros. i know what i want to do (like camera angles and music and stuff) but i have no clue how to do it. anyways thks for any help P.S. i have tried running searches b4 asking any Q's but i can't get any thing to come up. i even searched for the KW falshpoint and it didn't find any matches, so srry if this has already been discussed
  5. 34cool

    Can't update

    ok well i downloaded the pathes 1.59 and 1.60 i dbl click them and it goes thro it's thing and says it's installed but my game is still version 1.46 so what give ? any ideas or help will be appreciated
  6. 34cool

    Smoke scripts

    how exactly would i give him a red smoke shell ?? (srry i'm new at this). thks
  7. 34cool

    Can i copy and paste ?

    acctualy....... can you imagine how P***** i would be if ctrl + z did work, lol i'm gald it didn't
  8. ok, what i want is an oblect list like i ahd when i made maps for DF: LW. it had the name of the object and a picture, it used IE to view. anyways is there anything like that for flashpoint ? oh yeah and can someone tell me where i can find a soviet flag ? thks
  9. 34cool

    Objects list

    geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez lots of flags, and all i needed was a soviet.... dang you now i'll have to try them all, lol
  10. ok well i'm building a base for a mission (just trying to get used to the editor) and i'm making a wall around it, but it is a pain to get evrything lined up by draging so i was wondering if there was a way to use X and Y cord. to place objects. or is there another way to build a wall ? and some more Q's... i didn't feel like adding a new topic so...... 1) can i make a AI get in the M2 machine gun ? 2) do i ahve to use a script to make the "mine" object detonate ? 3)well i'm sure i'll be back for 3 in a few min. thanks 4 any help
  11. 34cool


    ok so i've seen spy post 2 about ver 1.59 so where can i get it ? did i miss a release or something ? or is it a beta of resistince or what ? thanks
  12. 34cool

    Can i copy and paste ?

    oh hey i can, srr y i was being stupid and trying to use ctrl + z instead of ctrl + v like i said, i'm stupid.
  13. 34cool


    srry, didn't know what it was so didn't think to look in MP
  14. 34cool


    ok so i've seen spy post 2 about ver 1.59 so where can i get it ? did i miss a release or something ? or is it a beta of resistince or what ? thanks
  15. 34cool

    Plese help me

    i used the transport unload and it worked, kinda, worked well enough for my troops to get out, but the insertion takes forever, they'd be all torn apart if it took that long IRL, now i'm not sure how to control the squads once they are on the ground, i'll do more reading tomarrow. anyways, thks for your help.
  16. ok, basicly, i'm playing around wiht the eidtor and can't figr this out, i ahve 3 PBRs coming in for a beach assullt, how do i tell the units to get out of the boat when the rech the waypoint at the beach ? i need a simple way to do this, preferibliy without scripting untill i get a better grasp on the mission editor. thks
  17. 34cool

    Plese help me

    yea, i looked there and i plan to do much more reading there in the future, but i couldn't find it, so i thot id ask here
  18. 34cool

    Backup copy

    ok, basicly this is a preaty simple Q, i like to make a backup copy of my CD's whenever i can so that if something happens i don't lose the game (it doesn't take many broken CD's to make you relize that this is a good idea). so my first Q is "is it legal to make a backup copy of the discs ?" i know you are allowed to make one copy with many games. secondly, "how do you do it ?", thks alot to whoever helps me.
  19. 34cool

    Cd key

    ok well i just bought gold editon and it asks me for the CD key but i can't find it anywhere, where is it ?
  20. 34cool

    Cd key

    holy crap man, i posted that like 60 secs ago, lol, thks a ton
  21. 34cool

    Where to buy ?

    lol ralph, i'll watch my six, you point ok ? and i do have a cbl conn.
  22. 34cool

    Where to buy ?

    well ?? where sohuld i buy the gold edition ? who has the best price ? can i download it somewhere ? do they do that with games ? like let you pay and then DL and then you could burn it to a disk ? well let me know, thks
  23. 34cool

    Where to buy ?

    lol, woo-hoo huskers. i'm going to go to best buy today and pick it up, unless i find out it's more then 30$ there, then i'll goto k-mart, anyways i'll soon be ready to kill you all.
  24. 34cool

    Where to buy ?

    i'm in lincoln, we got a best buy. but i was wondering if there were maybe cheaper places online, but it likes like it's about 30.00 everywhere