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Posts posted by 2ndBattalionBard

  1. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


    _car = _this select 0

    _bus = _this select 1

    _speedms = (speed _car) / 3.6


    _posc = getPos _car

    _posb = getPos _bus

    _dir = ((_posb select 0)-(_posc select 0)) atan2 ((_posb select 1)-(_posc select 1))

    _car setDir _dir

    _car setVelocity [sin(_dir)*_speedms,cos(_dir)*_speedms, -1]


    ?(_car distance _bus > 1): goto "check"


    Should I just copy and paste that into teh same mission folder?

  2. Ok, well if this helps, the scene goes like this:

    The car is going down the street very fast and hits a bus that pulls out in front of it (this part is done from the driver's prespective, so I control this crash). The the camera goes to the other side of the bus (the left side, the car hits the right side) and shows the resulting destruction from that angle while the pursuing cars swerve around the wreck.

  3. The trigger is now working, but there seems to be something wrong with the trigger. Though the car is hitting the bus without stopping, it still sinks into the ground when the trigger activates, so it just sort of slides under the bus and explodes, which isn't the effect I want. I find it odd that something so simple is so difficult to do...

  4. smile_o.gif Why are you writing it down?

    Just copy and paste from this page

    into a new text document.Calling it

    "crash.sqs".Then stuff it in yer mission


    Just so you know,you can copy and

    paste in the mission editor too.

    Just highlight what you want,hit CTRL+C,

    then paste it where you need it using CTRL+V.

    Saves you a lot of typing in triggers and init fields.

    Thank you verrrry much, I'm so used to the two-click copy and paste...

    EDIT: Ok, I put the whole thing in, but when I finish it says "Unknown Operator"... what am I doing wrong now?

  5. Didnt test it but it should work, execute it when you are sure the car is, at least, heading to the bus, even being far away.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


    _car = _this select 0

    _bus = _this select 1

    _speedms = (speed _car) / 3.6


    _posc = getPos _car

    _posb = getPos _bus

    _dir = ((_posb select 0)-(_posc select 0)) atan2 ((_posb select 1)-(_posc select 1))

    _car setDir _dir

    _car setVelocity [sin(_dir)*_speedms,cos(_dir)*_speedms, -1]


    ?(_car distance _bus > 1): goto "check"

    Sooo... is this a trigger or.... what should I put this into?

  6. Rounding the corner at 80 miles per hour, the sports car barrels down the city street narrowly missing bystandards and traffic. Suddenly, a loaded bus pulls out in front of him and WHAM! Smoke and debris flying in every direction, the car flipping end over end, the bus rolls over....

    This is the kind of scene I was hoping to make, and its what I get when I'm the driver. However, when I leave it up to a computer driver in order to operate a camera (I just set a waypoint through the bus and set speed for full, which I know isn't enough) he successfully bypasses the bus, or at least slows down enough to keep anything from happening outside of a few blown tires. How can I make the driver take his own personal safety out of the equation so he'll fly into the bus and make the awsome crash sequence I'm looking for?

  7. Get troutal from this ArmA Movie Makers

    Its so Easy:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    1- Add A soldier, and then add this script "this exec "camera.sqs".

    2- Click Preview.

    3- you will see some thing like a cross, that mean you are in a camera.

    4- you can move a camera use this Keys: 4,6,8,2,q,z,backespace.

    5- use Ctrl to Capture the script .

    6- Wanna remove the Cross to get good screen shot, Press


    hope that will help, Thanks  smile_o.gif .

    Does this also apply to OFP?

  8. This section isn't for 3rd party addons troubles BTW.

    If you're having problems with DXDLL, download ChernMOD (Chernobyl Mod) and it installs DXDLL for you, then you can just delete ChernMOD folder and shortcut wink_o.gif

    Thanks, could you link it? I'm having trouble finding it with Google...

  9. I've completly downloaded dxdll and extracted all the files to my OFP directory, but every time I try to play OFP (FFUR 2007) with dxdll a box appears that says "Cannot find dxdll/config.cfg" or something along those lines, and I know I have this file loaded into the directory. What should I do?

  10. I noticed that when I am controlling a position in a vehicle, other AI controlled positions don't always work. For instance, I was using the Bradly as the driver. However, I couldn't find any way to get my gunner to fire his weapon. When I switched to the gunner's position, he wouldn't drive. Even when I give the whole group orders to attack a specific target or move to a location, all fully AI controlled vehicles respond except him. What orders should I give to fix this?

  11. I'm trying to figure out how to create more realistic behaivor with vehicles... I'm trying to create some missions built around road-side ambushes, but I can't figure out how to make occupants leave the vehicles and return fire when the shooting starts. They just keep on relentlessly pushing towards the end of the waypoint until their vehicle is disabled. What can I change to fix this?
