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2Lt High-16AAB-

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Everything posted by 2Lt High-16AAB-

  1. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Easier ADMIN selection?

  2. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Super Admin in server.cfg?

    Logged in Admins from their own server cannot be overrun from the public. However if a public is on as admin , he can be overturned his admin rights through the majotity of public if another person recieves more votes as admin. Hope that helps ya oot laddie...........
  3. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  4. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  5. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  6. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Easier ADMIN selection?

    It would be nice if BIS Mods could give us an answer!!!!!!!
  7. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  8. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Easier ADMIN selection?

    I asked about a RAT oh god now........   months ago, here is the link:- Server Admin/Wolfrat needed As for  banning ppl there is this link:- ArmA GBL
  9. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  10. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Attack & Defend (team vs team, not coop)

    Well this so far looks as if it's going in the right direction, Tom knows us as a squad and what we done in the past as a regiment. keep up this good work guys & hopefully you will be able to achieve what we are looking for.
  11. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  12. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    server admin duscussion

    Wolfrat would be a nice idea but sadly Bohemia have not supported RAT within the game module, so, that means no wolfrat!!!! allthough this would have been an excellent piece of kit for on desktop server admin work, without having to enter a game. Sorry for Hi-jacking this topic, just replying to the rest. Er d3dsh33p I sometimes have a similarity on your problem but only when I am logged in as admin, dunno why it happens but I do have to reboot 97% of the time when it does happen.
  13. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    server admin duscussion

    Is this a Hi-jacked topic??
  14. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  15. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    British Desert & Woodlands Landies

    Looking Great Boss!! I spose our guys cant wait to get all of the UK stuff. Keep up the good work lads.
  16. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  17. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  18. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  19. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  20. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Possible Solutions for Preventing TKers.

    Can a Mod place this topic in the original one please, no need to have another thread on this Public Ban List
  21. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    Public Ban List

  22. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    So many idiots, so little time

    Yeah that would be the best idea. We should work out the plan of the nitty gritty stuff, then maybe ponder on some kind of treaty i.e Do's & dont's & for your eyes only stuff. Just a rough idea at the mo. Well guys I gotta bid you all a good night as I have work in 5 hrs. Lets hope we can reach something positive out of this for all of us.
  23. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    So many idiots, so little time

    Well I would say if it is possible to get all the ppl involved using dedicated servers, then we may, just may get the ball rolling.
  24. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    So many idiots, so little time

    Yes well there is a good example of the kinda ppl we want to keep from our servers. Â Sadly he's not man enough to give us his ID. ***What goes around comes around***
  25. 2Lt High-16AAB-

    So many idiots, so little time

    I think his ID will become a priority  But thanks for your interest guys, it is for all our sakes.  Yep I agree there with ya Ice, the list should only be allowed for the Regiments/clans/squads (for their eyes only) Maybe we can get some kind of treaty where all the clans agree to sign up on, this way it keeps our game safe from the riff raff