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Everything posted by 11bhooah

  1. 11bhooah

    Laser beams??

    So I finally got the game running pretty good. I played a mission in the campaign with no problems. Then I moved on to the mission where you have to blow the bridge. And an old isssue popped back up. When I fire my weapon, or when weapons are firing at me, they look like damn laser beams. They are pretty big, and if I'm in an optical view makes the target, or view completely non-visible. If I'm out of an optical view, either in frist or third person the tracers look like they are firing about 2 feet above my head. Also when I move the reticle around a small box will flash where the reticle is supposed to be. It also comes up when I move the cursor over different tabs. Sometimes there will even be weird text that pops up briefly then dissappears when navigating the menu options. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.... Specs HP Pavillion dv8000t Pentium T2600 dual core processor @ 2.16ghz 2 gigs ram Nvidia GeForce go 7400, 512mb updated forceware version 84.54 Conexant high definition audio, driver updated to Windows XP Home edition, completely updated German ArmA version updated to 1.01, with english patch DirectX 9.0c
  2. 11bhooah


    Awesome job on the IED's. I was always wondering when someone would get around to making them. Just a second thought, and I'm not sure if it's possible. AI suicide bombers, for example. People you could select and add to your squad, have the BLUFOR see them as civilians, when they get within a kill distance of a BLUFOR, or BLUFOR vehicle they would detonate. Or even if need be, like haji uses over here back up detonators. Someone watching the bomber, and detonating the bomb themselves once the bomber is close. If either way worked, you could have these units in your insurgent squad and just send them off towards the BLUFOR. Also once the bomb has gone off, would it be possible to place scattered body aparts in the blast area? Â Walking up on some of these seens here, is like walking into a slaughter house. Just adds to the realism. Also for VBIED's, the vehicles usually ride slightly lower in the front, or rear depending on where the bomb is. That would be a nicely added touch. It might also give the player a chance to spot a vehicle out. Instead of getting blown up everytime. Since that would be un realistic, they dont always get us... Just some thoughts. Can't wait to see this stuff in game. Keep up the good work...
  3. 11bhooah

    Laser beams??

    I downloaded it from Metaboli, the updated version. So it was already patched. Should I try the re-install, run the patch on top of that and exclude the english patch? Or would that just be redundant? Thanks for your help...
  4. 11bhooah

    Laser beams??

    This is what I got in Doom 3 a couple of years ago when I tried to overclock my geforce 6600 too much. It could be related to overheating. How would I be able to increase my output from my fan, or reduce the tempature of my cpu, or gpu? Thanks again, for all the help....
  5. 11bhooah

    Laser beams??

    Here is another shot of my map screen. Any ideas on this?? Thanks in advance...
  6. 11bhooah

    Laser beams??

    I was finally able to take a ss of the problem. Notice the text at the top. However getting a ss of the box around the reticle is more of an issue. It just happens too fast, and I have to push two buttons to take a ss. I'll post more as I get them. Thanks again.
  7. 11bhooah


    This seems like the right spot to post this question, sorry if it's not. I've read a lot of posts, about simliar issues I've had. Some have come and gone, I even received a blue screen of death while playing the campaign. The main issue seems to be the LOD's. I'm looking for some recommended settings where I can run a balanced game. I'm currenty playing with the german version updated to 1.01, with the english patch. My specs are as follows: Intel CPU T2600 dual core @ 2.16ghz 994Mhz 2 gig ram Nvidia GeForce Go 7400 512MB
  8. 11bhooah


    Thanks for the help. I had already downloaded the updates from the hp site. I just didn't find anywhere on there, where it listed the chipset drivers. I'm downloading it now. I'm sure this will help as well. Thanks again...
  9. 11bhooah

    Laser beams??

    Â Â I was unable to take a screen shot. When I alt tabbed out of the game to make sure it took. I was unable to open it. Since I'm using the -maxmem=1024 in my shortcut, it said I didn't have enough memory to open the program. When I closed ArmA, the screen shot was completely distorted. Â Â Â To be more specific about the boxes around the reticle. If you drew a complete box, just big enough to fit around the reticle when not moving that is the size of it. What flashes on the screen looks exactly like tv fuzz. Same crap you get when theres no station on the tv. When navigating through the menu random text will pop behind the menu selections. From what I can see it's just letters, and maybe numbers saying or spelling nothing. The menu text is still visible, its just as though it's appearing behind it. Making the menu text transparent. Sorry about the screen shots, but I hope this helps. As I said in the first post, everything else seems fine now, just this one last problem. It only occurs after playing the game for about 10 to 15 minutes. Alt tabbing out does seem to help. Thanks again for all your help.
  10. 11bhooah


    HP Pavillion dv8000t
  11. 11bhooah

    Laser beams??

    I'll try to get some up tonight.
  12. 11bhooah


    Well I got the game running much better, with a few tweaks. Except for the tracer problem. As well as finally getting some needed updates, that took forever to download. I would still like to know how I can locate my chipset, and update my chipset drivers if needed. Thanks in advance...
  13. 11bhooah


    I'm currently deployed so I'm using my laptop, and don't know that information. How would I look it up? Thanks in advance...
  14. 11bhooah

    In dire need of help!

    Before anyone jumps in, yes I searched the forum. Yes I found a lot of helpful informaiton. The problem is nothing seemed to work. I'm currently running OFP GOTY, updated to 1.96c. I am running two mod folders in conjuction with FFUR 2006. Â Â I have had no issues until recently. I created about 15 missions in Nogova, while working on the 16th I started experincing problems. The mission is extremely small compared to others. Small meaning few units, few waypoints, small distance, and few triggers. When I call the saveGame trigger to update my position it takes forever, then crashes to desktop. With the all out of reserved memory error. Somtimes it will save, and when I attempt to load the saved game it will crash. Resulting in the same error. Â Â Here is what I have done. I removed a bunch of useless addons. I changed my texture setting to very low. I removed the nomap phrase in my shortcut. I put the nomap phrase back in the shortcut. I removed units, and waypoints from the mission. I removed the previously created 15 mission folders from my user/me/missions folder. Â Â I am completely at a loss. I have never experienced any memory issues, or any issues for that matter. In playing this game for the last 5 to 6 years. Here are my specs: HP Pavillion lap top Pentium 2.16ghz dual core processor 994 mhz 2 gig ram Nvidia GeForce GO 7400, it said 256mb, but reads 512 in the settings menu. So not exactly sure Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack 2 Any help would be much appreciated. I'm currently on deployment, and OFP is the one source of entertainment I don't get bored with. Thanks in advance for your help...
  15. 11bhooah

    Stinger Missles?

    Is there any completed shoulder fired stinger(aa) missles, that lock on to aircraft? Thanks in advance...
  16. 11bhooah

    Stinger Missles?

    Well thanks, its a pic of me...
  17. 11bhooah

    Stinger Missles?

    Thanks, I'll give that a shot too. Thanks again for all the help...
  18. 11bhooah

    Stinger Missles?

    airlock=true worked, that was on Safety's Marines. In the config under class cfgammo. Thanks for everyones help...
  19. 11bhooah

    Stinger Missles?

    Thanks, I'm playing with that now. I noticed an airlock=false option. So I changed it to true. I'm re-packing the .pbo now so hopefully that works. If not I'll give that irlock option a shot.
  20. 11bhooah

    Stinger Missles?

    Thanks I'll give them a shot. I knew various packs had the javelin. However I thought that most of the javelins were unable to lock on to air targets. I'll track it down though. Thanks again for your help...
  21. 11bhooah

    Stinger Missles?

    This is freaking highly entertaining. I should really post more topics about stingers. Universal all I can say is I dont care how you respond to my posts or what you say. However as an Infantryman in the US army, who is currently deployed. Posing as someone in any branch of service, is disgraceful to yourself, and to your country. I'm sure you are an elite arm chair warrior. But leave it at that until your balls drop. Because the game we play over here, has no saves and no restarts. Thats all I have to say on this matter... Now back to more on topic. Does anyone know what USMC units had the javelin that was able to air lock targets? I was pretty sure it was an indpendent update to Earl and Suchey's Marines. Second, does anyone know the class name for the stinger, and stinger ammo is so I can just add it to an ammo box? Or where to locate this information? Thanks in advance...
  22. 11bhooah

    Stinger Missles?

    Wait, that person claims to be an Officer in the military? What branch are you in? Whats your MOS? What is your O grade?
  23. 11bhooah

    Stinger Missles?

    Wow so much discussion over a smiple question. I really don't care what he has to say. Everyones a smart ass when it's on a forum...
  24. 11bhooah

    Stinger Missles?

    I didn't think the BIS one's were able to lock on to airtargets. I guess I'll give it another shot. Thanks.
  25. 11bhooah

    Tonal Redux

    How many files are in the .rar? Reason I ask, is I'm currently deployed in Afghanistan and everytime I try to download this file the server resets or disconnects. I've tried different servers. It's just due to my internet, and dl speed being so slow. Maybe 15 kbps max. So I was curious if someone could post all the files seperately so I could down load them. If not I understad, thanks for the help.